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[编辑] 设计内联函数的动机
Without inline functions, however, the programmer has little to no control over which functions are inlined and which are not; the compiler alone makes this decision. Adding this degree of control allows application-specific knowledge, such as frequently executed functions, to be exploited in choosing which functions to inline.
Also, in some languages inline functions interact intimately with the compilation model; for example, in C++, it is necessary to define an inline function in every module that uses it, whereas ordinary functions must be defined in only a single module. This facilitates compilation of modules independently of all other modules.
[编辑] 与宏的比较
Traditionally, in languages such as C, inline expansion was accomplished at the source level using parameterized macros. Inlining provides several benefits over this approach:
- Macro invocations do not perform type checking, or even check that arguments are well-formed, whereas function calls usually do.
- Since C macros use mere textual substitution, this may result in unintended side-effects and inefficiency due to re-evaluation of arguments and order of operations.
- Compiler errors within macros are often difficult to understand, because they refer to the expanded code, rather than the code the programmer typed.
- Many constructs are awkward or impossible to express using macros, or use a significantly different syntax. In-line functions use the same syntax as ordinary functions, and can be inlined and un-inlined at will with ease.
- Debugging information for inlined code is usually more helpful than that of macro-expanded code.
Many compilers can also inline expand some recursive functions; recursive macros are typically illegal.
Bjarne Stroustrup, the designer of C++, likes to emphasize that macros should be avoided wherever possible, and advocates extensive use of inline functions.
[编辑] 语言支持
C++,C99和GNU C都支持内联函数,然而各种实际的C编译器通常不支持。在Ada中,关键字“pragma”可以用来提示内联扩展。其他的大部分编程语言,包括Java和其他功能语言,不支持内联函数,但他们的编译器常常进行强制性的内联扩展。不同的编译器在内联扩展上有处理不同复杂程度函数的能力。主流C++编译器如Visual C++和GCC提供了启用自动选择合适的函数进行内联扩展的选项,即使是对没有指定为内联函数的函数。
inline int max (int a, int b) { if (a > b) return a; else return b; }
a = max (x, y); // 等价于 "a = (x > y ? x : y);"
[编辑] 对内联函数的怀疑
- 通常,编译器比程序设计者更清楚对于一个特定的函数是否合适进行内联扩展;一些情况下,对于程序员指定的某些内联函数,编译器可能更倾向于不使用内联甚至根本无法完成内联。
- 对于一些开发中的函数,它们可能从原来的不适合内联扩展变得适合或者倒过来。尽管内联函数或者非内联函数的转换易于宏的转换,但增加的维护开支还是使得它的优点显得更不突出了。
- 对于基于C的编译系统,内联函数的使用可能大大增加编译时间,因为每个调用该函数的地方都需要替换成函数体,代码量的增加也同时带来了潜在的编译时间的增加。
[编辑] 参见
- 内联扩展 (在线扩展)