Wikipedysta:Holek/brudnopis/gry/The Sims 2
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The Sims 2 | |
Producent | Maxis |
Wydawca | EA Games |
Projektant | Will Wright |
Silnik | Własny |
Aktualna wersja | |
Data wydania | Windows: 17 września 2004; Mac OS X: 13 czerwca 2005 |
Gatunek | Symulacja |
Tryb gry | Singleplayer |
Kategorie wiekowe | ESRB: Teen (T), PEGI: 7+ |
Platforma | Windows, Mac OS X
Oczekiwane na: GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance, Sony PSP, telefony komórkowe |
Nośniki | CD, DVD, mini-DVD, UMD, kartridż, download |
Wymagania | Zobacz rozdział: Wymagania systemowe |
Kontrolery | klawiatura lub mysz komputerowa |
The Sims 2 to strategiczno-symulacyjna gra komputerowa stworzona przez Maxis. Jest ona sequelem popularnej gry The Sims. Nowa część zawiera wiele nowych elementów oraz usprawnień. Jej grafika wykonana jest w pełnym trójwymiarze, a postacie otrzymały wiek i cechy genetyczne przechodzące na ich potomstwo, czego brak było w pierwszej części. Oficjalnie gra wydana została 17 września 2004 na nośnikach CD-ROM i DVD-ROM. Wersja DVD-ROM, nazwana Sims 2 Special DVD Edition, zawiera dysk bonusowy, na którym umieszczono dodatkowe materiały, takie jak wywiady z twórcami i reklamy poprzednich produktów z serii Sim. W praktyce klienci, którzy grę zamówili w przedsprzedaży otrzymali swoją kopię 14 września 2004 roku. Konwersja na systemy Mac OS X została stworzona przez firmę Aspyr i została wydana 12 czerwca 2005 roku.
Spis treści |
[edytuj] Opis
Simy przeżywają swoje życie przez 6 niepowtarzalnych okresów: niemowlę (trwający 4 dni), małe dziecko (4 dni), dziecko (8 dni), nastolatek (16 dni), dorosły (30 dni) i emeryt (bliżej nieokreślona liczba dni; zobacz też akapit o Pasku Aspiracji) W dodatku Na Studiach, został dodany kolejny okres, zwany 'młody dorosły'. Relacje rodzinne teraz bardziej ingerują w zachowania dostępne między Simami. Ponieważ Simowie teraz się starzeją, tworzą małżeństwa, mają dzieci, wszystkie te związki zapisywane są w obszernym drzewku rodzinnym.
W tej części Simy opierają swoje zachowania na powiązaniach między nimi, dzięki czemu nie jest możliwe np. poślubienie własnej matki lub rozkochanie w sobie brata. Simy przechodzą teraz przez ciążę, jeżeli zdecydują się mieć dziecko (w poprzedniej części dziecko po prostu nagle się pojawiało, dosłownie, z nieba). Innymi wydarzeniami, takie jak śmierci, urodziny czy pierwszy pocałunek, również mają miejsce w życiu Simów. Szczególnie dobre lub złe doświaczenia pozostają jako wspomnienia i mogą oddziaływać na późniejsze zachowania Simów.
W grze usprawniono silnik graficzny oraz narzędzie projektowania domów, dzięki czemu można wybierać lub tworzyć domy, sąsiedztwa, ubrania oraz gotować potrawy według własnych preferencji. Program The Sims Body Shop, narzędzie umożliwiające tworzenie Simów od podstaw razem z ich ubraniami, cechami genetycznymi, cechami charakteru, itp., został udostępniony w Internecie przed wydaniem gry.
The Sims 2 wprowadza do gry nowy ważny mechanizm: system Aspiracji. Aspiracja objawa się na dwa sposoby: każdy Sim ma własne aspiracje, a poziom aspiracji aktualnie wybranego przez gracza Sima pokazywany jest na Pasku Aspiracji.
Każdy z Simów ma teraz zestaw aspiracji, które wybiera gracz (podczas tworzenia Sima lub gdy Sim staje się nastoletkiem) lub komputer (jeśli dany Sim jest bohaterem niezależnym). Wybrany zestaw Aspiracji uzależnia, jaki obszar życia będzie dla danego Sima najważniejszy. Do wyboru są: pragnienie romansowania, stworzenia rodziny, zdobywania wiedzy, popularności oraz bogactwa. Szósta Aspiracją, "'pogoń' za dorosłością", jest posiadana przez wszystkie Simy, które są niemowlakami oraz małymi dzieckami. Siódma oraz ósma Aspiracja, potrzeba przyjemności oraz Grilled Cheese aspirations, zostały dodane w dodatku Nocne życie.
Pasek Aspiracji może pokazywać sześć poziomów aspiracji: najwyższy to Poziom Platynowy, niżej jest Złoty oraz nasepujące po nich dwa poziomy zielonego i dwa czerwonego (czerwone poziom negatywnie wpływają na Simów zatem są stanem nieporządanym). Gdy gracz spełnia oczekiwania podane na pasku "Ambicji" oraz unika rozczarowań, które są podane na pasku "Obaw", suma punktów kumuluje się i Sim "czuje", że prowadzi wyjątkowe życie. Dla każdego Sima Amibcje oraz Obawy są różne i sależą od różnych czynników, jak typ Aspiracji, wiek, relacje między innymi Simami czy Poziom Aspiracji. Punkty Aspiracji można wydawać na specjalne, unikatowe przedmioty ułatwiające grę, na przykład, Eliksir życia pozwala Simowi na przedłużenie swojego życia. Jeśli taki przedmiot zostanie użyty przed uzyskaniem u Sima Poziomu Złotego na Pasku Aspiracji, najczęściej powoduje to stratę u tego Sima kilku dni życia. Pasek Aspiracji wpływa również na długość życia Sima, gdy ten wejdzie w okres emerytury.
This also means that while the game still has no set goals, there is a new strategic level to balancing a Sim's life as players now have a limited time in which to fufill Aspirations, meet needs, progress in a career, socialize and possibly have a family.
[edytuj] Wymagania systemowe
Wymagania systemowe The Sims 2 (z oficjalnej strony The Sims 2):
- Procesor 800 MHz dla systemów z kartami graficznymi obsługującymi T&L z przynajmniej 32 MB pamięci dostępnej na karcie lub 2 GHz dla systemów z kartami graficznymi nieobsługujących T&L z przynajmniej 32 MB pamięci dostępnej na karcie
- 256 MB pamięci o dostępie swobodnym (RAM)
- System Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP lub nowszy
- Conajmniej 3,5 GB wolnego miejsca na dysku twardym
Mac OS X
- Procesor 1,2 GHz
- PowerPC G4/G5
- ATI Radeon 9000 lub lepszy.
- 256 MB pamięci o dostępie swobodnym (RAM)
- Mac OS X 3.8 lub nowszy
- Conajmniej 3 GB wolnego miejsca na dysku twardym
Po wydaniu gry wiele osób krytykowało The Sims 2 za ogromne wymagania systemowe. W rzeczywistości tylko komputery spełniające minimalne (nieoptymalne) wymagania, czyli PC-ty kupione najpóźniej w 2001 roku, nieumożliwiały normalnej zabawy z grą. Podobne skargi dało się słyszeć podczas wydania innej gry firmy Maxis, SimCity 4, wydanej wydanej w około półtora roku przed The Sims 2.
[edytuj] Błędy gry
The Sims 2 contains a number of bugs. Many of the bugs listed below have been corrected in a downloadable patch (Note: The installation of The Sims 2: University should correct the problems below).
- "Liney" Sims: Graphical glitch with ATI Radeon 9000 GPUs. This problem has been fixed in the new version of ATI's drivers.
- "Jump Out" Bug: Time-out/scripting bug, causing characters to abort ( "jump out of" ) certain animations and interactions. Solved by the Maxis patch.
- Memory Leak: Memory leak, sometimes caused by hiring non-player characters, causing abnormal use of system resources.
- Invisible Colleagues: Graphics glitch involving colleagues visiting by helicopter, causing colleagues to be invisible. Solved by the Maxis patch.
- Unused objects designated as in use: Engine bug which makes unused objects appear as in-use, like doors that don't close. Caused by proximity to other usable objects.
- Floating Teddy: After a few uses, the object of the bear will float in the air and there will no longer be proper animation of use of the bear. Can be fixed by buying a new teddy bear.
- Carpool bug: All sims living on a lot refuse to enter cars, taxis, buses, etc, causing them to fail at their job or at school. Can be fixed by moving the family to another lot.
- Door-Clone Glitch: If you enter build mode with the moveobjects cheat enabled, go to the door creation tool. Act like you're about to place a door on the lot, but then, hit the delete key. Move your sim to some other tile than where they currently are. Next, change the pitch of your camera. When you let go of the camera, it will start making more sims, rather than more doors. Your lot can then be filled with mindless clones of your sim, since the game doesn't know whether to make more sims or more doors. Another way of exploiting this clone technique for users without the Nightlife Expansion is to click on and move the sim, and hold down the shift key when placing.
- Boddler Glitch: A dangerous bug that occurs when you don't save sims after they've switched from one age band to another, and then deleted them using the "moveobjects on" cheat.
- If you have moveobjects activated and delete a sim that has age-transitioned since your last save, exit to the neighborhood without saving. Otherwise, if you try to restore them by using the hidden Reset Age Duration option on the trash can, they will return to the lot in the age band they switched to...but accessing the behaviors and animations of the age group they left behind!
- In the case of most age group transitions, this makes the bug harmless. Children will act like toddlers, teens like children, adults like teens, and elders like adults. But if your sim was an infant that had transitioned to toddler and was deleted without being saved first, then the game has a skeleton conflict.
- It will use the skeleton for toddlers but the animations and behaviors for a baby. The toddler animations which the game tries to run on the baby skeleton will fail, causing the action that was being performed with the toddler to fail also. This makes it impossible for your sims to pick them up and tend to their needs. If the social worker shows up, she won't be able to take the toddler. However, the save and exit options, which are locked when the social worker arrives, are not re-enabled, because the social worker's routine failed without cleaning up after itself. This renders the lot unplayable, as the game goes into an Infinite loop. The only way to escape the game is through the Windows Task Manager.
- The glitch is named the "Boddler" Glitch rather than "Toddler" Glitch because the toddler acts like a baby, or "Boddler." Other age groups that act like babies produce variations called the Bild, Been, Bault, and Belder. But it's the same skeleton conflict in all of them. One of the first uses of the word "Boddler" to describe this is by a user on the official Sims 2 website, posted to the BBS section on October 27 of 2005.
Bugs also surfaced relating to both expansion packs. These have been tackled with patches released in October 2005.
[edytuj] Dodatki
[edytuj] The Sims 2: Na Studiach
Główny artykuł: The Sims 2: Na Studiach
Maxis released the first expansion pack, called The Sims 2: Na Studiach (The Sims 2: University), on March 2 2005. In it, sims can be sent to college in a new neighborhood type called University. A "Teen" sim sent to the university will become a "Young Adult," a new age group introduced with this expansion, and that sim will become an "Adult" when it graduates or flunks out. Sims that don't attend the university will skip Young Adult and become Adults, as in the original version of the game. A more minor introduction in University is the addition of "influence points" that can be used to influence others to do a certain thing.
[edytuj] The Sims 2: Nocne życie
Główny artykuł: The Sims 2: Nocne życie
The second expansion, The Sims 2: Nocne Życie (The Sims 2: Nightlife), was released on September 13 2005. Based loosely on the original Sims expansion Hot Date, it includes entertainment options like nightclubs, restaurants for romantic dinners, and bowling alleys, in a new neighborhood type called Downtown (much like the University Town in the first expansion pack). A new attraction system introduces turn-ons and turn-offs that cause Sims to be attracted to or disgusted by other Sims. Maxis has also added vampires that will bite sims, making them vampires as well. Players will now be able to see other lots in the neighborhood from inside a lot. In addition, players can now own cars instead of taking the carpool. Vampires can be entirely avoided if the player does not want to play with them. Nightlife also added two new aspriations:
- Pleasure: Pleasure sims' wants are extremely variable as they seek only to enjoy life.
- Grilled Cheese: Accessed only by unsuccessfully using the ReNu Senso Orb.
[edytuj] The Sims 2: Holiday Party Pack (w Europie jako The Sims 2: Christmas Party Pack)
A semi-expansion available only through the EA Online Store. This adds over 40 new objects to the game, allowing for better depiction of holiday celebrations (mostly Christmas) by sims in decorative ways not possible with the standard game. This comes alongside the limited-edition The Sims 2 Holiday Edition core game, which contains the Holiday Party Pack already in the core game in a way similar to the way that The Sims Deluxe Edition included both The Sims and The Sims: Livin' Large in a single package. However, the pack on its own is available through European retailers in a CD-ROM.
[edytuj] The Sims 2: Open for Business (tytuł roboczy)
Główny artykuł: The Sims 2: Open for Business
The Sims 2: Open for Business, the upcoming expansion pack for The Sims 2, will allow your sims to operate their own businesses. They will be able to manage their staff and develop their talents. Create prized items to bring in top dollar or watch as things go haywire while they are making the next big thing.
[edytuj] Easter eggi oraz humor w grze
Uwaga: W dalszej części artykułu znajdują się szczegóły fabuły lub zakończenia utworu.
[edytuj] Werona
Sąsiedztwo Werona do złudzenia przypomina włoskie miasto o tej samej nazwie, w którym rozgrywa się akcja Romea i Julii (sztuka Williama Shakespeare'a). W sąsiedztwie żyją dwie skłócone rodziny: Kapuleci i Montekowie (dokładnie tak samo naywają się one w sztuke Shakespeare'a). Przypuszczalnie (stosownie do podanej historii sąsiedztwa) the conflict started when the leader of the Capp household broke a promise to the leader of the Monty household. The memories of Consort Capp and Patrizio Monty suggest that the broken promise may have been to help Patrizio out in time of need. Instead, Consort apparently conned Patrizio and the result was that Consort became a CEO and Patrizio got fired. Just like in the play, there are two lovers from each family: Romeo and Juliette. The other teens from either household are named after actual characters in Romeo and Juliet, except for Hermia. Her character (as well as a third family, the Summerdream family) was pulled from Sen nocy letniej, another Shakespearean play. Characters from other Shakespearean plays can be found in the family trees in Veronaville. Although these spoofs are supposed to parallel the plays they parody, the Romeo and Juliet parody is significantly less tragic than the actual play. (E.g., Tybalt cannot kill Mercutio to initiate the conspiracy and suicide of Shakesphere's play, but can still laugh if he sees Mercutio die from a satellite falling on his head, etc...)
[edytuj] Lamy
Lamy appear in The Sims (as it has in many Maxis titles). Speculation suggests that this is an in-joke due to one of the producer's love of Monty Python movies (specifically, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, where its opening credits credited llamas for the movie's production). An alternative explanation is that this is paying homage to the work of Jeff Minter, a legendary games programmer who began programming games, featuring all sorts of fluffy animals, for the Vic-20 and Commodore 64 for his company Llamasoft. Cows are also seen in University.
[edytuj] Michael Bachelor
Should one take a look at the Goth family tree, they can find out more about Bella's branch of the tree. As it turns out, a "Michael Bachelor" is her brother (now deceased). The Bachelor family was one of the pre-packaged families that came with the original The Sims. Only one person was in that family... a man named Michael. It is also disturbing to see this if you happened to have Bella marry Michael in the original game.
[edytuj] Mary-Sue Pleasant
One of the characters living in Miłowie is named "Mary-Sue Pleasant". This is probably a reference to the term "Mary Sue," which is used to describe an idealized character in a work of fan fiction.
Tu kończą się szczegóły fabuły lub zakończenia utworu.
[edytuj] Konwersje gry
Konwersja The Sims 2 została potwierdzona na poniższe konsole i urządzenia przenośne:
- GameCube
- PlayStation 2
- Xbox
- Nintendo DS
- Game Boy Advance
- Sony PlayStation Portable
- telefony komórkowe
Debiut gry na rynku konsolowym jest spodziewany na czwarty kwartał 2005 roku [1]. Na razie nie wiadomo, czy The Sims 2 ostanie przekonwertowane na konsole Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 i/lub Nintendo Revolution.
Jako że będzie to konwersja oryginalnego The Sims na konsole, gra zapewne będzie zawierała kompletnie inną mechanikę gry w porównaniu do jej komputerowej wersji. Wersja Nintendo DS ma kilka mini-gierek, np. malowanie obrazków.
[edytuj] Modyfikacje gry
Modders from various sites have been designing programs, most notably SimPE, to edit things from the game, such as recoloring objects which originally could not be recolored, extracting meshes of both clothing and objects, as well as changing different aspects of the game, like Teen Woohoo (Woohoo is the sims' version of sexual intercourse), and the InSiminator, which allows players to edit various attributes about sims, such as their mood, their relationships, or even make them pregnant with any sim on the lot, including the sim that will be pregnant. It can also force resurrections without the University Expansion, can change the time of day, and can change which sims are related to which other sims. Altering their memories and last names to match a user's re-writing of history requires the use of SimPE to edit game files. The InSiminator's alterations of teen relationships are further fleshed out with the InTeenimator, which can be a bother to some because it adds abortion to the game.
Other mods, such as Oberkorn's Krepuscular Skyes Holoprojector and GunMod's Radiance Light System help flesh out the lighting and sky effects for the game, giving users more environment types to choose from. DumbBlonde's Trashed Set made with Homecrafter Plus adds the ability to create slums for low-income families. JWoods' Animated Weather Windows and Doors allow some (crude) animations on doors and windows to help simulate rain, thunderstorms, and snow, all weather effects that Maxis had a difficult time including in the game due to program shortcomings. Revoye, Helaene, and others are renowned for creating more realistic skintones. Targa has, among other things, added ladders, which have never been common in Sims games up until this point. Modders such as NikkiBailey have even tried to add laundry to the game. (An aspect of life that Sims have never had to worry about.) Several skilled modders like SirIgnitusBlowtorch have even been involved in researching ways to create fires that will not cause sims to panic, a feature that has existed since the original release of The Sims and has caused a lot of players to lose entire sim families more quickly than they intended to.
There are also mods that exist to manipulate sims' gender preferences. The gender preference system exists based on which genders sims trust most to converse with, namely, those they believe will give them the best likelihood of positive conversation. Some in message boards have claimed that the gender preference system is a blanket endorsement of homosexual behavior by Maxis, but this has yet to be proven. Many hold this opinion strongly though. Many modders have found ways to manipulate the weak gender difference distinctions that come standard with the game for the specific purpose of using the gender preference system this way.(E.g., men and women can both get pregnant. There are no gender-defined differences in exact reactions they have to stimuli and social settings, etc.) With SimPE, the game can even be told to treat sims like the opposite of their native sex, making it possible to create many such situations.
Less intrusive mods from the above add common fiction characters into game format, such as the X-Men, several Anime characters, and even horror movie characters like Jason Vorhees.
[edytuj] Oskarżenie o zawartość seksualną
On July 22, 2005, Florida attorney Jack Thompson attacked Electronic Arts and The Sims 2, after Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas' Hot Coffee scandal was settled. Jack Thompson claimed that The Sims 2 was "worse than Hot Coffee", because it featured nude Sims which were blurred out, yet the blur could be removed by a mod. Thompson claimed that "pubic hair", "labia", and other genital details were visible if the blur was removed. The patch for the University Expansion Pack, coincidentally, removes the "intProp censorgridsize 0" cheat from the valid cheats recognized in the cheat console window, making it impossible for users to turn off the blur without third-party software, such as SeeThem 2.0.
Electronic Arts issued a statement correcting Thompson and pointing out that without the blur, there are no private parts, but that Sims are lacking in anatomical definition, like a child's dolls. In truth, several third-party mods, including custom meshes, are required to make nude sims have the features Thompson accused the game of having. Most makers of these mods have taken measures to prevent under-18 players from accessing them. This includes mods that were made in the past for Sims 1 games, adding graphic sexual animations. (Woohoo/Play in Bed animations are not very realistic.)
In an Internet radio show interview that aired at ChatterBox Game Show, Thompson retracted his previous misstatements about "pubic hair" and other details about which he was misinformed. However, he defended his position on The Sims 2 and expressed his opinion that because EA does not protect its copyright by stopping the mod community from making adult-oriented changes to the game, that they "lose their right to defend their copyright" in any way.
Zobacz też: Jack Thompson on the Sims 2
[edytuj] Zobacz też
[edytuj] Linki zewnętrzne
[edytuj] Oficjalne strony
- Oficjalna strona The Sims 2
- Strona aktualizacyjna The Sims 2 zawierająca ostatnie poprawki
[edytuj] Dzienniki projektantów gry
- Dziennik projektanka The Sims 2: Nocne Życie, Tima LeTourneau
- Aktualizacja dziennika
Seria SimCity: Sim City • Sim City 2000 • Sim City 3000 • Sim City 4 • Sim City 4: Godziny szczytu
Seria The Sims: The Sims • The Sims Online • The Sims 2 • The Sims Historie
Inne: SimFarm • SimEarth • SimAnt • SimTower SimGolf • SimHealth • SimIsle • SimLife • Spore
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