Wikipedia:Gecorene gemynddagas/7 Wēodmōnaþ
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7 Wēodmōnaþ: Selfdōmdæg in Elpendbānrīman (1960)
- 936 – Otto se Micela, Heretoga þāra Seaxena, wǣs in Aachene þone cyning þæs Ēastan Francrīces gebēagod.
- 1679 - Le Griffon, a brigantine by René-Robert de LaSalle, wearþ þæt ǣreste segliende scip tō seglienne þā Micelan Laca.
- 1782 - Sēo Ārode Mīlitisce Geearnunge, sēo frume Baswe Heorte, wearþ gestaðelod swā mīlitisc ārung in þǣm Worulddǣlicum Herge.
- 1947 - Fierd, þe Thor Heyerdahl lǣdde, oferseglode þone Friþsuman Gārsecg in 101 dagum on his flēote, Kon-Tiki.
- 1965 - Fyrmestscealc Tunku Abdul Rahman of the Federation of Malaysia demanded that Singapore withdraw from the federation, choosing to "sever ties with a State Government that showed no measure of loyalty to its Central Government."
Nīwlice dagas: 6 Wēodmōnaþ – 5 Wēodmōnaþ – 4 Wēodmōnaþ