Nga Wikipedia, Enciklopedia e Lirë
my talk page on the macedonian wikipedia
Merdita (that is about, my entire knowledge of Albanian, :)) my name is Slobodan Jakoski (I have nothing, even distantly in common with the more famous Slobo) and I am one of the (most powerful :)) admins of the Macedonian Wikipedia. Unfortunately, my programming abilities are poor, so I can only assist the Albanian Wikipedia in some NPOV issues.
Apart from its educational and informational values I believe that Wikipedia can also be a place for mutual understanding of two confronting (politically, ideologically, etc.) sides. Unfortunately my country has experienced a bitter interethnic war conflict in 2001, that involved both Macedonians and Albanians. Things have changed from then - minority rights have improved (or are in process of improving) significantly for Albanians, and also, there were some major improvements of the situation of Macedonians in Albania.
However, I am under the impression that the relations between Macedonians and Albanians (especially in Macedonia) are rather cold and unfriendly. I live in Skopje (albanian name Shkup) which has at least 10% Albanian population (I think it is much more if you consider the nearby area) and in 21 years, I have managed to have only one Albanian friend (I see him rarely, he lives in Tetovo now). The city is practically ethnically divided by the river of Vardar, and it is rather unsafe for a Macedonian to go to the "Albanian" part of the city (I guess it works in the other way round, as well). Nationalistic politicians chants from both "camps" continue to encourage this climate of mutual distrust (it suits their interests, I guess), so Skopje slowly becomes a place that eerily catches the atmosphere of post-war Berlin. Honestly, I've had enough of this surreal ghost-like divide.
I don't want to see my city (nor my country) to be divided by this interethnic strife, because of (politically stimulated) irrational distrust and inability to hear what the other has to say. That goes for both sides. I would welcome an open discussion with an Albanian on every topic (from our unfortunate recent adventures to music and beer).
Ok, enough drama :), I hope we will have a succesful colaboration. Best regards.