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Caesium (or cesium) is chemical element 55 on the periodic table. Its symbol is Cs.
Caesium is an alkali metal. It has some interesting properties. It can melt when you hold it in your hand, but it would not be smart to hold pure caesium in your hand because it is extremely reactive. It will even explode in air. There is not much caesium available on the Earth, so it costs a lot of money to buy it.
Caesium forms compounds with many other chemical elements. Because of this, it is used in tubes without air because caesium will react with the air. Otherwise, caesium does not have too many uses. One form of caesium, caesium-137 (how many protons and neutrons there are in an atom of that type of caesium), is used in atomic clocks.
The human body does not need caesium, and it may be dangerous because it acts like other important things our bodies need, like sodium and potassium.