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首先, 在這裡歡迎並感謝各位對馬克斯有興趣的讀者. 在這裡, 我需要跟大家報備一下. 在往後不久的將來, 我將不定期性的更新並改寫這篇文章. 也希望大家可以多多支持與指教. 如果您對這篇文章有想補充的話, 歡迎隨時加入編寫的行列. 馬克思是為近代最有影響力的學說家, 我們應盡可能用最正確與公正的寫法把他呈現給讀者. Bowbowx 03:47 2006年5月14日 (UTC)
[编辑] 國家理論
從階級及階級鬥爭的理論出發,馬克思認為私有制社會中對立階級之間的鬥爭具有不可調和的特點,統治階級需要以強制性的方法來治理被統治階級. 而這些強制性的方法往往成為統治階級對被統治階級的榨取和剝奪. 統治階級為了保持階級之間的平衡,把階級關係維持在符合統治階級利益的秩序和範圍之內, 就形成了所謂的國家; 階級的矛盾應運成為統治階級的國家統治工具. 無產階級要想獲得自由的解放,就要必須團結起來,進行精神革命,以改變資產階級的普世價值,建立起公平, 合理的社會主義國家, 而久之, 自然地邁入無階級的烏托邦式共產主義國家.
如果對此更改有任何意見, 請先在這發言. 謝謝Bowbowx 08:25 2006年5月12日 (UTC)
[编辑] 中国共产党思想的精神导师,其著作在中国广为流传
卡尔 马克思是中国官方唯一认可的哲学家。其唯物、无神论的观点也是中国官方唯一认可的哲学观。中国的中学生一般都有接触马克思主义教育。《马克思主义哲学原理〉更是中国大学生的必修课。就是在下(MrD)……本人长期不记得登陆……最后编辑在年份上不是很严谨。请大家指正。
This is an interesting topic. Please consider adding information about the following about Karl Marx and the world history of socialism and communism:
Marx, Engels, Lenin and Bellamy influenced each other and influenced socialism in the USA, and the world. The book Das Kapital (1867) by Karl Marx and the book Looking Backward (1887) by Edward Bellamy were ranked as the most influential books (first and second respectively) in a Columbia University survey of 1935. The scholars surveyed compared Bellamy and Marx for blending or as alternatives.
A weekly publication that promoted Bellamy’s ideas was sold in advertisements that combined it with Karl Marx's book Capital as a package deal (see The New Nation, 1891-94)
Advertisements listed together the books of Charles Bellamy, Edward Bellamy and Karl Marx (1891).
The writer Gail Collins stated: ...far more American workers read Looking Backward than ever made it through Marx... (Tomorrow Never Knows, The Nation, Vol. 252, Issue # 2, January 21, 1991).
Merritt Abrash described the Bellamy philosophy as Marxism americanized (see Looking Backward: Marxism Americanized, In M.S. Cummings & N.D. Smith (Eds.)., Utopian Studies IV (pp. 6-9). Lanham, MD: University Press of America (1991).
In 1886 Dr. Edward Aveling and his wife Eleanor -the daughter of Karl Marx- wrote that when they toured the U.S. and preached the gospel of socialism as far westward as Kansas, they were surprised by the prevalence of what they termed: unconscious socialism. They said: the American people ... were waiting to hear in their own language what socialism is. Edward Bellamy then wrote Looking Backward in 1887 and it became an international bestseller.
Looking Backward was translated into every major language including Russian. It inspired the creation of 167 “Bellamy Clubs” worldwide. In its time, it was outsold only by Uncle Tom's Cabin and Ben-Hur. The book appears by title in many major Marxist writings of the day. "It is one of the few books ever published that created almost immediately on its appearance a political mass movement." (Eric Fromm, p vi) 165. The book was popular in pre-revolutionary Russia, and Lenin’s wife was known to have read the book, because she wrote a review of it.
Edward Bellamy was the cousin and collaborator of Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance"). Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy and Charles Bellamy (author of "A Moment of Madness") and Frederick Bellamy (who introduced Edward to "Fourierism") were all socialists. Edward, Charles and Frederick were brothers, and Francis was their cousin.
When Francis Bellamy wrote the original Pledge of Allegiance it had a different hand gesture that was not the modern hand-over-the-heart. Research by Dr. Rex Curry upon the Bellamys led to other amazing discoveries about the Bellamy influence upon socialists in Germany and worldwide.
你说,“卡尔 马克思是中国官方唯一认可的哲学家。其唯物、无神论的观点也是中国官方唯一认可的哲学观。”,这么说有点牵强吧………………--Elb 16:04 2005年11月3日 (UTC)
[编辑] 馬克思的譯名
卡爾· 亨利希·馬克思 (Karl Heinrich Marx) 這是他的譯名。不過,Heinrich 譯作「海因里希」似乎更適合。--Gary Tse 08:57 2006年6月7日 (UTC)
[编辑] 卡尔·马克思可否归为暴力提倡者
暴力人士?还有,是否应该探讨一下为什么马克思被那么多人、政权奉为不会有错误的权威?西洋人的思想多半肤浅、机械,马克思同样如此。为什么卡尔·马克思最核心的理论劳动价值论如此的肤浅、错误,至今仍然有很多人追随?并且在马克思主义暴力统治国家不得学者对他进行批判? --捍卫真理 08:35 2006年11月22日 (UTC)