Хутшăнаканăн канашлу страници:Amikeco
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[тӳрлет] Пустые статьи
У меня нет прав Администраторских. Написать в Енглише о том, чтобы дали мне такие права все никак руки не доходят.
Я пока занят тем, что месяцы описываю, страницу о Вики-разметках перевожу... Как будут права, или время - добавлю.
Большая часть моего времени занята написание скрипта Блогов к своему проекту "Золотая Шахта Гномов".
[тӳрлет] Press contact details
If you are receiving this message, you are either a new, existing, or possible future press contact for one of the languages you speak. What does this mean, being a press contact?
The Wikimedia Foundation runs a Communications Committee, which co-ordinates requests for interviews from the press. When we receive a request for an interview, often the journalist wants to interview someone that speaks their "native tongue", or someone that lives in the same country as their publication. For this reason, it is important the the Communications Committee keeps an up-to-date log of contributors that they can trust to represent the community in a professional manner.
This list of press contacts has started to grow. The goal is to eventually have at least one trusted user on the list from every country in the world, and one user for every language that the Foundation runs a project in.
What are your responsibilities? Whenever a journalist requests an interview, either by phone, by e-mail, or (rarely) in person, you are able to either answer the interview request, or pass the request off to another user that you trust. Whenever a newsworthy milestone is reached on your project, you should help co-ordinate the creation of a press release, and once it's ready, send it to me to post in your language's press room.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Contact me directly. -- en:user_talk:zanimum