Nīwu Englisc sprǣc
Fram Wikipedian
Nīwe Englisc (English) | |
Gelōmlicu in: | Þæt Geānlǣhte Cynerīce, Geānlǣht Rīcu American, and 103 ǣlce landsceare |
Folc: | 402 millionena mōdorsprecere, 350 – 1,000 millionena æfterrena sprecera |
Grād: | 3 |
Cynnlicu Endebyrdung: |
Indoeuropisc |
Ambihtlic Stede: | |
Ambihtlicu sprǣc in: | lōc neoðan |
Geregolod fram: | Nān, ac OED is inmēde |
Sprǣce Begīemung: | |
ISO 639-1: | en |
ISO 639-2: | eng |
SIL: | ENG |
Sēo Nīwe Englisce sprǣc (on Nīwum Englisce: English) is West-germanisc sprǣc, þe fram Englalande ārās. Hēo belimpþ, swā sēo Þēodisce sprǣc and sēo Niðerlendisce sprǣc tō þǣm Westernan twige þāra Germaniscra sprǣca.
Innungbred |
[ādihtan] Steall Englisces hēodæg
Nū is Englisc sēo mǣst gesprǣdede sprǣc þǣre worulde, and hæfþ ymbe þæt getæl sprecera þe Cīnisc hæfþ. In fela landum biþ Nīwe Englisc sēo ǣreste fremðe sprǣc gelǣred (Sēo Englisc (Scōl)) and is sēo ambihtlice sprǣc þāra mǣstena betwixfolclicra gesetednessa. Fela þissa gesetednessa habbaþ ōðra ambihtlica sprǣca. Nīwe Englisc prōfaþ hēodæg swā woruldsprǣc.
Tōdæg biþ Englisc fram 340 millionena sprecenda gesprocen swā mōdorsprǣc. Gif man īecþ þā æfterran sprecend, cymþ man tō ymbe 510 millionena sprecenda.
[ādihtan] Stǣr þǣre Engliscan sprǣce
- Hēafodgewrits: Stǣr þǣre Engliscan sprǣce, and [[]], and [[]], and [[]], and [[]]
Englisc cymþ of þǣre Ealdre Seaxiscre sprǣce and sibbum þēowsprǣcum þe wǣron gebrōht tō Brytene fram Germaniscum gesittendum of syndrigum dǣlum norþwestes Þēodisclandes. Sēo frume Englisce sprǣc wæs gehrinen fylgendlīce fram twǣm ȳðum onrǣses. Se ǣresta onrǣs wæs fram sprecerum sprǣca Scedelendisces twiges þæs Germaniscan sprǣchīredes, þe gebȳrdon in dǣlas Brytene in þǣm 8an and 9an ieldum. Se ōðer onrǣs wæs mid Normandigsǣtum in þǣre 11an ielde, þe sprǣcon cynn, Ealdes Frencisces.
Be þǣm Engliscan-Seaxiscan Cranice, ymbe þæt gēar 449, wǣron þā Engle gelaðode fram Wyrtgeorne tō helpenne him wiþ þā Pihtas. Ongēan hira help gelendode hē þǣm Englum in sūþēastum dǣle. Æfter sōhte hē māran help, and forþǣm cōmon þā Seaxe, Engle, and Geate. Se Cranic spricþ ymbe fylgendne incyme gesittendra, þe staðelodon on ende seofon cynerīcu. Tōdæges scōlerscipe behogeþ mǣst þisses spelles tō bēonne spell and fram lēodweardrace gedōne.
Þās Germaniscan infarend oferrīcsodon þā fruman Celtisce sprǣcendan wuniend, þā sprǣca þāra ālifdon mǣst in Scotlande, Wealum, Cornwealle, and Īrlande. Þā folcsprǣca, gesprocena fram þǣm ingengum, macodon þæt, þe man hēt Eald Englisc, þe efenlǣcþ suma rimanþēowsprǣca, in (nū) landum norþwestes Þēodisclandes and þāra Niðerlanda. Ufor wæs sēo sprǣc gehrinen fram þǣre Norþgermaniscre sprǣce Norene, gesprocen fram þǣm Wīcingum þe gesǣtton in þone norþēastan dǣl (sēo Georfic).
For þǣm fylgendum 300 gēarum æfter þǣre Norþmandiscan Geþringunge in 1066 sprǣcon þā Norþmandiscan cyningas and sēo hēa duguþ cynn Frencisces āne. Micel getæl Norþmandiscra worda wǣron inbrōht in Eald Englisc. Se Norþmandisca gehrine gefæstnode þā gangendan hwierfunge þǣre sprǣce ofer fylgendum ieldum, oþ þǣre sprǣce, nū Middel Englisc gehāten.
In þǣre 15an ielde gewende sēo Micele Selfswēgendwendung þæt Middel Englisc, ēac mid Lundencyndre sprǣce in lēodwearde and tōþegnunge, and þǣre regolunggefremmunge gemǣlunge. Nīwe Englisc cann bēon gespyred on bæc tō þǣre tīde Willelmes Shakespeares.
[ādihtan] Mearcung and sibba sprǣca
Sēo nīwe Englisce sprǣc is dǣl þæs westernan undertwiges þæs Germaniscan twiges þæs Indiscan-Europiscan sprǣca cynnes. Feorr of þǣm Englisclǣhtum sprǣcum swā Tok Pisin oþþe Bislama, sind þā nīehstan Nīwes Englisces Scyttisc (Lallans), gesprocen mǣst in Scotlande and dǣlum Norðernes Īrlandes and þǣræfter Fresisc, gesprocen in Þēodisclandes and in þǣm Niðerlandum. Swā Nīwe Englisc is Scyttisc riht æftergenga Englisces (Englisc-Seaxisc).
Ōðra sibba sprǣca, ac unsibbran þonne Fresisc oþþe Scyttisc, sind Þēodisc, Seaxisc, Niðerlendisc, Scedelendisca sprǣca, and Afrikaanisc. Manig Frencisc word sind ēac andgietfullicu tō Nīwes Englisces sprecende (ac mid ōðrum rihtstefne), for þǣm þe Nīwu Englisc bedranc ormǣtlic rīm worda of Frencisce þurh þā Norþmandisce sprǣce æfter þǣre Norþmandiscan Oferswīðrunge and rihtlīce of Frencisce in æfterrum ieldum; þǣrfor sind fela worda swīðe nēah þǣm Frencisce, mid smalum wrītungscēadungum (on wordendungum oþþe mid Ealdes Frencisces wrītungum, asf.), ēac swā hwīlum scēadunga on mǣnunge.
[ādihtan] Grammaticcræft Nīwes Englisces
- Hēafodgewrit: Englisc grammaticcræft
Englisc grammaticcræft hæfþ lȳtele gebīegunge in efenlǣcnesse mid ōðrum Indoeuropicum sprǣcum. Tō bisene hæfþ Nīwe Englisc, ungelīc Þēodisce, Niðerlendisce, oþþe Rōmāniscum sprǣcum nān grammatisc cynn and nāne tōgeīecendlice ānrǣdnesse. cāsu mearcung is æthwōn fullīce gedwinen of þǣre sprǣce and ālifþ mǣst in þǣm bīnamum. Þā cynn strangra worda (t.b. sprecan/spræc/sprǣcon/gesprocen) wiþ þā cynn wācra worda þe sēo sprǣc of Germanisce ierfde is gedwinen on weorðe and þā lāfa gebīegunge (swā manigfealdlicu mearcung) wurdon regolfæsta.
Þā selfan tīd þǣre gebīegunge weorþgedwīnung in Englisce, scōp sēo sprǣc māran getrēowunge in wīsan swā mōdword and worddiht tō getācnienne grammatisce mǣnunge. Helpendu word brȳcþ man tō mearcienne tācnu swā frignunga, negativa, þā underþēodendlican stefn, and gengende tīd
[ādihtan] Wrītungwīse Englisces
- Hēafodgewrit: Englisc stæfrǣw
Mid Englisce brȳcþ man þā lǣdene stæfrǣwe būtan accentum, ac mid elþēodigum wordum, swā résumé (Frencisc) cann man mid accentum wrītan. Mid manigum wordum, swā night oþþe though is sēo wrītungwīse stǣrlicu (nā sprecendllicu), for þǣm þe on Middlum Englisce wrāt man night and though. Sēo wrītung worda oft ābȳgþ of hū hīe gesprocen sind, and Nīwu Englisc wrītung is oft geþōht sēo unēaðoste ǣnigra sprǣca tō leornienne, in þǣm sprǣcum þe brūcaþ stæfrǣwa. Sēo Englisc rihtwrītunge.
[ādihtan] Sprǣdung þǣre Engliscan sprǣce
[ādihtan] Ambihtsprǣc
Englisc is ambihtsprǣc in þǣm fylgendum landum, þǣrin þæt getæl þāra mōdorsprecera is gewriten, hwǣr cūþ:
[ādihtan] Ōðer bryce
Sēo englisce sprǣc þegnaþ tō ēacan swā lingua franca in þǣm folgendum landum and landscipum:
- Cyprus
- Gibraltar
- Hong Kong
- Israēl
- Malaysia
- St. Martin
- Somalia
[ādihtan] Sēo ēac
- Gemǣne cwidas in ōðrum sprǣcum
- Getalu sprǣca
- Gewriten Nīwe Englisc