Scots Pairlament
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![]() Politics o Scotland |
Scots Pairlament Scots Executive |
First Meinister Preses Laird Advocate Solicitor General Commissioners tae Pairlament (CSPs) |
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Walins Poleitical pairties |
UK Pairlament Scotland Office Secretar o State for Scotland |
The Scots Pairlament1 (Scottish Parliament in Inglis; Pàrlamaid na h-Alba in Gaelic) is the legislatur o Scotland. The oreeginal Scots Pairlament, or Estatis of Scotland, wis abolisht in 1707 bi the Act o Union, giein wey tae the new-foundit Pairlament o the Unitit Kinrick. The new Scots Pairlament wis establisht in 1999 unner the Scotland Act 1998. It can legislate on aw maiters cept thaim that's reserved for the UK Pairlament in Wastmeenster, an haes the pouer tae mak Scots laws an chynge the level o income tax peyed bi Scots ceetizens.
The'r 129 Commissioners tae the Scots Pairlament (CSPs) the nou. CSPs is waled bi a seestem o proportional representation, the Addeetional Member Seestem (AMS). 73 Commisioners is waled in individual constituencies, an 56 is waled frae regional pairtie leets (7 CSPs the piece frae aicht regions).
Efter the elections o 2003, the strenth o the pairties in the Pairlament is:
- Scots Labour Pairty: 50 CSPs
- Scots Naitional Pairty: 26 CSPs
- Scots Conservative an Unionist Pairty: 18 CSPs
- Scots Leiberal Democrats: 17 CSPs
- Scots Green Pairty: 7 CSPs
- Scots Socialist Pairty: 4 CSPs
- Unthirlt commissioners (Independents): 6 CSPs
- Scots Senior Ceetizen's Unitie Pairty: 1 CSP
The unthirlt commissioners is Dennis Canavan, unthirlt socialist frae Fawkirk Wast; Margo Macdonald, ae-time member o the SNP, electit on the leet vote as an unthirlt candidate for Lowden; Dr Jean Turner, frae Strathkelvin an Bearsden; Campbell Martin, electit on the SNP leet vote for the Wast o Scotland but herriet oot that pairtie midwey throu the 2003—2007 pairlamentary session; Tommy Sheridan an Rosemary Burne wha uised tae be CSPs fur the SSP.
The Pairlament wales frae amang its members its Preses (Presiding Officer in English) tae preside ower the meetins o the Pairlament. It wales the First Meenister o Scotland forby.
[edit] Fitmerks
1. Maugre o the pairlament itsel uisin Scottish (1, 2, 3), maist ilka cuif kens that the Scots for the English Scottish is Scots. Sen this is the Scots Wikipaedia sicna "linguistic mixter–maxter" isna uised here.