Bruce Kapferer
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Bruce Kapferer (født 1940) er en velrennomert australsk sosialantropolog. Han er professor i sosialantropologi ved Universitetet i Bergen.
Kapferer har forsket både i Afrika og Asia og har skrevet om fenomener som helbredelse, kosmologi, etnisk identitet, nasjonalisme og vold.
[rediger] Utvalgte publikasjoner
- 2003 (red). Beyond Rationalism: Rethinking Magic, Witchcraft and Sorcery. Berghahn Books: New York & Oxford.
- 2003. Introduction: Outside All Reason - Magic, Sorcery and Epistemology in Anthropology. I Beyond Rationalism
- 2003. Sorcery, Modernity and the Constitutive Imaginary: Hybridising Continuities. I Beyond Rationalism
- 2002. (redaktør) The World Trade Center and Global Crisis. Social Analysis, Forum 46(1):92-152.
- 2002. Foundation and Empire (with apologies to Isaac Asimov): A Consideration of Hardt and Negri's Empire. Review Article. Social Analysis 46(1):167-79.
- 2002. Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Culture of the State. The 17th Edvard Westermarck Memorial Lecture. Suomen Anthropologi 27(2):4-23.
- 2001. Sorcery and the Shape of Globalization. Suomen Anthropologi 26(1):4-28.
- 1998. Legends of People, Myths of State: Violence, Intolerance and Political Culture in Sri Lanka and Australia. Andre utgave. Crawford Press. Første utgave ved Smithsonian Institute Press.
- 1997. The Feast of the Sorcerer: Practices of Consciousness and Power. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.