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Sēo þā "ādihtan þisne tramet" tæppan æt hēafde ǣlces gewrites? On Wicipǣdian, canst þu ādihtan trametas āhwænne þu wilt, inmeldod oþþe ne inmeldod.
Hwæt is Wicipǣdia?
Wicipǣdia is wīsdōmbōc gewriten midwyrcendlīce fram his rǣdera manigum. Fela lēoda beteriaþ simblunga Wicipǣdian, maciaþ þūsendu hwierfunga ǣlcre stunde, þāra eall bēoþ geseted on þǣm trametstǣre and þǣm Nīwlicra Hwierfunga tramete. Loðrung and bealu bēoþ āfyrðed geneahhelīce cāflīce.
Hú cann ic helpan?
Ne forhtie tō ādihtenne trametas on Wicipǣdian—ǣnig cann ādihtan, and wē bryrdaþ brūcend tō bealdienne! Find āht þe cann bēon gebeterod, hwæðer in innunge, ge grammaticcræft ge ānsīen, þonne bēt hit. Sorgast þu ymbe bryce Wicipǣdian? Ne bēo: hine cann man simbles bētan oþþe beterian æfter. Þus gā forþ, ādiht sum gewrit, and help tō macienne Wicipǣdian þone betstan fruman for cȳþþe on þǣm Internet!
Ādihtung is swīðe ēaðe:
- Besting ādihtan þisne tramet æt ufanweardum tramete. Þu canst test your first edit right here on þissum tramete.
- Wrīt ǣrende.
- Besting sparian tramet æt þǣm niðeweardum tramete tō sparienne þīne wrītunge
... oþþe "forescēawian" tō test your changes.