Istri Wakil Presiden Amerika Serikat
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Lynne Cheney, istri (the "Second Lady") Amerika Serikat saat ini
[sunting] Istri Wakil Presiden (Second Ladies)
Daftar istri Wakil Presiden (Second Ladies)
- Abigail Smith Adams, istri John Adams (1789-1797)
- Kosong: Thomas Jefferson (1797-1801) was a widower
- Kosong: Aaron Burr (1801-1805) was a widower
- Kosong: George Clinton (1805-1813) was a widower
- Anna Thompson Gerry, istri Elbridge Gerry (1813-1814)
- Hannah Minthorne Tompkins, istri Daniel D. Tompkins (1817-1825)
- Floride Bonneau Colhoun Calhoun, istri John C. Calhoun (1825-1832)
- Kosong: Martin Van Buren (1833-1837) was a widower (his daughter-in-law Angelica Van Buren would serve as his First Lady)
- Kosong: Richard Mentor Johnson (1837-1841) was unmarried, yet some considered Julia Chinn to be his common law wife whom he had two children with.
- Letitia Christian Tyler, istri John Tyler (1841-1841)
- Sophia Nicklin Dallas, istri George M. Dallas (1845-1849)
- Abigail Powers Fillmore, istri Millard Fillmore
- Kosong: William R. King (1853) was unmarried
- Mary Cyrene Burch Breckinridge, istri John C. Breckinridge
- Ellen Vesta Emery Hamlin, istri Hannibal Hamlin
- Eliza McCardle Johnson, istri Andrew Johnson
- Ellen Maria Wade Colfax, istri Schuyler Colfax
- Malvina Howe Wilson, istri Henry Wilson
- Mary King Wheeler, istri William A. Wheeler
- Kosong: Chester A. Arthur (1881) was a widower
- Eliza Margan Hendricks, istri Thomas A. Hendricks
- Anna Livingston Reade Street Morton, istri Levi P. Morton
- Green Stevenson, istri Adlai E. Stevenson
- Jennie Tuttle Hobart, istri Garret Hobart
- Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt, istri Theodore Roosevelt
- Cornelia Cole Fairbanks, istri Charles W. Fairbanks
- Carrie Babcock Sherman, istri James S. Sherman
- Lois Irene Kimsey Marshall, istri Thomas R. Marshall
- Grace Goodhue Coolidge, istri Calvin Coolidge
- Caro Dana Blymyer Dawes, istri Charles G. Dawes
- Kosong: Charles Curtis (1929-1933) was a widower
- Mariette Rheiner Garner, istri John Nance Garner
- Ilo Browne Wallace, istri Henry A. Wallace
- Elizabeth Virginia Wallace Truman, istri Harry S. Truman
- Elizabeth Jane Rucker Hadley Barkley, istri Alben Barkley
- Thelma Catherine Ryan Nixon, istri [[Richard Nixon]
- Claudia Alta Taylor Johnson, istri Lyndon Johnson
- Muriel Faye Buck Humphrey, istri Hubert Humphrey
- Elinor Isabel Judefind Agnew, istri [[Spiro Agnew]
- Elizabeth Ann Bloomer Warren Ford, istri Gerald Ford
- Margaretta Large Fitler Murphy Rockefeller, istri Nelson Rockefeller
- Joan Adams Mondale, istri Walter Mondale
- Barbara Pierce Bush, istri George H.W. Bush
- Marilyn Tucker Quayle, istri James Danforth Quayle
- Mary Elizabeth Aitcheson Gore, istri Al Gore
- Lynne Ann Vincent Cheney, istri Dick Cheney
[sunting] Pranala luar
- Lynne Cheney. URL diakses pada 7 Oktober 2005. - The Official White House site for the Second Lady
- Wives of Vice Presidents. Vice URL diakses pada 7 Oktober 2005. - List of the wives of Vice Presidents
- Ask Yahoo! - What is the formal title for the wife of the vice president?.