Regioni degli Stati Uniti
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
[modifica] Regioni interstatali
[modifica] Alabama
- Greater Birmingham
- Black Belt (Alabama)
- Alabama centrale
- Lower Alabama
- Mobile Bay
- Alabama settentrionale
- Alabama nordorientale
- Alabama meridionale
[modifica] Alaska
- Arctic Alaska
- Alaskan Bush
- Alaska Interior
- Alaska North Slope
- Alaska Panhandle
- Aleutian Islands
- Kenai Peninsula
- Seward Peninsula
- South Central Alaska
- Southeast Alaska
- Southwest Alaska
- Tanana Valley
[modifica] Arizona
- Arizona Strip
- Grand Canyon
- North Central Arizona
- Northeast Arizona
- Northern Arizona
- Phoenix metropolitan area
- Southern Arizona
[modifica] Arkansas
- Arklatex
- Ozarks
- Ouachita Mountains
- Mississippi Alluvial Plain
- Western Arkansas
- West Gulf Coastal Plain
- Crowley's Ridge
- Arkansas River Valley
- Little Rock Metropolitan Area
[modifica] California
- North Coast
- Sierra Nevada
- Owens Valley
- Central Valley
- Sacramento Valley
- Yuba-Sutter Area
- Sutter Buttes
- Yuba-Sutter Area
- San Joaquin Valley
- Sacramento Valley
- Central Coast
- Big Sur
- Salinas Valley
- Northern California
- San Francisco Bay Area
- Silicon Valley
- The Peninsula
- Santa Clara Valley
- North Bay
- East Bay
- Tri-Valley Area
- Redwood Empire
- Gold Country
- Wine Country
- Napa Valley
- Russian River Valley
- Sonoma Valley
- Shasta Cascade
- Yosemite
- San Francisco Bay Area
- SanSan
- Southern California
- Tech Coast
- Greater Los Angeles Area
- Beach Cities
- Conejo Valley
- Crescenta Valley
- East Los Angeles
- Gateway Cities
- Harbor Area
- Palos Verdes Peninsula
- Santa Clarita Valley
- San Gabriel Valley
- San Fernando Valley
- South Bay
- South Los Angeles
- West Los Angeles
- Inland Empire
- Cucamonga Valley
- Pomona Valley
- Victor Valley
- Imperial Valley
- Coachella Valley (Palm Springs area)
- Deserto del Mojave
- Antelope Valley
- mountains
- Orange County Area
- San Diego Area
- North County
- Channel Islands
[modifica] Carolina del Nord
- Mountains
- Land of the Sky
- Great Smoky Mountains
- Blue Ridge Mountains
- Foothills
- Land of the Sky
- Piedmont
- Piedmont Crescent
- Metrolina (Metro Charlotte)
- Piedmont Triad
- Research Triangle (The Triangle)
- Coast
- Crystal Coast
- Inner Banks
- Sandhills
- Outer Banks
[modifica] Carolina del Sud
- Central Savannah River Area (CSRA)
- Grand Strand
- Historic Charleston
- Greater Charleston
- Lake Murray Country
- The Lowcountry
- Metrolina
- Midlands
- Old 96 District
- Olde English District
- Pee Dee
- Santee Cooper Country
- South Carolina Coast
- Thoroughbred Country
- The UpCountry
[modifica] Colorado
- Central Colorado
- The Eastern Plains
- Colorado Mineral Belt
- The Front Range
- Denver-Aurora Metropolitan Area
- The High Rockies
- San Luis Valley
- The Western Slope
- Northwestern Colorado
- South-Central Colorado
- Southwestern Colorado
[modifica] Connecticut
- Coastal Connecticut
- Connecticut Panhandle
- Inland Connecticut
- New York Metropolitan Area/Gold Coast
- Litchfield Hills
- Naugatuck River Valley
- Greater New Haven
- Greater Hartford
- Lower Connecticut River Valley
- Quiet Corner
- Southeastern Connecticut
- Southwestern Connecticut
[modifica] Dakota del Nord
- Badlands
- Missouri Escarpment
- Missouri River Corridor
- Red River Valley
[modifica] Dakota del Sud
- The Badlands
- Black Hills
- Coteau des Prairies
[modifica] Delaware
- Delaware Coast
- Delaware Valley
- Cape Region
[modifica] Florida
- Big Bend
- Central Florida
- Orlando Area
- First Coast
- Florida Keys
- Florida Panhandle
- Emerald Coast
- Gold Coast
- Nature Coast
- North Central Florida
- South Florida
- Southwest Florida
- Space Coast
- Sun Coast
- Tampa Bay Area
- Treasure Coast
[modifica] Georgia
- Central Savannah River Area
- Colonial Coast
- Georgia Mountains Region
- The Golden Isles of Georgia
- Historic South
- Inland Empire
- Metro Atlanta
- Southern Rivers
[modifica] Hawaii
- Hawai‘i / Big Island
- Puna District
- Kaho‘olawe
- Kaua‘i
- Lāna‘i
- Maui
- Moloka‘i
- Ni‘ihau
- Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
- O‘ahu
[modifica] Idaho
- Idaho Panhandle
- Magic Valley
- Southern Idaho
- Central Idaho
- North Idaho
- Eastern Idaho
- Magic Valley
[modifica] Illinois
- Chicagoland
- Champaign-Urbana Metropolitan Area
- Central Illinois
- Little Egypt
- Fox Valley
- Metro-East
- American Bottom
- The Tract
- Northwestern Illinois
- Southern Illinois
- Western Illinois
[modifica] Indiana
- East Central Indiana
- Michiana
- Nine-County Region
- Northern Indiana
- Northwest Indiana
- Southern Indiana
- Wabash Valley
[modifica] Iowa
- Iowa Great Lakes
- Loess Hills
- Quad Cities
- East-Central Iowa
- Eastern Iowa
- Great River Road
- Western Iowa
[modifica] Kansas
- Cherokee Strip
- East-Central Kansas
- Santa Fe Trail
- Southeast Kansas
[modifica] Kentucky
- The Bluegrass
- Central Kentucky
- Cumberland Plateau
- Eastern Mountain Coal Fields
- Northern Kentucky
- Pennyroyal Plateau
- The Purchase
- Western Coal Fields
[modifica] Louisiana
- Acadiana
- Cajun Heartland
- River Parishes
- Central Louisiana (Cen-La)
- Florida Parishes
- Greater New Orleans
- North Louisiana
- Ark-La-Tex
- Ark-La-Miss
[modifica] Maine
- Acadia
- Down East
- Maine Highlands
- Maine North Woods
- Maine Southern Coast
- Mid Coast
- Penobscot Bay
- Western Maine Mountains / Maine Lake Country
[modifica] Maryland
- Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area
- Chesapeake Bay
- Maryland Eastern Shore
- Southern Maryland
- Western Maryland
- Capital Region
[modifica] Massachusetts
- The Berkshires
- Cape Ann
- Cape Cod
- Central Massachusetts
- Greater Boston
- The Islands (includes Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket)
- Merrimack Valley
- MetroWest
- North Shore
- Pioneer Valley
- South Coast
- South Shore
- Western Massachusetts
[modifica] Michigan
- Lower Peninsula
- Metro Detroit
- Northern Michigan
- Central Michigan
- Southern Michigan
- Western Michigan
- The Thumb
- Upper Peninsula
- Copper Country
- Keweenaw Peninsula
[modifica] Minnesota
- Arrowhead Region
- Boundary Waters
- Buffalo Ridge
- Central Minnesota
- Coulee Region
- Iron Range
- Minnesota River Valley
- North Shore
- Northwest Angle
- Outstate
- Pipestone Region
- Red River Valley
- Southeast Minnesota
- Twin Cities Metro
[modifica] Mississippi
- Golden Triangle
- Gulf Coast
- Natchez District
- Mississippi Delta
- Pine Belt
[modifica] Missouri
- Little Dixie
- Missouri Bootheel
- Natchez Trace
- Northern Plains
- Ozarks
[modifica] Montana
- Bighorn Country
- Eastern Montana
- The Flathead
- Glacier National Park
- South Central Montana
- Southwestern Montana
- Western Montana
[modifica] Nebraska
- Nebraska Panhandle
- Northwest Nebraska
- Pine Ridge
- Rainwater Basin
- Sandhills
- Southeast Nebraska
- Wildcat Hills
[modifica] Nevada
- Lake Tahoe
- Las Vegas Valley
[modifica] New Hampshire
- Merrimack Valley (Golden Triangle)
- Souhegan Valley
- Seacoast Region
- Monadnock Region
- Connecticut River Valley
- Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee
- Lakes Region
- White Mountains
- Presidential Range
- Pemigewasset Valley
- Saco River Valley
- Great North Woods
- Western New Hampshire
- Central New Hampshire
[modifica] New Jersey
- North Jersey
- South Jersey
- Pine Barrens
- Delaware Valley
- Jersey Shore
- Bayshore
[modifica] New York
- Downstate New York
- New York Metropolitan Area
- The Five Boroughs (New York City)
- Long Island
- The Hamptons
- North Shore (Gold Coast)
- South Shore
- New York Metropolitan Area
- Upstate New York
- Western New York
- The Holland Purchase
- Burned-over district
- Finger Lakes
- Leatherstocking Country
- Central New York
- Central New York Military Tract
- Phelps and Gorham Purchase
- Mohawk Valley
- Southern Tier
- Capital District
- North Country
- Adirondack Mountains
- Catskill Mountains
- Borscht Belt
- Hudson Valley
- Shawangunk Ridge
- Western New York
[modifica] Nuovo Mexico
- Central New Mexico
- New Mexico Bootheel
- Eastern New Mexico
- Northern New Mexico
[modifica] Ohio
- Connecticut Western Reserve
- Great Black Swamp
- The Lake Erie Islands
- Miami Valley
- Northeast Ohio
- Northwest Ohio
- Extreme Northwest Ohio
- Greater Cincinnati
[modifica] Oklahoma
- Arklatex
- Central Oklahoma
- Cherokee Outlet
- Green Country
- Little Dixie
- Northeastern Oklahoma
- Southeastern Oklahoma
- Southwestern Oklahoma
- Panhandle
[modifica] Oregon
- Columbia River Gorge
- Eastern Oregon
- Harney Basin
- Mount Hood Corridor
- Oregon Coast
- Rogue Valley
- Tualatin Valley
- Western Oregon
- Willamette Valley
[modifica] Pennsylvania
- Allegheny National Forest
- Coal Region
- Cumberland Valley
- Delaware Valley
- Dutch Country
- Endless Mountains
- Happy Valley
- Pennsylvania Highlands
- Laurel Highlands
- Lehigh Valley
- Northern Tier
- Northeastern Pennsylvania
- Northwest Region
- Pittsburgh Metro Area
- The Poconos
- Susquehanna Valley
- Wyoming Valley
- Western Pennsylvania
[modifica] Rhode Island
- Block Island
- Blackstone River Valley
- East Bay
- West Bay
- South County
[modifica] Tennessee
Grandi Divisioni
- East Tennessee
- Middle Tennessee
- West Tennessee
Divisioni geografiche
- Highland Rim
- Nashville Basin
- Tennessee Valley
[modifica] Texas
- Arklatex
- Big Bend
- Brazos Valley
- Central Texas
- East Texas
- Edwards Plateau
- Galveston Bay
- The Hill Country
- North Texas
- Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex
- Northeast Texas
- Permian Basin
- Piney Woods
- Rio Grande Valley
- South Plains
- South Texas
- Southeast Texas
- Golden Triangle
- Greater Houston
- Texas Panhandle
- West Texas
- Coastal Plains
[modifica] Utah
- Cache Valley
- Canyonlands Desert
- Colorado Plateau
- Dixie
- Great Salt Lake Desert
- Mojave Desert
- Southeastern Utah
- Southwestern Utah
- Uinta Mountains
- Wasatch Front
- Wasatch Back
- Wasatch Range
[modifica] Vermont
- Northeast Kingdom
- Northern Vermont
- Southern Vermont
- Upper Valley
[modifica] Virginia
- Appomattox Basin
- Eastern Shore
- Hampton Roads
- Historic Triangle
- Middle Peninsula
- Northern Neck
- Northern Virginia (sometimes NoVA)
- Richmond-Petersburg (aka Central Virginia)
- Shenandoah Valley
- South Hampton Roads
- Southside Virginia
- Southwest Virginia
- Tidewater
- Virginia Peninsula
[modifica] Virginia Occidentale
- Charleston Metropolitan Area
- Eastern Panhandle
- Potomac Highlands
- North-Central West Virginia
- Northern Panhandle
- Southern West Virginia
[modifica] Washington
- Central Washington
- Columbia Plateau
- Eastern Washington
- Kitsap Peninsula
- Long Beach Peninsula
- Okanogan County
- Olympic Peninsula
- Puget Sound
- San Juan Islands
- Skagit Valley
- Tri-Cities
- Walla Walla Valley
- Western Washington
- Yakima Valley
[modifica] Wisconsin
- Central Plain
- Door Peninsula
- Eastern Ridges and Lowlands
- Lake Superior Lowland
- Northern Highland
- Western Upland
- Winnesota
[modifica] Wyoming
- Grand Teton
- Powder River Country
- Yellowstone