Disputatio Usoris:Irenaeus
E Vicipaedia
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In ipsis paginis mos noster non est nomen dare, sed in paginis disputationis memento scriptis tuis subsignare, litteris imprimendis ~~~~, quae sua sponte et nomen tuum et diem dabunt. Etsi in paginis ipsis lingua Latina tantum uti liceat, in paginis disputationis qualibet lingua scribas. Si quid interrogare volueris, vel apud Tabernam vel in pagina mea disputationis rogato. Ave, spero te "Vicipaedianum" aut "Vicipaedianam" fieri velle!
de Empedocle: Hmmm, fortasse errorem feci (non memini eam revertisse), at nec grammatica nec forma emendationum tuarum haud perfecta est, adspice:
[[igne]], [[aqua]], [[terra]], [[aere]]) consistere voluit...Igne nec aere formae non nominativae sunt, ita nexus spem nullam habet operandi.
Et hoc:
Et ille erat finis Empedoclis. Subiectum sententiae huius "id" est, ita "illud" sine dubio meliore sit.
Quaeso, iterum opera tua revide, formam grammaticamque melius notans. Possis opera mea ipse revertere, non necesse est mihi. Placetne tibi?--Ioshus Rocchio 22:18, 15 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Ita, non nego "igne", et "aere", in casibus rectis ponita esse. Suggero hoc:
[[ignis|igne]], [[aqua]], [[terra]], [[aer]]e) consistere voluit
- ut nexus intravici opus suum perfaciant. Intellegen?--Ioshus Rocchio 23:13, 15 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
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[recensere] Fridericus II
Hi, it seems that you wanted to correct the title of a page, however, this needs more: If you think a page has the wrong name, you can move it by clicking on "movere". It is a bit more complicated with categories: There all referring links have to be changed. I have fixed the links in that way:
[[pagename|displayed name]]
So, at the moment the titles you want to see are displayed and the links are "blue" (= ok). However, if you really want to change the title of the page or category, this needs more. Please tell me, if you need help. Please see Disputatio:Imperatores Romani Sacri as well. --Roland2 20:45, 18 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
If you want to discuss the name of the article, you should try the Vicipaedia:Taberna or you might directly adress your request at a skilled and active user (see Specialis:Recentchanges). If you are patient, you might wait until someone reacts on your suggestion on the article's page. Then, when it's clear how the article should be renamed, you just go to the article's page and click on "movere" and enter the new name and a comment why you want to move this article. This will 1) move the article and it's talk page to the new location and 2) will make redirects from the old page(es) to the new page(s). For redirects see Vicipaedia:Redirectio. 3) You are finished. For categories you will have to create the new category (see Vicipaedia:Categoria) and edit all pages where the old category was used. Then you may mark the old category (with {{delenda}}) for deletion (by an administrator). And you are finished again. ;-) The most complicated thing is to find a correct name for the page, see Vicipaedia:Titulus. If you are quite sure about the new title, you might just move the page without asking someone. The others will protest, if they do not like your action and the page can be moved back. Not a big problem. I'll give Ioshus a hint ... this might shorten the process significantly. How do the say? Be bold ... Wikipedia:Be bold in updating pages ;-) --Roland2 21:48, 18 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
[recensere] Eutychianus
gratio tibi ago propter correctiones. Sed antea formulam modificare debeo pro omnis pontificibus, quia non predecessor sed recte praecessor et non obit sed obiit. (Sorry if now I write in Englishbut I'm in a hurry), otherwise the table does'nt work, but I don't know how to change the table, --Massimo Macconi 10:35, 13 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- Formulam mutavi. Maxime, nunc potes etiam adhibere Obiit et Decessor vel Praecessor. Vale! --UV 23:47, 13 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
[recensere] thank you
Just a big thanks to you for correcting the article about all Spielberg. Could you help me please also for pope Pius VII? I would do it alone, but my Latine is very poor and I can write only short sentences --Massimo Macconi 08:06, 14 Novembris 2006 (UTC)
[recensere] Pius VII
intellego idem problema habeo, vale --Massimo Macconi 21:08, 16 Novembris 2006 (UTC)
[recensere] secundum bellum Punicum
Ad notitiam tuam modo: PONS habet pro exemplo sub "secundus, -a, -um":
- mensa
- bellum Punicum
Vale! --Alex1011 10:58, 5 Ianuarii 2007 (UTC)