人力资源开发部(HRD) Arjun Singh |
国家教育预算 | 2411.5亿卢比 (2006-07) |
教学语言 | 英语,[印度语言[|各地方语言]] |
识字率 (2001) • 男子 • 女子 |
64.8 % 75.3 % 53.7 % |
入学生数1 (2001-02) • 小学(1-4年级) • 初中(5-8年级) • 高中(9-10年级) |
1.892亿 1.139亿 4480万 3050万 |
印度的教育已经有数千年的历史,该国拥有一批世界知名的大学(如 印度理工学院,),还要面对初等教育的挑战,为识字率达到100%而努力。全面实行初等义务教育,由于不容易将穷人子女留在学校,以及保持农村地区的教育质量,实现将有很大难度,(喀拉拉邦什目前唯一完成目标的邦)。
目录 |
[编辑] 学制
[编辑] 学前教育
在印度,幼儿园分为2个阶段:lower kindergarten (LKG) 和upper kindergarten (UKG).
[编辑] 初等教育
- Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan -->
[编辑] Non-graduation market
[编辑] 高等教育
[编辑] 历史
[编辑] 17世纪以前
[编辑] 英国统治时期
[编辑] 独立以后
[编辑] After 1976
[编辑] Recent developments
[编辑] Outdoor Education in India
[编辑] Expenditure on Education in India
The Government expenditure on Education has greatly increased since the First five-year plan. The Government of India has highly subsidized higher education. Nearly 97% of the Central Government expenditure on elementary education goes towards the payment of teachers' salaries.
[编辑] Initiatives
[编辑] Non-Formal Education
[编辑] Bal Bhavans
[编辑] Distance education
[编辑] Education for special sections of society
[编辑] Women
Under Non-Formal Education programme, about 40% of the centers in states and 10% of the centers in UTs are exclusively for girls. As of 2000, about 0.3 million NFE centers were catering to about 7.42 million children, out of which about 0.12 million were exclusively for girls.
In engineering, medical and other colleges, 30% of the seats have been reserved for women.
[编辑] Post Graduate Classes at Correctional Homes
[编辑] 批评
现代印度教育经常被批评为基于机械学习(rote learning),重点强调考试的通过率,很少有学校重视学生人格与创造性的发展。
Ragging used to be a major problem in colleges, but tough rules and regulations have curbed it. Some state governments have made ragging a criminal offence.
[编辑] 大事年表
- 1935: Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) set up.
- 1976: Education made a joint responsibility of the states and the Centre.
- 1986: National Policy on Education (NPE) and Programme of Action (PoA)
- 1992: Revised National Policy on Education (NPE) and Programme of Action (PoA)
- December 17, 1998: The Assam Government enacts a law making ragging in educational institutions a criminal offence.
- November 1998: Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee announces setting up of Vidya Vahini Network to link up universities, UGC and CSIR.
- September 2006: Education Reforms In India
[编辑] 参见
- Literacy in India
- Speech on Education in India by Keshub Chandra Sen delivered at London on 24th May 1870.
[编辑] 延伸阅读
- http://www.hinduwisdom.info/Education_in_Ancient_India.htm. Education in Ancient India.
- The Beautiful Tree: Indigenous Education in the Eighteenth Century by Dharampal (Biblia Impex, Delhi, 1983)
- Marie Lall, The Challenges for India's Education System, Chatham House: London, 2005 (ASP BP 05/03) accessed at [1] August 30, 2006
- Meenakshi Jain et al. (2003) History in the New NCERT Textbooks Fallacies in the IHC Report, National Council of Educational Research and Training, ISBN 81-7450-227-0 [2]
- Rosser, Yvette. Curriculum as Destiny: Forging National Identity in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh (2003) University of Texas at Austin. [3]
- Shourie, Arun. Eminent Historians: Their Technology, Their Line, Their Fraud New Delhi, 1998.
[编辑] 外部链接
- Government official education website
- Database for Accreditation in India
- Colleges and Schools in India
- Coaching in India & Career Guide
- Education in India Colleges and Universities, a comprehesive education portal
- Education in India Colleges & Universities
- Great Indians Speak on Indian Education
- References on History of Education in India
- Education Portal on India
- Eden of Education in India, coming soon
- Opportunities for higher education in India
- Project Sampda - open education for all
- Preschool education in India