Berwick Upon Tweed
Frae Wikipedia
Berwick-upon-Tweed, (pronoonced "Berrick") is a toun locatit in the coonty o Northumberland, on the watter o Tweed, an is the nor'maist toun in Ingland. An as o 1991 haes 13,500 indwallers.
The toun is kent for chyngin fae Scotland tae Ingland sae monie times that it wis refered tae like a sindry kintra. Queen Victoria e'en signed a declaration o weir wi Roushae as "Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, Ireland, Berwick-upon-Tweed and all British Dominions". An acause o that, e'en whan Treaty o Paris (1856) wis signed, it wis offeecially yit at weir wi Roushae for owre a hunneryear haein no been mentiont in the agreeance.