Us der alemannische Wikipedia, der freie Dialäkt-Enzyklopedy
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In which dialect is article now? Pietras1988 17:16, 24. Dez. 2007 (CET)
- it's still in alemannic. The old version was a mixture between different alemannic dialects. Now it's in Hochalemannisch. The correct ISO-language-code of Alemannic is gsw, because als is now ISO for albanic. We expect, that the wikipedia project will do the change from als to gsw in the near future.
- keep in mind, that the alemannic Wikipedia is a meta-Wiki for many dialect groups. Elsässisch, Schwäbisch, Oberrheinalemannisch, Bodenseealemannisch, Hochalemannisch (Basel), Hochalemmanisch (Zürich), Hochalemannisch Ostschweiz, Bünderisch, Berndütsch etc. There aren't sharp borders between those dialects. If there are 8000 towns and villages in the alemannic-speaking region of Europe, you may have minimum 4000 local dialects, which can be grouped to at least six or seven dialect families.
- keep also in mind, that there is no norm of the alemannic orthography. Especially vowels are used in different ways. e.g. when you read "soon we'll make a nice trip to Hausen": mer macha gli ä scheena Usflug uf Huusa and you compare it with mir mache gli e schöne Üsflug uf Hüse which is written by another person, you might think, that these are different dialects, although that may not be the case, it's probably the same dialect, but written in another orthographic scheme. On the other hand, if you read: mer machet glei a scheena Ausflug auf Hausa this is definitely Schwäbisch, because of the diphthongs ei instead of i and au instead of u/ü. In many cases ai/ei are synonyms, too.
- But back to Kurów:
- It would be nice, if you could provide some historical information esp. for the time between 1944 and 1990, and more facts about the political situation today.
- * significant jewish population until the German occupation?
- * which political groups are locally in power?
- * are there districts of Kurów? The German article about Kurów tells there are 17...
- * public transport system? Busses, trains...
- * unemployment rate
- * trade, industry, agriculture? Pollution?
- * sports, cultural life, festivals?
- * evolution of the population since 1945 esp. since 1990
- * significant emigration since 1990 (e.g. to USA, Ireland, Great Britain or Germany?)
- * re-immigration since 2004?
- * catholicism, role of the catholic church today. If there is an influence, did it shrink since 1990 or since the the death of pope Jan Pavel II?
- and of course, it's not only for the alemannic wikipedia here, because the alemannic wikipedia is just for fun, it's also for w:de:Kurów, why I'd like to have this information.
- --W-j-s 18:41, 24. Dez. 2007 (CET)
OK, interesting speech about Alemannisch ;).
1, 2 and 3 August 1915 between villages Kurów, Kolonia Olesin and Płonki was fight between German-Austrian army and Russian army. All death soldiers are on cementary, which depends to Kolonia Olesin (Kolonia Olesin is part of village Olesin) near administration borders with Kurów and Płonki. Kurów is famous because is here huge plant where are tanning furs. In 90. years of 20th century to Kurów depend Kolonia Józefów. In 1994 was consultations about return city rights but people from villages around Kurów don't agree on it because in town are bigger taxes.
- No, in Kurów don't live Jews now
- I asked for the time before the holocaust.
- In 1897 in Kurów lived 4000 people (2100 Jews and 1900 Poles)
- In Kurów small % of politicians depend to parties.
- also the mayor?
- Yes, also. In Kurów commune is mayor (he is boss for all commune) and other mayor (he is boss only for Kurów)
- Kurów depend to Lublin voivodship, Pulawy county, Kurów commune, Kurów district. In Kurów commune is 17 districts but some people speak that 18 because in one village nobody live.
- are those 17 districts numbered or named?
- named. Look http://kurow-wiki.openhosting.pl/wiki/Szablon:Gmina_Kur%C3%B3w - bold names are villages, rest is part of villages.
- In Kurów isn't transport system. All drives by coaches and buses (in Poland is State Car Communication and from Kurów can drive to 6 cities which are capital of voivodhip (Warsaw, Lublin, Katowice, Kraków, Wrocław, Łódź) and 32 other Polish towns.
- Of course, busses are public transport system, too. Public transportation doesn't depend on rails.
- In Kurów aren't trains but in Kurów commune are tracks (on railway line E-20)
- 31th December 2002 in all commune (so not only in Kurów) unemployment were 16,9 percent.
- that's five years ago. Any newer data to compare? significant changes of the rate?
- I don't know but probably now is worse :/
- In Kurów is the biggest road noise in Lublin voivodeship (in 2005 on the biggest street in Kurów were 74,5 dB). By Kurów drive over 20 000 cars/24 h.
- Demography:
Year | Population |
1661 | 383 |
1674 | 361 |
1676 | 262 |
1764 | 904 |
1786 | 1 500 |
1787 | 1 902 |
1819 | 1 612 |
1822 | 1 920 |
1856 | 2 664 |
1858 | 2 440 |
1864 | 2 680 |
1871 | 3 251 |
1891 | 4 302 |
1912 | 6 080 |
1913 | 5 756 |
1921 | 4 212 |
1940 | 4 635 |
1943 | 2 121 |
1947 | 2 241 |
1949 | 1 976 |
1961 | 2 011 |
1962 | 2 245 |
1966 | 2 436 |
31.12.1973 | 2 718 |
2005 | 2 811 |
30.06.2006 | 2 782 |
05.10.2007 | 2 781 |
- very intersting numbers. So there is a stagnation since 1973. Interesting numbers would be 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, because it would allow to correlate the population numbers with the transformation of the Polish economy and society. And there is a significant loss of people during both world wars. The population is now only a half of the population 100 years ago.
- There are only stats for Kurów (I don't know stats other villages)
- In Kurów is football club KKS Garbarnia ("Garbarnia" in English means "Tannery"), is tennis court (second court is in Płonki)
- so you have a football club (a must have for every town all over Europe :-) and a tennis court. Other sports?
- We have 2 gyms (in primary school and university-preparatory school). In university-preparatory is bigger (have remote control and if you click on button baskets are down and have light table). Are also goals to handball or futsal
- most people of commune and Kurów is Christians
- catholics, I suppose. But how catholic are they? I am a catholic, too: I pay church tax, that's 8% of my income tax in Germany. But do I really believe in the dogmas of my church?
- Yes, catolics (ca. 95%). In PL aren't yet church taxes (in 1% of churches are since 2007, rest probably since 2008, 2009 or 2010)
- So, intersting information, I'll put it into the :de and :als articles about Kurow, but not this evening ;-) --W-j-s 22:50, 24. Dez. 2007 (CET)
- :).