From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hello! I am Hikitsurisan! My real name is a very common name, so I had to think of a user name that no one else would have. I like watching birds. Some people spend a lot of time looking for birds which are unusual. In England these people are called "twitchers" ("twitching" means when you can't help pulling muscles in your face). Translate "Mr Twitcher" into Japanese and you get "Hikitsurisan". But I'm not a twitcher. That was just a joke. I just like watching the birds in my garden and in the country where I live.
I teach music in a girls' school. The girls I teach are between 7 and 10 years old. Some of them are boarders (pupils who live at school during term time) and some of them do not speak English as their first language.
When I was nine I went to live in Holland (The Netherlands). In Holland they speak a language called Dutch. I went to a Dutch school. At first I did not understand anything. Slowly I learned to speak Dutch.
I studied music and German at an English university. I enjoy music, watching birds, jogging in the country, reading and learning languages.
I have written lots of articles about music for Simple English Wikipedia: too many to list here. I hope you enjoy reading them. Category:Music has a list of all the music articles; you could always start with the page on Music. I have also written articles on language topics such as Goethe, Franz Kafka, Samuel Johnson, vocabulary, katakana and hiragana and some general topics such as Political correctness.