Talk:Rol a Babow an Eglos Katholik Romanek
Dhiworth Wikipedia, an godhoniador rydh
[chanjya] More on papal names
I've noticed in Middle Cornish texts that Latin names ending in -ius tend to be cornicized as -i ... while those ending in -us can usually be counted on to drop the -us (except when metre calls for an extra syllable or whatever; then they're either -us or -i – for example "Conanus" appears occasionally as Konani, but otherwise as Konan). So Sergius, for example, could probably be confidently cornicized as Sergi (or else Serji?) on the same lines as Gregorius → Gregori. Callistus might be Kallist or Kallyst, etc. ☮ yn-medh Owen. 20:27, 1 Ebryl 2006 (UTC) (PS: In the interests of full disclosure, -i is normally -y in manuscript spellings and Kernewek Unys: so Conany in the original, Konani in Kemmyn.)