Frae Wikipedia
The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wisna written by a body that's mither tongue is Scots. Gin ye can, please sort it.
Accordin tae Hinduism an Hindu mythology, Brahma is ane o the three maist important gods. The ither twa gods is Vishnu an Shiva. Brahma represents Brahman, a term an concept o Hinduism.
The Hindu tradeetion says that Brahma haes five heids. Houaniver, the mythological story tells that Shiva cuttit ane o the heids aff o Brahma. The tradeetion states that the fower heids o Brahma represents mony aspects o Hinduism na aw. The fower heids represents the fower Vedas - gey important Hindu scripturs. Thae fower heids represents the fower diveesions o time o Hinduism cried the Yugas an aw. They represent the fower diveesions o the Hindu society, the fower Varnas an aw.