E Vicipaedia
Here are Latin names for St. Petersburg given by some authors:
Petropolis (Подосинов А.В., Белов А.М. Lingua Latina. Русско-латинский словарь)
Petropolis, St. Petri fanum (Graesse. Orbis Latinus)
Petroburgum, Petropolis (Horreum - Lexicum nominum geographicorum latinorum)
Petropolis Essential Latin
So, we should better use "Petropolis" for St. Petersburg and leave "Petroburgum" for Peterborough, how do you think?
--Alexander Gerascenco 16:24 iun 18, 2005 (UTC)
- As if it weren't annoying enough that this city's name keeps changing in Russian... ;)
- White's Latin Dictionary gives both Petriburgum and Petropolis
- Egger, Lexicon Nominum Locorum gives Leninopolis, but notes its old name as Petroburgum (It also gives Petroburgum for Peterborough, England and Pietersburg, South Africa. The latter is now called Polokwane.)
- I can't find my copy of Burke (as usual).
- But I think we can safely say that Petroburgum Petriburgum and Petropolis are all acceptable. I don't feel strongly one way or another about what lemma it should be put under. --Iustinus 20:24 iun 18, 2005 (UTC)
- Of course, Petropolis is not the only Latin equivalent to St. Petersburg and possibly not the best one, as Petroburgum is closer to the Russian name of the city ("Petropolis" - "Петрополь" can also sometimes be used in Russian, but only in poetry). But Peterborough "possesses more rights" on the name Petroburgum, as it had already been called so in Latin, when the present day second largest city of Russia wasn't even founded. So, let's use a better to distinguish between the two cities, than, e.g. adding the country names in brackets. (The problem, however, will be rather diminished than solved in such a way, as separate articles about such cities as Petropolis (Dacota Meridionalis) will still be needed.)
- But if several names for a city exist, it can surely be good to give them in an article about the city. --Alexander Gerascenco 15:31 iun 19, 2005 (UTC)
[recensere] Vladimirus Lenin
Credo, "Vladimirus Lenin" genitivo "Vladimiri Leninis" esse