Wikipedia:List of common misspellings
From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The correct spelling of each word is in (parentheses).
In addition to these words, many words which are spelled correctly are confused with another word which sounds the same or is spelled similarly. For example:
- it's and its
- then and than
- there, their, and they're
- to, two, and too
Top - 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[edit] A
- aberation (aberration)
- abondon (abandon)
- abondoned (abandoned)
- abondons (abandons)
- abondoning (abandoning)
- abortificant (abortifacient)
- abundancies (abundances)
- abutts (abuts)
- absense (absence)
- absorbsion (absorption)
- absorbtion (absorption)
- acording (according)
- accension (accession or ascension)
- acceptible (acceptable)
- accessable (accessible)
- accidently (accidentally)
- accomadate (accommodate)
- accomadated (accommodated)
- accomadates (accommodates)
- accomadation (accommodation)
- accomadations (accomodations)
- accomadating (accommodating)
- accomodate (accommodate)
- accomodated (accommodated)
- accomodates (accommodates)
- accomodating (accommodating)
- accomodation (accommodation)
- accomodations (accommodations)
- accompanyed (accompanied)
- acclimitization (acclimatization)
- accross (across)
- accussed (accused)
- acheive (achieve)
- acheived (achieved)
- acheivement (achievement)
- acheivements (achievements)
- acheives (achieves)
- acheiving (achieving)
- acheivment (achievement)
- acheivments (achievements)
- achievment (achievement)
- achievments (achievements)
- achive (achieve, archive)
- achived (achieved, archived)
- ackward (awkward, backward)
- acomplish (accomplish)
- acomplished (accomplished)
- acomplishment (accomplishment)
- acomplishments (accomplishments)
- acquaintence (acquaintance)
- acquaintences (acquaintances)
- acquiantence (acquaintance)
- acquiantences (acquaintances)
- acquited (acquitted)
- actualy (actually)
- acuracy (accuracy)
- acustom (accustom)
- acustommed (accustomed)
- adaption (adaptation)
- adaptions (adaptations)
- additinally (additionally)
- addmission (admission)
- addopt (adopt)
- addopted (adopted)
- addoptive (adoptive)
- adecuate (adequate)
- adhearing (adhering)
- admendment (amendment)
- adminstrate (administrate)
- adminstration (administration)
- adminstrative (administrative)
- admissable (admissible)
- admissability (admissibility)
- adolecent (adolescent)
- adquire (acquire)
- adquired (acquired)
- adquires (acquires)
- adquiring (acquiring)
- adres (address)
- adress (address)
- adressable (addressable)
- adresable (addressable)
- addres (address, adders)
- addresable (addressable)
- addresing (addressing)
- adresing (addressing)
- adressing (addressing, dressing)
- advertisment (advertisement)
- advertisments (advertisements)
- adviced (advised or advice--are we looking for a noun]] or [[verb?)
- aeriel (aerial)
- aeriels (aerials)
- afficionado (aficionado)
- afficionados (aficionados)
- affort (afford, effort)
- aggreement (agreement)
- agian (again)
- agina (again or angina or vagina)
- agravate (aggravate)
- agre (agree)
- agred (agreed)
- agreing (agreeing)
- agregate (aggregate)
- agregates (aggregates)
- agression (aggression)
- agressive (aggressive)
- agressively (aggressively)
- agriculturalist (agriculturist)
- agriculturalists (agriculturists)
- agrieved (aggrieved)
- ahev (have)
- ahppen (happen)
- ahve (have)
- airbourne (airborne)
- airporta (airports)
- alchohol (alcohol)
- alcoholical (alcoholic)
- alege (allege)
- aleged (alleged)
- alegience (allegiance)
- algebraical (algebraic)
- algoritm (algorithm)
- algoritms (algorithms)
- alledge (allege)
- alledged (alleged)
- alledges (alleges)
- allegience (allegiance)
- alliviate (alleviate)
- allopone (allophone)
- allopones (allophones)
- almsot (almost)
- alomst (almost)
- alot (a lot, allot)
- alotted (allotted)
- alreayd (already)
- alsot (also)
- altho (although)
- althought (although)
- altough (although)
- alusion (allusion, illusion)
- alwasy (always)
- alwyas (always)
- amature (armature, amateur)
- amendmant (amendment)
- amke (make)
- amking (making)
- ammend (amend)
- ammendment (amendment)
- amoung (among)
- analagous (analogous)
- analogeous (analogous)
- analitic (analytic)
- anbd (and)
- androgenous (androgynous)
- androgeny (androgyny)
- anihilation (annihilation)
- annoint (anoint)
- annointed (anointed)
- annointing (anointing)
- annoints (anoints)
- annuled (annulled)
- anomolies (anomalies)
- anomolous (anomalous)
- anomoly (anomaly)
- anonimity (anonymity)
- anounced (announced)
- ansalisation (nasalisation)
- ansalization (nasalization)
- anthromorphization (anthropomorphization)
- anual (annual or anal - except Anual is a proper noun)
- anyhwere (anywhere)
- anytying (anything)
- Apenines (Apennines)
- aparent (apparent)
- aplication (application)
- apolegetics (apologetics)
- apon (upon, apron)
- apparant (apparent)
- appart (apart)
- appartment (apartment)
- appartments (apartments)
- appealling (appealing or appalling)
- appearence (appearance)
- appearences (appearances)
- Appenines (Apennines)
- appologies (apologies)
- appology (apology)
- apprieciate (appreciate)
- approachs (approaches)
- appropiate (appropriate)
- approximitely (approximately)
- aproximately (approximately)
- aquaintance (acquaintance)
- aquainted (acquainted)
- aquiantance (acquaintance)
- aquire (acquire)
- aquired (acquired)
- aquiring (acquiring)
- aquisition (acquisition)
- aquitted (acquitted)
- arangement (arrangement)
- arbitary (arbitrary)
- arbitarily (arbitrarily)
- archaoelogy (archeology, archaeology)
- archaology (archeology, archaeology)
- archeaologist (archeologist, archaeologist)
- archeaologists (archeologists, archaeologists)
- archetect (architect)
- archetects (architects)
- archetecture (architecture)
- archetectural (architectural)
- archetecturally (architecturally)
- Archimedian (Archimedean)
- archtype (archetype)
- archtypes (archetypes)
- artical (article)
- articel (article)
- artifical (artifical)
- artifically (artificially)
- artillary (artillery)
- asetic (ascetic)
- aslo (also)
- asociated (associated)
- asorbed (absorbed)
- assasin (assassin - one S appears to be correct in Swedish crosslink)
- assasinate (assassinate)
- assasinated (assassinated)
- assasinates (assassinates)
- assasination (assassination)
- assasinations (assassinations)
- assasins (assassins)
- assemple (assemble)
- assitant (assistant)
- assymetric (asymmetric)
- asteriod (asteroid)
- asthetic (aesthetic)
- asthetical (aesthetical)
- asthetically (aesthetically)
- atheistical (atheistic)
- Athenean (Athenian)
- Atheneans (Athenians)
- atribute (attribute)
- atributes (attributes)
- attaindre (attainder, attained)
- attemt (attempt)
- attemted (attempted)
- attemting (attempting)
- attemts (attempts)
- attendence (attendance)
- attendent (attendant)
- attendents (attendants)
- attitide (attitude)
- audeince (audience)
- authobiographic (autobiographic)
- authobiography (autobiography)
- autoctonous (autochthonous)
- autor (author - but Autor in German)
- auxilliary (auxiliary)
- avalable (available)
- avaliable (available)
- avation (aviation)
- averageed (averaged)
- awya (away)
[edit] B
- bakc (back)
- bandwith (bandwidth)
- bankrupcy (bankruptcy)
- baout (about or bout)
- barbeque (barbecue)
- basicly (basically)
- basicaly (basically)
- bcak (back)
- beacuse (because)
- beastiality (bestiality)
- beatiful (beautiful)
- beaurocracy (bureaucracy)
- beautyfull (beautiful)
- becasue (because)
- becamae (became)
- becomming (becoming)
- becouse (because)
- becuase (because)
- befoer (before)
- beggin (begin, begging)
- begginer (beginner)
- begginers (beginners)
- beggining (beginning)
- begginings (beginnings)
- begining (beginning)
- beginnig (beginning)
- behavour (behavior, behaviour)
- beleagured (beleaguered)
- beleif (belief)
- beleive (believe)
- beleived (believed)
- beleives (believes)
- beleiving (believing)
- belives (believes, beliefs)
- beneficary (beneficiary)
- benificial (beneficial)
- benifit (benefit)
- benifits (benefits)
- bergamont (bergamot)
- Bernouilli (Bernoulli)
- beseige (besiege)
- beseiged (besieged)
- beseiging (besieging)
- bilateraly (bilaterally)
- binominal (binomial)
- blaim (blame)
- blaimed (blamed)
- blessure (blessing - unless it's an injury)
- Blitzkreig (Blitzkrieg)
- boaut (bout or boat or about)
- bondary (boundary)
- Bonnano (Bonanno)
- boundry (boundary)
- Brasillian (Brazilian)
- breakthough (breakthrough)
- briliant (brilliant)
- Britian (Britain)
- Brittish (British)
- broady (broadly)
- buffalos (buffaloes)
- buisness (business)
- buring (burying or burning or burin or during)
- busineses (business, businesses)
- busness (business)
[edit] C
- calender (calendar, NB calender itself is a machine)
- caligraphy (calligraphy)
- caluclate (calculate)
- caluclated (calculated)
- caluculate (calculate)
- caluculated (calculated)
- calulate (calculate)
- calulated (calculated)
- Cambrige (Cambridge)
- campain (campaign)
- campains (campaigns)
- candadate (candidate)
- cannister (canister)
- cannisters (canisters)
- cannonical (canonical)
- cannotation (connotation)
- cannotations (connotations)
- cant (cant or can't)
- caost (coast)
- caperbility (capability)
- Capetown (Cape Town)
- carachter (character)
- carcas (carcass, Caracas)
- careing (caring)
- carismatic (charismatic)
- Carmalite (Carmelite)
- carniverous (carnivorous)
- Carribean (Caribbean)
- Carthagian (Carthaginian)
- carthographer (cartographer)
- cartilege (cartilage)
- cartilidge (cartilage)
- cartrige (cartridge)
- casion (caisson)
- casette (cassette)
- cassawory (cassowary)
- cassowarry (cassowary)
- casulaties (casualties)
- casulaty (casualty)
- catagories (categories)
- catagory (category)
- Cataline (Catiline or Catalina)
- cathlic (catholic)
- catterpilar (caterpillar)
- catterpilars (caterpillars)
- causalities (casualties)
- Ceasar (Caesar)
- Celcius (Celsius)
- cemetarey (cemetery)
- cemetaries (cemeteries)
- cemetary (cemetery, except for the heavy metal band)
- cencus (census)
- censur (censor, censure)
- centruies (centuries)
- centruy (century)
- ceratin (certain, keratin)
- cerimonial (ceremonial)
- cerimonies (ceremonies)
- cerimonious (ceremonious)
- cerimony (ceremony)
- certainity (certainty)
- cervial (cervical, servile, serval)
- Champange (Champagne)
- charachter (character)
- charachters (characters)
- charaterized (characterized)
- charistics (characteristics)
- chariman (chairman)
- chasr (chaser, chase)
- cheif (chief)
- chemcial (chemical)
- chemcially (chemically)
- chemestry (chemistry)
- chemicaly (chemically)
- childbird (childbirth)
- childrens (children's)
- choosen (chosen)
- ciricuit (circuit)
- civillian (civilian)
- claer (clear)
- claerer (clearer)
- claerly (clearly)
- claimes (claims (sb. or vb.)
- clera (clear, sclera)
- cleareance (clearance)
- clincial (clinical)
- clinicaly (clinically)
- coform (conform)
- colateral (collateral)
- collectable (collectible - OED has able as correct)
- collectables (collectibles - OED has able as correct)
- collegue (colleague)
- collegues (colleagues)
- collonade (colonnade)
- collonies (colonies)
- collony (colony)
- collosal (colossal)
- colouration (coloration)
- comander (commander, commandeer)
- comando (commando)
- comandos (commandos)
- comback (comeback (noun)
- comision (commission)
- comisioned (commissioned)
- comisioner (commissioner)
- comisioning (commissioning)
- comisions (commissions)
- comission (commission)
- comissioned (commissioned)
- comissioner (commissioner)
- comissioning (commissioning)
- comissions (commissions)
- comited (committed)
- comiting (committing)
- comittee (committee)
- comitted (committed)
- comitting (committing)
- commandoes (commandos)
- commemerative (commemorative)
- commericial (commercial)
- commericially (commercially)
- commision (commission)
- commisioned (commissioned)
- commisioner (commissioner)
- commisioning (commissioning)
- commisions (commissions)
- commited (committed)
- comming (coming)
- committe (committee)
- commitee (committee)
- commiting (committing)
- commmemorated (commemorated)
- commongly (commonly)
- communciation (communication)
- comparision (comparison)
- comparitive (comparative)
- compatiblity (compatibility)
- competance (competence)
- competant (competent)
- competion (competition, completion)
- competive (competitive)
- comphrehensive (comprehensive)
- compitent (competent)
- complier (compiler)
- comprimise (compromise)
- concensus (consensus)
- concider (consider)
- concidered (considered)
- conciders (considers)
- concious (conscious)
- conciously (consciously)
- conciousness (consciousness)
- conquerer (conqueror)
- conquerers (conquerors)
- condemmed (condemned)
- condidtion (condition)
- condidtions (conditions)
- confidental (confidential)
- confidentally (confidentially)
- congresional (congressional)
- conived (connived)
- conjecutre (conjecture)
- Conneticut (Connecticut)
- conscent (consent)
- consdider (consider)
- consdidered (considered)
- consentrate (concentrate)
- consentrated (concentrated)
- consentrates (concentrates)
- consept (concept)
- consern (concern)
- conserned (concerned)
- conserning (concerning)
- conservitive (conservative)
- considerd (considered)
- consituencies (constituencies)
- consituency (constituency)
- consitutional (constitutional)
- constituional (constitutional)
- consitution (constitution)
- constituion (constitution)
- consolodate (consolidate)
- consolodated (consolidated)
- consonent (consonant)
- consonents (consonants)
- consorcium (consortium)
- constaints (constraints)
- constanly (constantly)
- constatn (constant)
- constituant (constituent)
- constituants (constituents)
- constituion (constitution)
- constituional (constitutional)
- constuction (construction)
- consumate (consummate)
- consumated (consummated)
- contaiminate (contaminate)
- containes (contains)
- contamporaries (contemporaries)
- contamporary (contemporary)
- contemporaneus (contemporaneous, contemporary)
- continous (continuous)
- continously (continuously)
- continueing (continuing)
- contravercial (controversial)
- contraversy (controversy)
- contributer (contributor)
- contributers (contributors)
- controled (controlled)
- controling (controlling)
- controll (control)
- controlls (controls)
- controvercial (controversial)
- controvercy (controversy)
- controveries (controversies)
- controvery (controversy)
- conveinent (convenient)
- convenant (covenant)
- convential (conventional)
- convertion (conversion)
- convertor (converter)
- convertors (converters)
- conveyer (conveyor)
- convienient (convenient)
- coordiantion (coordination)
- coorperation (cooperation)
- coorperation (corporation)
- copywrite (copyright - nb copywrite is valid for proofread)
- corosion (corrosion)
- corparate (corporate)
- correponding (corresponding)
- correposding (corresponding)
- correspondant (correspondent)
- correspondants (correspondents)
- corrispond (correspond)
- corrispondant (correspondent)
- corrispondants (correspondents)
- corrisponding (corresponding)
- corrisponded (corresponded)
- corrisponds (corresponds)
- costitution (constitution)
- coudl (could, cloud)
- could of (could have)
- councellor (councillor or counselor)
- councellors (councillors or counselors)
- countains (contains)
- coururier (courier, couturier)
- coverted (converted, covered, coveted)
- cpoy (coy, copy)
- creaeted (created)
- critereon (criterion)
- criticists (critics)
- critising (criticising, criticizing)
- critisism (criticism)
- critisisms (criticisms)
- critisize (criticise, criticize)
- critisized (criticised, criticized)
- critisizes (criticises, criticizes)
- critisizing (criticising, criticizing)
- crucifiction (crucifixion)
- crusies (cruises)
- culiminating (culminating)
- cumulatative (cumulative)
- curch (church)
- currenly (currently)
- cxan (cyan)
- Cyprian (Cypriot, but Cyprian as a personal name)
[edit] D
- dael (deal, dial, dahl)
- damenor (demeanor)
- Dardenelles (Dardanelles)
- debateable (debatable)
- decendant (descendant)
- decendants (descendants)
- decendents (descendants)
- decideable (decidable)
- decidely (decidedly)
- decieved (deceived)
- decomposit (decompose)
- decomposits (decomposes)
- decompositing (decomposing)
- decomposited (decomposed)
- decribe (describe)
- decribed (described)
- decribes (describes)
- decribing (describing)
- decypher (decipher)
- decyphered (deciphered)
- deffine (define)
- deffined (defined)
- definance (defiance)
- definate (definite)
- definately (definitely)
- definatly (definitely)
- definetly (definitely)
- definit (definite)
- definitly (definitely)
- demenor (demeanor)
- demographical (demographic)
- denegrating (denigrating)
- dependance (dependence)
- dependancy (dependency)
- dependant (dependent)
- deram (dram, dream -- but "Deram Records" is correct)
- deriviated (derived)
- derogitory (derogatory)
- desgined (designed)
- descendent (descendant)
- descendents (descendants, except the band "The Descendents")
- descuss (discuss)
- descision (decision)
- descisions (decisions)
- deside (decide)
- desintegrated (disintegrated)
- desintegration (disintegration)
- desireable (desirable)
- desparate (desperate, disparate)
- despiration (desperation)
- dessicated (desiccated)
- dessigned (designed)
- detailled (detailed)
- detatched (detached)
- detremental (detrimental)
- determinining (determining)
- develope (develop)
- devolopement (development)
- developped (developed)
- devide (divide)
- devided (divided)
- diaster (disaster)
- dicover (discover)
- dicovered (discovered)
- dicovers (discovers)
- dicovering (discovering)
- dicovery (discovery)
- didnt (didn't)
- diea (idea, die)
- dieing (dying, dyeing)
- dieties (deities)
- diety (deity)
- diferent (different)
- diferrent (different)
- diffrent (different)
- dificulties (difficulties)
- dificulty (difficulty)
- dimenions (dimensions)
- dimention (dimension)
- dimentions (dimensions)
- diphtong (diphthong)
- diphtongs (diphthongs)
- dipthong (diphthong)
- dipthongs (diphthongs)
- dirived (derived)
- disaproval (disapproval)
- disasterous (disastrous)
- disatisfaction (dissatisfaction)
- disatisfied (dissatisfied)
- discontentment (discontent)
- discribe (describe)
- discribed (described)
- discribes (describes)
- discribing (describing)
- disemination (dissemination)
- disenchanged (disenchanted)
- disolved (dissolved)
- disobediance (disobedience)
- disobediant (disobedient)
- dispair (despair)
- disparingly (disparagingly)
- dispence (dispense)
- dispenced (dispensed)
- dispencing (dispensing)
- dispicable (despicable)
- dispite (despite)
- disputandem (disputandum)
- dissagreement (disagreement)
- dissapear (disappear)
- dissapeared (disappeared)
- dissapearing (disappearing)
- dissapears (disappears)
- dissappear (disappear)
- dissappears (disappears)
- dissobediance (disobedience)
- dissobediant (disobedient)
- dissobedience (disobedience)
- dissobedient (disobedient)
- distingish (distinguish)
- distingished (distinguished)
- distingishes (distinguishes)
- distingishing (distinguishing)
- distructive (destructive)
- diversed (diverse, diverged)
- divice (device)
- divison (division)
- divisons (divisions)
- doccument (document)
- doccumented (documented)
- doccuments (documents)
- doens (does)
- doesnt (doesn't)
- doign (doing)
- dominent (dominant)
- dominiant (dominant)
- donig (doing)
- donut (variant of doughnut)
- doub (doubt, daub)
- dramtic (dramatic)
- draughtman (draughtsman)
- Dravadian (Dravidian)
- dreasm (dreams)
- driectly (directly)
- drnik (drink)
- druming (drumming)
- dukeship (dukedom)
- durring (during)
- dyas (dryas, dias)
[edit] E
- earnt (earned)
- ecidious (deciduous, insidious)
- eclispe (eclipse)
- efel (evil)
- effecient (efficient)
- efficent (efficient)
- effeciently (efficiently)
- efficently (efficiently)
- effulence (effluence)
- efford (effort, afford)
- effords (efforts, affords)
- eigth (eighth)
- electic (eclectic, electric)
- electon (election, electron)
- electrial (electrical)
- electricly (electrically)
- electricty (electricity)
- eleminated (eliminated)
- eleminating (eliminating)
- eles (Ellis)
- elicided (elicited)
- eligable (eligible)
- elimentary (elementary)
- elphant (elephant)
- embarras (embarrass)
- embarrased (embarrassed)
- embarrasing (embarrassing)
- embarrasment (embarrassment)
- embarass (embarrass)
- embarassed (embarrassed)
- embarassing (embarrassing)
- embarassment (embarrassment)
- embezelled (embezzled)
- eminate (emanate)
- emision (emission)
- emited (emitted)
- emiting (emitting)
- emition (emission, emotion)
- emmediately (immediately)
- emmigrated (emigrated)
- emminent (eminent, imminent)
- emminently (eminently)
- emmision (emission)
- emmisarries (emissaries)
- emmisarry (emissary)
- emmisaries (emissaries)
- emmisary (emissary)
- emmited (emitted)
- emmiting (emitting)
- emmitted (emitted)
- emmitting (emitting)
- emnity (enmity)
- emperical (empirical)
- empirial (empirical, imperial)
- emphysyma (emphysema)
- enamoured (enamoured, enamored)
- encryptiion (encryption)
- endevour (endeavour)
- endolithes (endoliths)
- ened (need)
- engeneer (engineer)
- engeneering (engineering)
- engieneer (engineer)
- engieneers (engineers)
- enlargment (enlargement)
- enlargments (enlargements)
- Enlish (English, enlist)
- enourmous (enormous)
- enourmously (enormously)
- entrepeneur (entrepreneur)
- entrepeneurs (entrepreneurs)
- enviorment (environment)
- enviormental (environmental)
- enviormentally (environmentally)
- enviorments (environments)
- enviornment (environment)
- enviornmental (environmental)
- enviornmentalist (environmentalist)
- enviornmentally (environmentally)
- enviornments (environments)
- enviroment (environment)
- enviromental (environmental)
- enviromentalist (environmentalist)
- enviromentally (environmentally)
- enviroments (environments)
- enxt (next)
- equilibium (equilibrium)
- equilibrum (equilibrium)
- equiped (equipped)
- equippment (equipment)
- equitorial (equatorial)
- erally (orally, really)
- eratic (erratic)
- eraticly (erratically)
- erested (arrested, erected)
- esle (else)
- esential (essential)
- essencial (essential)
- essense (essence)
- essesital (essential)
- essentual (essential)
- ethose (those, ethos)
- Europian (European)
- Europians (Europeans)
- Eurpean (European)
- Eurpoean (European)
- eveyr (every)
- evidentally (evidently)
- exagerate (exaggerate)
- exagerated (exaggerated)
- exagerates (exaggerates)
- exagerating (exaggerating)
- exagerrate (exaggerate)
- exagerrated (exaggerated)
- exagerrates (exaggerates)
- exagerrating (exaggerating)
- exampt (exempt)
- excecute (execute)
- excecuted (executed)
- excecutes (executes)
- excecuting (executing)
- excecution (execution)
- excedded (exceeded)
- excell (excel)
- excells (excels)
- exelent (excellent)
- exemple (example)
- exerbate (exacerbate)
- exerbated (exacerbated)
- exerpt (excerpt)
- exerpts (excerpts)
- exerternal (external)
- exhalted (exalted)
- exibition (exhibition)
- exibitions (exhibitions)
- existance (existence)
- existant (existent)
- exmaple (example)
- exoskelaton (exoskeleton)
- expalin (explain)
- expell (expel)
- expells (expels)
- exploititive (exploitative)
- extered (exerted)
- extint (extinct, extant)
- extraterrestial (extraterrestrial)
- extraterrestials (extraterrestrials)
- extravagent (extravagant)
- extremeophile (extremophile)
- extrordinarily (extraordinarily)
- extrordinary (extraordinary)
- eyar (year)
- eyars (years, eyas)
- eyasr (years)
[edit] F
- faciliate (facilitate)
- faciliated (facilitated)
- facinated (fascinated)
- famoust (famous, most famous)
- fanatism (fanaticism)
- faught (fought)
- feasable (feasible)
- febuary (february)
- feromone (pheromone)
- fianlly (finally)
- ficticious (fictitious)
- fictious (fictitious)
- fidn (find)
- fiel (feel, field, file, phial)
- fiels (feels, fields, files, phials)
- filiament (filament)
- finaly (finally)
- financialy (financially)
- firends (friends)
- firts (flirts, first)
- fleed (fled, freed)
- Flemmish (Flemish)
- florescent (fluorescent)
- fluorish (flourish)
- fonetic (phonetic)
- fomr (from, form)
- forbad (forbade)
- forfiet (forfeit)
- forhead (forehead)
- foriegn (foreign)
- Formalhaut (Fomalhaut)
- formallize (formalize)
- formallized (formalized)
- formost (foremost)
- forunner (forerunner)
- foudn (found)
- fougth (fought)
- foundaries (foundries)
- foundary (foundry)
- Foundland (Newfoundland)
- fourty (forty)
- Fransiscan (Franciscan)
- Fransiscans (Franciscans)
- freind (friend)
- fundametal (fundamental)
- fundametals (fundamentals)
- furuther (further)
- funguses (fungi)
- futhroc (futhark)
[edit] G
- gae (game, Gael, gale)
- Galations (Galatians)
- garanteed (guaranteed)
- gasses (gases)
- gauarana (guarana)
- gaurd (guard, gourd)
- geneologies (genealogies)
- geneology (genealogy)
- generaly (generally)
- genialia (genitalia)
- gentlemens (gentlemen's)
- geometrician (geometer)
- geometricians (geometers)
- gerat (great)
- Ghandi (Gandhi)
- godess (goddess)
- godesses (goddesses)
- Godounov (Godunov)
- gogin (going, Gauguin)
- goign (going)
- gonig (going)
- Gothenberg (Gothenburg)
- Gottleib (Gottlieb)
- gouvener (governor)
- governer (governor)
- goverment (government)
- govermental (governmental)
- govorment (government)
- govormental (governmental)
- graet (great)
- grafitti (graffiti)
- grammaticaly (grammatically)
- gramatically (grammatically)
- grammer (grammar, [[except Kelsey Grammer)
- grat (great)
- gratuitious (gratuitous)
- greatful (grateful)
- greatfully (gratefully)
- greif (grief)
- groupsex (group sex)
- grwo (grow)
- Guadulupe, Guaduloupe (Guadalupe, Guadaloupe -- both exist)
- guage (gauge)
- guarentee (guarantee)
- guarenteed (guaranteed)
- guarentees (guarantees)
- Guatamala (Guatemala)
- Guatamalan (Guatemalan)
- guerrila (guerilla, guerrilla -- both are correct)
- guerrilas (guerillas, guerrillas -- both are correct)
- guidence (guidance)
- Guilia (Giulia)
- Guilio (Giulio)
- guillemet (guillemot - a bird)
- guillemot (guillemet - French quotation mark)
- Guiness (Guinness)
- Guiseppe (Giuseppe)
- gunanine (guanine)
- guranteed (guaranteed)
- guttaral (guttural)
- gutteral (guttural)
[edit] H
- habaeus (habeas, latin as in habeas corpus)
- habeus (habeas, latin as in habeas corpus)
- habitant (inhabitant but habitant ok in French)
- habitants (inhabitants but habitants ok in French)
- Habsbourg (Habsburg)
- hace (hare)
- haev (have, heave)
- Hallowean (Hallowe'en, Halloween)
- hapen (happen)
- hapened (happened)
- happended (happened)
- hapening (happening)
- harased (harassed)
- harases (harasses)
- harasment (harassment)
- harasments (harassments)
- harras (harass)
- harrasing (harassing)
- harrased (harassed)
- harrases (harasses)
- harrasment (harassment)
- harrasments (harassments)
- harrassing ([[harass
- harrassed (harassed)
- harrasses (harassed)
- harrassment (harassment)
- harrassments (harassments)
- hasnt (hasn't)
- headquater (headquarter)
- headquatered (headquartered)
- headquaters (headquarters)
- heared (heard)
- Heidelburg (Heidelberg)
- heigher (higher)
- heirarchy (hierarchy)
- heiroglyphics (hieroglyphics)
- hemmorhage (hemorrhage)
- herad (heard, Hera)
- heroe (hero)
- heros (heroes)
- heterogenous (heterogeneous is more correct, but both are acceptable)
- hieght (height)
- hierachical (hierarchical)
- hierachies (hierarchies)
- hierachy (hierarchy)
- hierarcical (hierarchical)
- hierarcy (hierarchy)
- hieroglph (hieroglyph)
- hieroglphs (hieroglyphs)
- higer (higher)
- higest (highest)
- hinderence (hindrance)
- hindrence (hindrance)
- helpfull (helpful)
- hipopotamus (hippopotamus)
- hismelf (himself)
- histocompatability (histocompatibility)
- homogeneize (homogenize)
- homogeneized (homogenized)
- honory (honorary)
- horrifing (horrifying)
- housr (hours, house)
- howver (however)
- hten (then, hen, the)
- htere (there, here)
- htey (they)
- hting (thing)
- htikn (think)
- htink (think)
- htis (this)
- humer (humour)
- humerous (humorous, humourous, humerus)
- humoural (humoral)
- humourous (This is not incorrect)
- hvae (have)
- hvea (have, heave)
- hvaing (having)
- hwihc (which)
- hwile (while)
- hwole (whole)
- hydropile (hydrophile)
- hydropilic (hydrophilic)
- hydropobe (hydrophobe)
- hydropobic (hydrophobic)
- hygeine (hygiene)
- hypocracy (hypocrisy)
- hypocrasy (hypocrisy)
- hypocricy (hypocrisy)
- hypocrit (hypocrite)
- hypocrits (hypocrites)
[edit] I
- iconclastic (iconoclastic)
- idae (idea)
- idaes (ideas)
- idealogies (ideologies)
- idealogy (ideology)
- identicial (identical)
- ideosyncratic (idiosyncratic)
- idesa (ideas, ides)
- Ihaca (Ithaca)
- illegimacy (illegitimacy)
- illegitmate (illegitimate)
- illution (illusion)
- ilogical (illogical)
- imagenary (imaginary)
- imagin (imagine)
- imaginery (imaginary, imagery)
- imanent (eminent, imminent)
- imediately (immediately)
- imense (immense)
- immidately (immediately)
- immidiately (immediately)
- imigrant (emigrant, immigrant)
- imigrated (emigrated, immigrated)
- imigration (emigration, immigration)
- iminent (eminent, imminent, or immanent, depending on meaning)
- immediatley (immediately)
- immitate (imitate)
- immitated (imitated)
- immitating (imitating)
- immitator (imitator)
- immunosupressant (immunosuppressant)
- impedence (impedance)
- improvision (improvisation)
- inaccessable (inaccessible)
- inappropiate (inappropriate)
- inaugures (inaugurates)
- inbalance (imbalance)
- inbalanced (imbalanced)
- incidently (incidentally)
- incompatiblity (incompatibility)
- incompetance (incompetence)
- incompetant (incompetent)
- incorperation (incorporation)
- incorruptable (incorruptible)
- increadible (incredible)
- incredable (incredible)
- inctroduced (introduced)
- inctroduce (introduce)
- incunabla (incunabula)
- indefinately (indefinitely)
- indefinitly (indefinitely)
- independance (independence, but -ance is correct in French, so be careful with New Caledonia)
- independant (independent)
- independantly (independently)
- indepedantly (independently)
- independece (independence)
- indipendent (independent)
- indipendently (independently)
- indispensible (indispensable)
- indisputibly (indisputably)
- indisputible (indisputable)
- indite (indict)
- indpendently (independently)
- indpendent (independent)
- indulgue (indulge)
- indutrial (industrial)
- inevatible (inevitable)
- inevitible (inevitable)
- infectuous (infectious)
- infilitrate (infiltrate)
- infilitrated (infiltrated)
- infinit (infinite)
- infomation (information)
- inflamation (inflammation)
- influencial (influential)
- influented (influenced)
- ingreediants (ingredients)
- inheritage (heritage or inheritance)
- initation (initiation)
- inmigrant (immigrant)
- inmigrants (immigrants)
- inocence (innocence)
- inot (into)
- inpeach (impeach)
- inpolite (impolite)
- inprisonment (imprisonment)
- insistance (insistence)
- insitution (institution)
- insitutions (institutions)
- inspite (in spite)
- instade (instead)
- instatance (instance)
- intelectual (intellectual)
- inteligence (intelligence)
- inteligent (intelligent)
- interbread (interbreed or interbred)
- interchangably (interchangeably)
- interelated (interrelated)
- intergrated (integrated)
- intergration (integration)
- internation (international)
- interpet (interpret)
- interrugum (interregnum)
- intertaining (entertaining)
- interupt (interrupt)
- intrest (interest)
- intutive (intuitive)
- intutively (intuitively)
- inumerable (enumerable, innumerable)
- inventer (inventor)
- invertibrates (invertebrates)
- involvment (involvement)
- irelevent (irrelevant)
- iresistable (irresistible)
- iresistably (irresistibly)
- iresistible (irresistible)
- iresistibly (irresistibly)
- iritable (irritable)
- iritated (irritated)
- ironicly (ironically)
- irregardless (regardless)
- irresistable (irresistible)
- irresistably (irresistibly)
- isnt (isn't)
- Israelies (Israelis)
- iwll (will)
- iwth (with)
[edit] J
- Japanes (Japanese)
- Jaques (Jacques - except in Shakespeare)
- jeapardy (jeopardy)
- Johanine (Johannine)
- Jospeh (Joseph)
- journies (journeys)
- jstu (just)
- jsut (just)
- Juadaism (Judaism)
- Juadism (Judaism)
- judical (judicial)
- judisuary (judiciary)
[edit] K
- kindergarden (kindergarten)
- km2 (km²)
- knowlege (knowledge)
- knowlegeable (knowledgeable)
- knowledgable (knowledgeable)
- konw (know)
- konws (knows)
- knwo (know)
- knwos (knows)
- kwno (know)
[edit] L
- labatory (lavatory)
- labled (labelled)
- labratory (laboratory)
- laguage (language)
- laguages (languages)
- lavae (larvae)
- layed (laid)
- leaded (led -- except in certain technical senses related to the metal lead)
- leanr (lean, learn, leaner)
- legitamate (legitimate)
- Leibnitz (Leibniz (philosopher)
- lenght (length)
- leran (learn)
- lerans (learns)
- leutenant (lieutenant)
- levetate (levitate)
- levetated (levitated)
- levetates (levitates)
- levetating (levitating)
- levle (level)
- liason (liaison, Mara Liasson)
- libary (library)
- libguistic (linguistic)
- libguistics (linguistics)
- libell (libel)
- lible (libel, liable)
- licenced (licensed)
- licencing (licensing)
- lief (life, leaf)
- lieing (lying)
- liek (like)
- liekd (liked)
- liesure (leisure)
- lightyear (light year)
- lightyears (light years)
- Likabitos ((Mt.) Lykabettos]])
- likelyhood (likelihood)
- Linnaena (Linnaean)
- Lippizaner (Lipizzaner)
- liquify (liquefy)
- lisence (licence or license)
- lisense (licence or license)
- litature (literature)
- literture (literature)
- littel (little)
- liuke (like)
- livley (lively)
- loev (love)
- lonelyness (loneliness)
- lonley (lonely)
- lonly (lonely, only)
- loosing (losing)
- Lotharingen (Lothringen)
- lsat (last)
- Lukid (Likud)
- lveo (love)
- lvoe (love)
- Lybia (Libya)
[edit] M
- magolia (magnolia)
- maintainance (maintenance)
- maintainence (maintenance)
- maintance (maintenance)
- maintenence (maintenance)
- maintioned (mentioned)
- maked (marked, made)
- makse (makes)
- Malcom (Malcolm - but "Malcom" may be right in some cases)
- maltesian (Maltese)
- mamal (mammal)
- mamalian (mammalian)
- managment (management)
- manoeuverability (maneuverability, manoeuvrability)
- manouver (maneuver, manoeuvre)
- manouvers (maneuvers, manoeuvres)
- manouverability (maneuverability, manoeuvrability)
- manouverable (maneuverable, manoeuvrable)
- manuever (maneuver, manoeuvre)
- manuevers (maneuvers, manoeuvres)
- manufature (manufacture)
- manufatured (manufactured)
- manufaturing (manufacturing)
- marjority (majority)
- marketting (marketing)
- marraige (marriage)
- marrage (marriage)
- marryied (married)
- Massachussets (Massachusetts)
- Massachussetts (Massachusetts)
- massmedia (mass media)
- mathamatics (mathematics)
- matheticians (mathematicians)
- mathmatician (mathematician)
- mathmaticians (mathematicians)
- mear (wear, mere, mare)
- medacine (medicine)
- medeival (medieval, mediaeval)
- mediciney (mediciny)
- Mediteranean (Mediterranean)
- meerkrat (meerkat)
- memeber (member)
- membranaphone (membranophone)
- meranda (veranda, Miranda)
- messanger (messenger)
- metalic (metallic)
- metalurgic (metallurgic)
- metalurgical (metallurgical)
- metalurgy (metallurgy)
- metamorphysis (metamorphosis)
- Michagan (Michigan)
- midwifes (midwives)
- mileau (milieu)
- milennia (millennia)
- milennium (millennium)
- mileu (milieu)
- millenia (millennia)
- millenium (millennium)
- millepede (millipede)
- millitary (military)
- minature (miniature)
- miniscule (minuscule)
- ministery (ministry)
- miscelaneous (miscellaneous)
- miscellanous (miscellaneous)
- miscellanious (miscellaneous)
- mischeivous (mischievous)
- mischevious (mischievous)
- mischievious (mischievous)
- misile (missile)
- misdameanor (misdemeanor)
- misdameanors (misdemeanors)
- misdemenor (misdemeanor)
- misdemenors (misdemeanors)
- mispelling (misspelling)
- Misouri (Missouri)
- Missisipi (Mississippi)
- Missisippi (Mississippi)
- missen (mizzen)
- missle (missile, missel (thrush)
- mistery (mystery)
- misterious (mysterious)
- misteryous (mysterious)
- mkae (make)
- mkaes (makes)
- mkaing (making)
- mkea (make)
- modle (model)
- moent (moment)
- moeny (money)
- Mohammedan (Muslim)
- Mohammedans (Muslims)
- moil (mohel)
- monestaries (monasteries)
- monestary (monastery, monetary)
- monolite (monolithic)
- Monserrat (Montserrat)
- montypic (monotypic)
- morgage (mortgage)
- motiviated (motivated)
- movei (movie)
- mroe (more)
- mucuous (mucous)
- muder (murder)
- mudering (murdering)
- Muhammadan (Muslim)
- muncipalities (municipalities)
- muncipality (municipality)
- muscels (mussels, muscles)
- myraid (myriad)
- mysef (myself)
- mysogyny (misogyny)
- mysogynist (misogynist)
- mysterous (mysterious)
- Mythraic (Mithraic)
[edit] N
- Napoleonian (Napoleonic)
- naturaly (naturally)
- naturely (naturally)
- naturually (naturally)
- naturual (natural)
- Nazereth (Nazareth)
- neccessary (necessary)
- neccessarily (necessarily)
- neccesary (necessary)
- neccesarily (necessarily)
- necesary (necessary)
- necesarily (necessarily)
- neglible (negligible)
- negligable (negligible)
- negociate (negotiate)
- negociation (negotiation)
- negotation (negotiation)
- neice (niece, nice)
- neigbour (neighbour or neighbor)
- neigbouring (neighbouring or neighboring)
- neigbours (neighbours or neighbors)
- nessasarily (necessarily)
- Newyorker (New Yorker)
- nickle (nickel)
- nineth (ninth)
- ninteenth (nineteenth)
- ninty (ninety)
- nkow (know)
- nkwo (know)
- noone (no one, except in Noone, New Hampshire)
- northen (northern)
- northereastern (northeastern)
- noteable (notable)
- noteably (notably)
- noteriety (notoriety)
- noth (north)
- nothern (northern)
- noticable (noticeable)
- noticeing (noticing)
- noticible (noticeable)
- noveau (nouveau)
- nto (not)
- nucular (nuclear)
- nuculear (nuclear)
- nuisanse (nuisance)
- Nullabour (Nullarbor)
- Nuremburg (Nuremberg)
- nusance (nuisance)
- nutritent (nutrient)
- nutritents (nutrients)
[edit] O
- obediance (obedience)
- obediant (obedient)
- obstacal (obstacle)
- ocasion (occasion)
- ocasional (occasional)
- ocasionally (occasionally)
- ocasionaly (occasionally)
- ocasioned (occasioned)
- ocasions (occasions)
- ocassion (occasion)
- ocassional (occasional)
- ocassionally (occasionally)
- ocassioned (occasioned)
- ocassions (occasions)
- occassion (occasion)
- occassional (occasional)
- occassionally (occasionally)
- occassionaly (occasionally)
- occassioned (occasioned)
- occassions (occasions)
- occurance (occurrence)
- occurances (occurrences)
- occured (occurred)
- occurence (occurrence)
- occurences (occurrences)
- occuring (occurring)
- occurr (occur)
- occurrance (occurrence)
- occurrances (occurrences)
- octohedra (octahedra)
- octohedral (octahedral)
- octohedron (octahedron)
- ocuntry (country)
- ocuntries (countries)
- ocurr (occur)
- ocurrance (occurrence)
- ocurred (occurred)
- ocurrence (occurrence)
- offical (official)
- officaly (officially)
- offically (officially)
- officialy (officially)
- oging (going, ogling)
- omision (omission)
- omited (omitted)
- omiting (omitting)
- ommision (omission)
- ommited (omitted)
- ommiting (omitting)
- ommitted (omitted)
- ommitting (omitting)
- omniverous (omnivorous)
- omniverously (omnivorously)
- omre (more)
- onot (note, not)
- onyl (only)
- oponent (opponent)
- oportunity (opportunity)
- oposite (opposite)
- oposition (opposition)
- opression (oppression)
- opressive (oppressive)
- oppinion (opinion)
- opthalmic (ophthalmic)
- opthalmologist (ophthalmologist)
- opthalmology (ophthalmology)
- opthamologist (ophthalmologist)
- optomism (optimism)
- organim (organism)
- orgin (origin, organ)
- orginal (original, orignal)
- orginize (organise)
- originaly (originally)
- originnally (originally)
- origional (original)
- orignally (originally)
- otehr (other)
- overshaddowed (overshadowed)
- overwelming (overwhelming)
- owrk (work)
- owudl (would)
- oxigen (oxygen)
- oximoron (oxymoron)
[edit] P
- paide (paid)
- palce (place, palace)
- paliamentarian (parliamentarian)
- Palistian (Palestinian)
- Palistinian (Palestinian)
- Palistinians (Palestinians)
- pamplet (pamphlet)
- pantomine (pantomime)
- Papanicalou (Papanicolaou)
- paralel (parallel)
- paralell (parallel)
- paralelly (parallelly)
- paralely (parallelly)
- parallely (parallelly)
- paranthesis (parenthesis)
- paraphenalia (paraphernalia)
- parituclar (particular)
- parrakeets (parakeets)
- parralel (parallel)
- parrallel (parallel)
- parrallell (parallel)
- parrallelly (parallelly)
- parrallely (parallelly)
- particularily (particularly)
- pased (passed)
- pasttime (pastime)
- pastural (pastoral)
- pattented (patented)
- payed (paid)
- peculure (peculiar)
- peice (piece)
- Peloponnes (Peloponnesus)
- penatly (penalty)
- penninsula (peninsula)
- penninsular (peninsular or peninsula)
- pennisula (peninsula)
- peom (poem)
- peoms (poems)
- peopel (people)
- peotry (poetry)
- percepted (perceived)
- percieved (perceived)
- performence (performance)
- performes (performed, performs)
- perhasp (perhaps)
- perheaps (perhaps)
- perhpas (perhaps)
- peripathetic (peripatetic)
- perjery (perjury)
- perjorative (pejorative)
- permenant (permanent)
- permissable (permissible)
- perogative (prerogative)
- perpindicular (perpendicular)
- perphas (perhaps, purpose)
- persistance (persistence)
- persistant (persistent)
- personel (personnel)
- personel (personal)
- personell (personnel)
- personnell (personnel)
- persue (pursue)
- persuing (pursuing)
- persuit (pursuit)
- pertubation (perturbation)
- pertubations (perturbations)
- petetion (petition)
- pessiary (pessary)
- phenomenonal (phenomenal)
- phenomenonly (phenomenal, phenomenally)
- phenomonenon (phenomenon)
- phenonmena (phenomena)
- Philipines (Philippines)
- philisopher (philosopher)
- philisophical (philosophical)
- philisophy (philosophy)
- Phillipine (Philippine)
- Phillipines (Philippines)
- Phillippines (Philippines)
- Phonecian (Phoenecian)
- phongraph (phonograph)
- pich (pitch)
- pilgrimmage (pilgrimage)
- pilgrimmages (pilgrimages)
- pinapple (pineapple)
- pinnaple (pineapple)
- plantiff (plaintiff)
- planed (planned; but valid if it means "made flat)
- playwrite (playwright)
- playwrites (playwrights)
- plesant (pleasant)
- Poincare (Poincaré)
- poisin (poison)
- polinator (pollinator)
- polinators (pollinators)
- polute (pollute)
- poluted (polluted)
- polutes (pollutes)
- poluting (polluting)
- polution (pollution)
- polysaccharid (polysaccharide)
- polysaccaride (polysaccharide)
- pomegranite (pomegranate)
- popularaty (popularity)
- Portugese (Portuguese)
- posess (possess)
- posessed (possessed)
- posesses (possesses)
- posessing (possessing)
- posession (possession)
- positon (position, positron)
- possable (possible)
- possably (possibly)
- posseses (possesses)
- possesion (possession)
- possesing (possessing)
- possibilty (possibility)
- possition (position)
- postion (position)
- powerfull (powerful)
- practial (practical)
- practially (practically)
- practicaly (practically)
- practicioner (practitioner)
- practicioners (practitioners)
- practicly (practically)
- prairy (prairie)
- preample (preamble)
- precedessor (predecessor)
- preceed (precede)
- preceeded (preceded)
- preceeding (preceding)
- preceeds (precedes)
- precurser (precursor)
- prefered (preferred)
- prefering (preferring)
- preferrably (preferably)
- pregancies (pregnancies)
- premeire (premiere)
- premeired (premiered)
- premillenial (premillennial)
- premission (permission)
- Premonasterians (Premonstratensians)
- prepair (prepare)
- prepartion (preparation)
- presense (presence)
- presidental (presidential)
- prestigeous (prestigious)
- prestigous (prestigious)
- presumibly (presumably)
- prevelant (prevalent)
- previvous (previous)
- pricipal (principal)
- priciple (principle)
- primative (primitive)
- primatives (primitives)
- primatively (primitively)
- primordal(primordial)
- priveledges (privileges)
- privelege (privilege)
- priveleged (privileged)
- priveleges (privileges)
- privelige (privilege)
- priveliged (privileged)
- priveliges (privileges)
- privilage (privilege)
- priviledge (privilege)
- priviledges (privileges)
- privledge (privilege)
- probablly (probably)
- probalibity (probability)
- probaly (probably)
- probelm (problem)
- proccess (process)
- proccessing (processing)
- procedger (procedure)
- procede (proceed)
- proceded (proceeded)
- procedes (proceedes)
- proceding (proceeding)
- procedings (proceedings)
- proceedure (procedure)
- proclamed (proclaimed)
- proclaming (proclaiming)
- proclomation (proclamation)
- profesion (profusion, profession)
- profesor (professor)
- proffesion (profession)
- proffesor (professor)
- profilic (prolific)
- programable (programmable)
- progrom (pogrom, program)
- progroms (pogroms, programs)
- prohabition (prohibition)
- prologomena (prolegomena)
- prominance (prominence)
- prominant (prominent)
- prominantly (prominently)
- prominately (prominently, predominately)
- promiscous (promiscuous)
- pronomial (pronominal)
- pronounciation (pronunciation, but OK in Pittsburgh accent)
- propellor (propeller)
- propellors (propellers)
- prophacy (prophecy)
- propietary (proprietary)
- propoganda (propaganda)
- propogate (propagate)
- propogates (propagates)
- propotions (proportions)
- propper (proper, unless it props something)
- proprietory (proprietary)
- proseletyzing (proselytizing)
- protaganist (protagonist)
- protaganists (protagonists)
- protem (pro tem, protein)
- protrayed (portrayed)
- protruberance (protuberance)
- protruberances (protuberances)
- provded (provided)
- pseudonyn (pseudonym)
- pseudononymous (pseudonymous)
- psycology (psychology)
- psyhic (psychic)
- publically (publicly)
- Pucini (Puccini (composer)
- pumkin (pumpkin)
- purposedly (purposely)
- pursuade (persuade)
- pursuaded (persuaded)
- pursuades (persuades)
- pususading (persuading)
- puting (putting)
- pwoer (power)
- pyscic (psychic)
[edit] Q
- qtuie (quite, quiet)
- quantaty (quantity)
- quantitiy (quantity)
- quarantaine (quarantine)
- quicklyu (quickly)
- quizes (quizzes)
- qutie (quite, quiet)
[edit] R
- rabinnical (rabbinical)
- radify (ratify)
- rarified (rarefied)
- raelly (really)
- reacll (recall)
- realy (really)
- realyl (really)
- reccomend (recommend)
- reccomended (recommended)
- reccomending (recommending)
- reccommend (recommend)
- reccommended (recommended)
- reccommending (recommending)
- reccuring (recurring)
- receeded (receded)
- receeding (receding)
- recepient (recipient)
- recepients (recipients)
- recide (reside)
- recided (resided)
- recident (resident)
- recidents (residents)
- reciding (residing)
- reciept (receipt)
- recieve (receive)
- recieved (received)
- reciever (receiver)
- recievers (receivers)
- recieves (receives)
- recieving (receiving)
- recipiant (recipient)
- recipiants (recipients)
- recogise (recognise)
- recogize (recognize)
- recomend (recommend)
- recomended (recommended)
- recomending (recommending)
- recomends (recommends)
- reconcilation (reconciliation)
- reconaissance (reconnaissance)
- reconnaissence (reconnaissance)
- recquired (required)
- recrational (recreational)
- recrod (record)
- rediculous (ridiculous)
- referal (referral)
- refered (referred)
- refering (referring)
- referrence (reference)
- referrs (refers)
- reffered (referred)
- refference (reference)
- refridgerator (refrigerator)
- refusla (refusal)
- regluar (regular)
- reguarly (regularly)
- regularily (regularly)
- rehersal (rehearsal)
- reknown (renown)
- reknowned (renowned)
- rela (real)
- relaly (really)
- relatiopnship (relationship)
- relativly (relatively)
- releive (relieve)
- releived (relieved)
- relevence (relevance)
- relevent (relevant)
- religeous (religious)
- religous (religious)
- relized (realised)
- remeber (remember)
- rememberance (remembrance)
- remembrence (remembrance)
- reminent (remnant)
- reminescent (reminiscent)
- repatition (repetition, repartition)
- repentence (repentance)
- repentent (repentant)
- repetion (repetition)
- reponse (response, but réponse is correct in French)
- reponsible (responsible)
- representive (representative)
- representives (representatives)
- resemblence (resemblance)
- resignement (resignment)
- resistable (resistible)
- resistence (resistance)
- resistent (resistant)
- responce (response)
- responnsibilty (responsibility)
- ressemblance (resemblance)
- ressemble (resemble)
- ressembled (resembled)
- ressemblence (resemblance)
- ressembling (resembling)
- ressurection (resurrection)
- restaraunt (restaurant)
- restaraunteur (restauranteur)
- restaraunteurs (restauranteurs)
- restaraunts (restaurants)
- restauration (restoration)
- resteraunt (restaurant)
- resteraunts (restaurants)
- restraunt (restraint, restaurant)
- resurecting (resurrecting)
- retalitated (retaliated)
- retalitation (retaliation)
- revaluated (reevaluated)
- reversable (reversible)
- revolutionar (revolutionary)
- rewriet (rewrite)
- rhymme (rhyme)
- rhythem (rhythm)
- rhythim (rhythm)
- rigeur (rigueur, rigour, rigor)
- rigourous (rigorous)
- rininging (ringing)
- Rockerfeller (Rockefeller)
- rococco (rococo)
- roomate (roommate)
- rougly (roughly)
- russina (Russian)
- Russion (Russian)
- rulle (rule)
- rwite (write)
- rythm (rhythm)
- rythem (rhythm)
- rythim (rhythm)
[edit] S
- sacrafice (sacrifice)
- saftey (safety)
- salery (salary)
- sandwhich (sandwich)
- Sanhedrim (Sanhedrin)
- sargant (sergeant)
- sasy (says, sassy)
- satelite (satellite)
- satelites (satellites)
- Saterday (Saturday)
- Saterdays (Saturdays)
- sattelite (satellite)
- sattelites (satellites)
- scaleable (scalable)
- schedual (schedule)
- scholarstic (scholastic, scholarly)
- Schroedinger (Schrödinger)
- scirpt (script)
- scoll (scroll)
- scripot (script)
- secceeded (seceded, succeeded)
- seceed (succeed, secede)
- seceeded (succeeded, seceded)
- secratary (secretary)
- secretery (secretary)
- sedereal (sidereal)
- seige (siege)
- sence (sense)
- sensure (censure)
- seperate (separate)
- seperated (separated)
- seperately (separately)
- seperates (separates)
- seperating (separating)
- seperation (separation)
- sepina (subpoena)
- sepulchure (sepulchre or sepulcher)
- sepulcre (sepulchre or sepulcher)
- severeal (several)
- severley (severely)
- shaddow (shadow)
- shamen (shamans -- but the band is called The Shamen)
- sheat (sheath or sheet or cheat)
- sherif (sheriff -- but correct in Arabian names)
- shineing (shining)
- shoudl (should)
- shoudln (should, shouldn't)
- shouldnt (shouldn't)
- sicne (since)
- sideral (sidereal)
- sieze (seize, size)
- siezed (seized, sized)
- siezing (seizing, sizing)
- siezure (seizure)
- siezures (seizures)
- signifantly (significantly)
- significently (significantly)
- signitories (signatories)
- signitory (signatory)
- similarily (similarly)
- similiar (similar)
- similiarity (similarity)
- simmilar (similar)
- simpley (simply)
- simplier (simpler)
- simultanous (simultaneous)
- sincerley (sincerely)
- singsog (singsong)
- sinse (sines, since)
- Sionist (Zionist)
- Sionists (Zionists)
- Sixtin (Sistine)
- Skagerak (Skagerrak)
- smae (same)
- smoe (some)
- snese (sneeze)
- soem (some)
- sohw (show)
- solatary (solitary)
- soliders (soldiers)
- soliliquy (soliloquy)
- sophicated (sophisticated)
- sophmore (sophomore)
- sotry (story)
- sotyr (satyr, story)
- [[soudn
- soudns (sounds)
- sould (could, should, sold)
- [[soulds
- sourth (south)
- sourthern (southern)
- souvenier (souvenir)
- souveniers (souvenirs)
- soverign (sovereign)
- soverignity (sovereignty)
- sovereignity (sovereignty)
- spainish (Spanish)
- speach (speech)
- specif (specific, specify)
- speciallized (specialised, specialized)
- speciman (specimen)
- spectauclar (spectacular)
- spects (aspects, expects)
- spermatozoan (spermatozoon (singular), spermatozoa (plural)
- sponser (sponsor)
- spontanous (spontaneous)
- sponzored (sponsored)
- spreaded (spread)
- sq km (km²)
- stange (strange - unless it's a German bar)
- startegic (strategic)
- startegy (strategy)
- statment (statement)
- stilus (stylus)
- stingent (stringent)
- stoyr (story)
- stopry (story
- storeis (stories)
- storise (stories)
- strnad (strand - unless the first name is Janez)
- stpo (stop)
- strat (start, strata)
- startegies (strategies)
- stradegies (strategies)
- stradegy (strategy)
- strenghen (strengthen)
- strenghened (strengthened)
- strenghening (strengthening)
- strenght (strength)
- strenghten (strengthen)
- strenghtened (strengthened)
- strenghtening (strengthening)
- stornegst (strongest)
- strenous (strenuous)
- strictist (strictest)
- strived (strove, striven)
- stroy (story, destroy)
- stubborness (stubbornness)
- stucture (structure)
- stuctured (structured)
- studdy (study)
- subcatagory (subcategory)
- subcatagories (subcategories)
- subsidary (subsidiary)
- subsiduary (subsidiary)
- substatial (substantial)
- substace (substance)
- substract (subtract)
- substracted (subtracted)
- substracts (subtracts)
- substracting (subtracting)
- substraction (subtraction)
- subterranian (subterranean)
- subtheme (sub-theme)
- subthemes (sub-themes)
- succesful (successful)
- succesfuly (successfully)
- succesfully (successfully)
- succesion (succession)
- succesive (successive)
- successfull (successful)
- suceed (succeed)
- suceeded (succeeded)
- suceeding ([[succeeding
- suceeds (succeeds)
- sucesful (successful)
- sucesfully (successfully)
- sucesfuly (successfully)
- sucesion (succession)
- sucess (success)
- sucesses (successes)
- sucessfull (successful)
- sucessfully (successfully)
- sucessfuly (successfully)
- sucession (succession)
- sucessive (successive)
- sufferage (suffrage)
- sufficent (sufficient)
- sufficently (sufficiently)
- sumary (summary)
- suop (soup)
- supercede (supersede)
- superceded (superseded)
- superintendant (superintendent)
- suphisticated (sophisticated)
- supose (suppose)
- suposed (supposed)
- suposedly (supposedly)
- suposes (supposes)
- suposing (supposing)
- supress (suppress)
- supressed (suppressed)
- supresses (suppresses)
- supressing (suppressing)
- suprise (surprise)
- suprised (surprised)
- suprising (surprising)
- suprisingly (surprisingly)
- suprize (surprise)
- suprized (surprised)
- suprizing (surprising)
- suprizingly (surprisingly)
- surley (surly, surely)
- suround (surround)
- surounded (surrounded)
- surounding (surrounding)
- suroundings (surroundings)
- surounds (surrounds)
- surplanted (supplanted)
- surpressed (suppressed)
- surprize (surprise)
- surprized (surprised)
- surprizing (surprising)
- surprizingly (surprisingly)
- surrended (surrounded, surrendered)
- surrepetitious (surreptitious)
- surrepetitiously (surreptitiously)
- surreptious (surreptitious)
- surreptiously (surreptitiously)
- surveill (surveil)
- surveyer (surveyor)
- surviver (survivor)
- survivers (survivors)
- suseptible (susceptible)
- swaer (swear)
- swaers (swears)
- swiming (swimming)
- syas (says)
- symetry (symmetry)
- symetrical (symmetrical)
- symetrically (symmetrically)
- symmetral (symmetric)
- symmetricaly (symmetrically)
[edit] T
- tahn (than)
- taht (that)
- tath (that)
- talekd (talked)
- targetted (targeted)
- targetting (targeting)
- tast (taste)
- tattooes (tattoos)
- taxanomic (taxonomic)
- taxanomy (taxonomy)
- teached (taught)
- techician (technician)
- techicians (technicians)
- tehy (they)
- temparate (temperate)
- temperment (temperament)
- temperture (temperature)
- tenacle (tentacle)
- tenacles (tentacles)
- tendancy (tendency)
- tendancies (tendencies)
- tennisplayer (tennis player)
- terrestial (terrestrial)
- terriories (territories)
- terriory (territory)
- territorist (terrorist)
- thgat (that)
- tghe (the)
- theather (theater or theatre)
- theese (these)
- theif (thief)
- theives (thieves)
- themselfs (themselves)
- theologist (variant of theologian)
- ther (there, their, the)
- theri (their)
- thge (the)
- thier (their)
- thign (thing)
- thigns (things)
- thigsn (things)
- thikn (think)
- thikns (thinks)
- thikning (thinking, thickening)
- thiunk (think)
- thna (than)
- thne (then)
- thnig (thing)
- thnigs (things)
- threee (three)
- threshhold (threshold)
- thrid (third)
- throughly (thoroughly)
- throught (through, throughout)
- thru (through)
- thsi (this)
- thsoe (those)
- thta (that)
- tiem (time, Tim)
- tihkn (think)
- tihs (this)
- timne (time)
- tiome (time, tome)
- tje (the)
- tjhe (the)
- Tjpanishad (Upanishad)
- tkae (take)
- tkaes (takes)
- tkaing (taking)
- tlaking (talking)
- tobbaco (tobacco)
- todays (today's)
- todya (today)
- tolerence (tolerance)
- tomatos (tomatoes)
- tommorrow (tomorrow)
- tommorow (tomorrow)
- tongiht (tonight)
- toriodal (toroidal)
- tornados (tornadoes)
- torpedos (torpedoes)
- tourch (torch, touch)
- towrad (toward)
- traditionaly (traditionally)
- trafficed (trafficked)
- trafic (traffic)
- trancendent (transcendent)
- trancending (transcending)
- transcendance (transcendence)
- transcendant (transcendent)
- transcendentational (transcendental)
- transcripting (transcribing, transcription)
- transending (transcending)
- transfered (transferred)
- transfering (transferring)
- translater (translator)
- translaters (translators)
- transmissable (transmissible)
- tremelo (tremolo -- but there is a Belgian city of this name)
- tremelos (tremolos)
- triology (trilogy)
- troups (troupes or troops)
- truely (truly)
- turnk (turnkey, trunk)
- twon (town)
- [[tyhat
- tyhe (they)
- tyranies (tyrannies)
- tyrany (tyranny)
- tyrranies (tyrannies)
- tyrrany (tyranny)
[edit] U
- ubiquitious (ubiquitous)
- uise (use)
- Ukranian (Ukrainian)
- uncertainity (uncertainty)
- unconcious (unconscious)
- unconciousness (unconsciousness)
- unconvential (unconventional)
- unecessary (unnecessary)
- undecideable (undecidable)
- unforetunately (unfortunately)
- unforgiveable (unforgivable)
- unfortunatly (unfortunately)
- unilatreal (unilateral)
- unilatreally (unilaterally)
- univeristies (universities)
- univeristy (university)
- univesities (universities)
- univesity (university)
- unmanouverable (unmaneuverable, unmanoeuvrable)
- unmistakeably (unmistakably)
- unneccesary (unnecessary)
- unneccesarily (unnecessarily)
- unneccessary (unnecessary)
- unneccessarily (unnecessarily)
- unnecesary (unnecessary)
- unnecesarily (unnecessarily)
- unoticeable (unnoticeable)
- unplesant (unpleasant)
- unrepentent (unrepentant)
- unsed (used, unused, unsaid)
- unsubstanciated (unsubstantiated)
- unsuccessfull (unsuccessful)
- unsucesful (unsuccessful)
- unsucesfuly (unsuccessfully)
- unsucessfull (unsuccessful)
- unsucessfully (unsuccessfully)
- unsuprised (unsurprised)
- unsuprising (unsurprising)
- unsuprisingly (unsurprisingly)
- unsuprized (unsurprised)
- unsuprizing (unsurprising)
- unsuprizingly (unsurprisingly)
- unsurprized (unsurprised)
- unsurprizing (unsurprising)
- unsurprizingly (unsurprisingly)
- untied (OK for knots, or meaning "not tied", but is also a common typo for united)
- untill (until)
- untranslateable (untranslatable)
- unuseable (unusable)
- unweildly (unwieldy)
- unwieldly (unwieldy)
- usally (usually)
- useable (usable)
- useage (usage, use)
- usefull (useful)
- usefuly (usefully)
- useing (using)
- usualy (usually)
[edit] V
- vaccum (vacuum)
- vaccume (vacuum)
- vacinity (vicinity)
- Valetta (Valletta (in Malta)
- valuble (valuable)
- valueable (valuable)
- varities (varieties)
- varity (variety)
- vasall (vassall)
- vasalls (vassalls)
- vegtable (vegetable)
- vegatarian (vegetarian)
- vegitable (vegetable)
- vegitables (vegetables)
- venemous (venomous)
- vengance (vengeance)
- verfication (verification)
- vetween (between)
- veyr (very)
- vigeur (vigueur, vigour, vigor)
- vigilence (vigilance)
- vigourous (vigorous)
- villian (villain)
- villify (vilify)
- villin (villi, villain, villein)
- visable (visible)
- visably (visibly)
- visting (visiting)
- volcanoe (volcano)
- volcanos (volcanoes)
- volontary (voluntary)
- volonteer (volunteer)
- volonteers (volunteers)
- volonteered (volunteered)
- volonteering (volunteering)
- volounteer (volunteer)
- volounteers (volunteers)
- volounteered (volunteered)
- volounteering (volunteering)
- vrey (very)
- vyer (very)
- vyre (very)
[edit] W
- waht (what)
- wanna (want to)
- warrent (warrant)
- wasnt (wasn't)
- wass (was)
- watn (want)
- weaponary (weaponry)
- wehn (when)
- weild (wield or wild)
- weilded (wielded)
- wendsay (Wednesday)
- wensday (Wednesday)
- wether (weather, whether - unless it's a sheep)
- whcih (which)
- whereever (wherever)
- whic (which)
- whihc (which)
- wholy (wholly or holy)
- whta (what)
- wich (which, witch)
- wief (wife)
- wierd (weird)
- wiht (with)
- wintery (wintry)
- wirting (writing)
- withdrawl (withdrawal, withdraw)
- withing (within)
- wiull (will)
- wont (wont or won't)
- wnat (want)
- wnats (wants)
- wnated (wanted)
- wohle (whole)
- wokr (work)
- wokring (working)
- womens (women's)
- worstened (worsened)
- woudl (would)
- wriet (write)
- writen (written)
- wrok (work)
- wroking (working)
- wroet (wrote)
- ws (was) but valid as country code WS +
- wtih (with)
- witht (with)
- wupport (support)
- Wurtemburg (Württemberg)
- Wurttemburg (Württemberg)
[edit] X
[edit] Y
- yeild (yield)
- ytou (you)
- yera (year)
- yeras (years)
- yersa (years)
- yeasr (years)
- Yementite (Yemenite, Yemeni)