Diskutim:Leonardo da Vinci
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31 maj 2006: Japanese researchers make Mona Lisa talk
SEID: Mona Lisa's smile may always remain a mystery, but it is now possible to hear what her voice sounded like. Japanese researchers claim they have recreated her voice.
STORY: "I am the Mona Lisa. My true identity is shrouded in mystery," or so the portrait claims on a Web site. Historically experts have disagreed over whom is represented in the portrait. Some saying the smiling woman is Da Vinci himself, or his mother.
Criminal expert Dr Matsumi Suzuki has embarked on the task of creating a model Mona Lisa. Measuring the face and hands, Suzuki holds her height is 168 cm and with that creating a model of her skull.
[Dr Matsumi Suzuki, Criminal expert]: "You come up with a model of Mona Lisa's skull and figure out the volume here (pointing at the inner jaw) and the volume inside the nose. So then you've got an idea of the resounance system here (in the skull) and how the mouth opened and pronounced things."
The chart of any individual's voice, known as a voice print, is unique to the person. Suzuki believes he has created a 90 percent accurate replica of the woman's voice. Scientists bringing in an Italian woman to add the correct intonation.
The team also attempted to recreate Da Vinci's voice, coinciding with the release of box office film "The Da Vinci Code." Suzuki less confident about Da Vinci's voice, as he had to work from self-portraits where the artist wore a beard, concealing the shape of his face.
[Dr Matsumi Suzuki, Criminal expert]: "The whole image from the picture and what we believe is his voice can be superimposed and I think we did a pretty good job,"
Suzuki's has contributed to criminal investigations, in successful case, he successfully aged a person's voice by a decade, leading to the arrest of a suspect.
Suzuki also has worked on a sound system to translate the emotions in a dog's bark. The gadget, sold in Japan as Bowlingual, has received awards.
- Ma le vere scienze son quelle che la sperienza ha fatto penetrare per li sensi, e posto silenzio alle lingue de' litiganti, e che non pasce di sogno li suoi investigatori, ma sempre sopra li primi veri e noti principii procede successivamente e con vere seguenzie insino al fine, come si dinota nelle prime matematiche, cioè numero e misura, dette arismetica e geometria, che trattano con somma verità della quantità discontinua e continua.
- Por shkencat e verteta jane ato qe pervoja ka bere te depertojne nepermjet shqisave, dhe vuri qetesi ne gjuhet e ngaterrrestareve, dhe qe nuk le te enderrojne hulumtuesit e tyre, por gjithmone mbi te vertetat paresore dhe parimet e njohura vazhdon me tej dhe me pasoja te verteta gjer ne fund, sic shfaqet ne matematikat e para, pra numer dhe mase, te quajtura aritmetike dhe gjeometri, qe trajtojne me vertetesi te plote sasine nderprerese dhe vazhduese.
Leonardo da Vinci
Leke Mjeku 6 Qershor 2006 23:45 (UTC)
[redaktoni] Votime për artikuj perfekte
- u zhvendos tek Wikipedia:Artikuj perfekte - kandidatura/Leonardo da Vinçi
[redaktoni] Emri i artikullit
A nuk duhet që emri i artikullit të shkruhet në formën origjinale? --Λeternus 28 Nëntor 2006 22:49 (UTC)
- U kone ne orgjinal, po dani e ka zhvendos tek ky emer, dhe e kemi lene keshtu. --Ko.S. (°diskuto°) 29 Nëntor 2006 00:07 (UTC)
- Kjo nuk po më duket në rregull. Emrat nuk përkthehen. --Λeternus 2 Dhjetor 2006 18:18 (UTC)
- Ku e keni diskutuar këtë temë (dërgoma linkun)? --Λeternus 2 Dhjetor 2006 19:10 (UTC)
- Më vjen keq të kundërshtoj dy përdoruesit, Ko.S.ystem.OV@ dhe Λeternus.
Emrat e njerzve dhe vendeve në gjuhën shqipe shkruhen ashtu siç shqiptohen (tingëllojnë), dhe jo siç shkruhen në një gjuhë tjetër, pra shqipërohen. P.sh. George Bush nuk mund te shqiptohet keshtu, sepse ne anglisht tingellon Xhorxh Bush, Goethe - Gëte, Leonardo da Vinci - Leonardo da Vinçi po ashtu, etj, etj.
Shndet! Leke Mjeku 25 Dhjetor 2006 19:15 (UTC)