Fram Wikipedian
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Sēcan þurh brūcendsprǣcum |
Wes þū hal, wilcume in mīnum brūcendtramete. Hātte ic Saforrest and eom Canadisc circolwyrdprogramere and leornere. Wunie ic nū in Hamilton.
Ic sprece Nīwenglisce, Frencisce, and Germanisce (yfle), ac ic forbere sprecan Nīwenglisce.
Þā brūcendas þisses Wicipǣdian sind būendas þisses Wicipǣdian.
I'm taking a hiatus from ang: for a while. Life has kept me busy; furthermore, while writing in Anglo-Saxon is fun, lately I haven't felt like assigning it high priority even among leisure activities spent in the wiki world.