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Žoga je pripomoček v mnogih športih; običajno je votla in okrogla, lahko pa tudi drugih oblik. V večini iger skušamo z žogo doseči zadetek, gol.
[uredi] Igre z žogo
These games can be grouped by the general objective of the game, sometimes indicating a common origin either of a game itself or of its basic idea:
- Bat-and-ball games, such as golf and baseball.
- Two-goal games, such as basketball and most forms of football and hockey.
- Volleying games, such as volleyball and tennis.
- "Target" games, such as bowling, and golf.
- and so on.
Popular ball games around the world include:
- Association Football (soccer)
- Baseball (game) — Baseball (object)
- Basketball — Basketball (ball)
- Billiards (including snooker, eight ball and pool variations)
- Blitzball (fictional game)
- Bocce
- Bossaball
- Boules
- Bowling
- Bowls
- Calvinball (see Calvin and Hobbes)
- Canoe polo
- Cricket — cricket ball
- Croquet
- Cycle ball
- Dodgeball
- Downball
- Floorball
- Football (game) — Football (ball):
- Football (soccer)
- Canadian Football
- American football
- Australian rules football
- Gaelic Football
- International Rules Football - mixture of Australian Rules Football and Gaelic sanctioned by the AFL and GAA.
- Rugby football
- Rugby league
- Rugby union
- Footbag
- Four square
- Golf — golf ball
- Handball:
- American handball
- Team handball
- Hitball
- Hockey:
- Field hockey
- Ice hockey (played with non spherical puck)
- Rink hockey
- Hurling
- Jai alai
- Juggling
- Korfball
- Lacrosse
- Lotball
- Marn Grook
- Mesoamerican ballgame
- Native American Stickball (Toli)
- Netball
- Pesäpallo - "Finnish baseball"
- Pétanque
- Polo
- Racquetball
- Rocball
- Shinny
- Shinty
- Skeet ball
- Skipball - a pool sport
- Sprout Ball
- Squash
- Stickball
- Tee Ball
- Tetherball
- Tennis — tennis ball
- Tennis Polo/Soccer
- Ulama game
- Underwater
- Underwater Football
- Underwater Hockey
- Underwater rugby
- Volleyball
- Beach Volleyball - played on sand
- Wall Ball
- Water polo — Water polo ball
- Wiffle Ball
[uredi] Unrounded balls
- Badminton - uses a Shuttlecock and resembles tennis.