Lietotāja diskusija:
Vikipēdijas raksts
Sveiks! Novērsu Tavus labojumus, jo latviešu valodā pilsētas nosaukums ir Šilute, nevis Šilutė. Diemžēl nevaram izdarīt atkāpi no Vikipēdijas tradīcijām un vadlīnijām. Ja arī mēs mainītu lapas nosaukumu, tad tas būtu jādara, pārdēvējot lapu, nevis šādi "ar roku" nomainot saturu.
If you don't speak Latvian and still have questions, leave a note on my talk page. --Jūzeris | m? 05:04, 5 augustā, 2005 (UTC)
- Translation of the above note:
- Hello! I have reverted your edits, because in Latvian the name of the town is Šilute, not Šilutė. Regretfully, we cannot waive the traditions and guidelines of Wikipedia. Even if we would agree to change the title of the article, it should be done by moving (or renaming) the article, not changing the content manually.
- Dear Alvydas,
- I do understand your concerns and, in fact, I am myself against this localisation (Latvianisation/Lithuanisation/etc.). You don't even have to convince me that it is awfully difficult to localise all the place names and persons' names; furthermore, these localised versions are often really hard to identify.
- On English Wikipedia, I've seen several discussions for using Rīga not Riga, and the main argument against is that the title of the article should the most popular name used in English for that particular thing, in this case it is Riga. The same applies here. Well, almost the same, because Latvians localise much more and I am of the opinion that there should be consistency, though I may be against the localisation.
- Another point is that the diacritics of Lithuanian language are quite confusing for Latvians, though this is not the main argument (however, it would be more important, if we were talking about, say, Japanese placenames).
- If the Latvian Wikipedians (or the society of Latvia in general) would come to the conclusion, that we should use the original spelling, I'd change that with pleasure.
- Sorry for the trouble. Trust me, I know how it feels. :)
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