哈利·波特與魔法石 (遊戲)
zh-cn:哈利·波特与魔法石;zh-tw:哈利波特─神秘的魔法石 | |
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开发者 | KnowWonder (PC) Warthog (GC, Xbox, PS2) Griptonite (GBA, GBC) Argonaut (PS) |
出版商 | Electronic Arts |
遊戲引擎 | Unreal Engine 1.5 |
發行日期 | 2001年11月(PC, PS, GBA, GBC) 2003年12月9日 (GC, Xbox, PS2) |
類型 | 第三身動作冒險遊戲 |
遊戲模式 | 單人遊戲 |
遊戲分級 | ESRB: Everyone (E) |
平台 | PC (Windows), Mac (Mac OS 9), GBC, GBA, PS, Xbox, GameCube, PS2 |
zh-cn:哈利·波特与魔法石(遊戲);zh-tw:哈利波特─神秘的魔法石(遊戲) 是電視和電腦遊戲。The first four versions were released in 2001 by Electronic Arts for the PC, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, and the Sony PlayStation. The PC version was ported to the Mac by Aspyr in 2002. Another version, for Nintendo GameCube, Sony PlayStation 2, and Microsoft Xbox, was released in 2003. The game is based on J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the first novel in the Harry Potter series. Most reviews for the games were rather negative due to the simple gameplay making them only suitable for a younger audience.
目录 |
[编辑] 角色
[编辑] 遊戲中可控制的角色
- 哈利·波特:遊戲的主角。他是葛來芬多學院的成員,與榮恩和妙麗是好朋友。
[编辑] 遊戲中不可以控制的角色
- 妙麗·格蘭傑:哈利的好友。妙麗間中會協助哈利到達上課地點。
- 榮恩·衛斯理:哈利的好友。榮恩間中會帶領哈利到達上課地點。
- 弗雷·衛斯理和喬治·衛斯理:榮恩的兩位哥哥。Known for their mischief-making capabilities, they teach Harry the basic actions of climbing and jumping in the beginning of the game. They also trade Bertie Bott's Every-Flavour Beans for Chocolate Frog cards during the course of the game.
- 跩哥·馬份:哈利的仇人。馬份經常會與他的好朋友—文森·克拉和高爾一起出現。
- 阿不思·鄧不利多:霍格華茲的校長。鄧不利多會在遊戲中給予哈利一些有用的意見。
- 奎若教授:霍格華茲的黑魔法防禦術教師。他被佛地魔控制。
- 麥教授:霍格華茲的變形學教師和葛來芬多學院的導師。
- 胡奇夫人:霍格華茲的飛行訓練課教師。
- 賽佛勒斯·石內卜:霍格華茲的魔藥學教師和史萊哲林學院的導師。Professor Snape tends to favour students in his own House.
- 孚立維教授:霍格華茲的符咒學教師和雷文克勞學院的導師。
- 芽菜教授:霍格華茲的藥草學教師和赫夫帕夫學院的導師。
- 魯霸·海格:A friendly half-giant usually found in his cabin on the grounds.
- 佛地魔:Also known as the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort is the most evil person in the game. Harry has to defeat him at the end of the game.
[编辑] 咒語
- Flipendo弗利噴多
- 這個咒語可以擊打物件,擊昏魔法生物,推開道路上有特殊符號的障礙物,以及啟動開關. Harry learns this spell in his first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson (PC) or from Nearly Headless Nick (PS).
- Alohomora阿咯哈呣拉
- 本咒語只能在電腦版本的遊戲使用。這個咒語可以打開魔法鎖. Hermione teaches Harry this spell before their Charms lesson.
- Wingardium Leviosa
- This spell levitates small blocks, conveniently marked with a "W". Harry learns this spell in his Charms lesson.
- Incendio因三迪歐
- This spell shrivels Spiky Bushes and temporarily stuns Venomous Tentaculas. Harry learns this spell in his Herbology lesson.
- Lumos路摸思
- 本咒語只能在電腦和PS2版本的遊戲使用。 This spell conjures up platforms of light that Harry can walk on, or makes certain sections of wall become walk-through. Harry learns this spell in his second Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson.
- Verdimillius
- 本咒語只能在PS版本的遊戲使用。This spell is cast on invisible platforms to make them appear. Harry can then walk on these platforms before they become invisible again. Harry learns this spell in his Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson.
- In addition, Harry also learns to make a Wiggenweld Potion in Potions class.
[编辑] Plot
For a complete synopsis see Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter, an orphaned eleven-year-old boy living with his aunt and uncle, learns that he is a wizard and leaves to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Over the course of the year, he learns the spells that will help him defeat the most evil wizard in the world, Lord Voldemort.
[编辑] 外部連結
J·K·罗琳的哈利·波特系列 | |||
zh-cn:魔法石; zh-tw:神祕的魔法石 | 小說 | 電影 | 遊戲 |
zh-cn:密室; zh-tw:消失的密室 | 小說 | 電影 | 遊戲 |
zh-cn:阿兹卡班的囚徒; zh-tw:阿茲卡班的逃犯 | 小說 | 電影 | 遊戲 |
zh-cn:火焰杯; zh-tw:火盃的考驗 | 小說 | 電影 | 遊戲 |
zh-cn:凤凰社; zh-tw:鳳凰會的密令 | 小說 | (電影) | |
zh-cn:混血王子; zh-tw:混血王子的背叛 | 小說 | (電影) | |
哈利波特與致命聖靈 (暫譯) | (小說) | ||
其它书籍 | 其它游戏 | ||
《zh-cn:神奇动物在哪里; zh-tw:怪獸與牠們的產地》 | 哈利波特:魁地奇世界盃 | ||
《zh-cn:神奇的魁地奇球; zh-tw:穿越歷史的魁地奇》 | |||
《哈利·波特的魔法世界》 | |||
人物 - 魔法物品 - 地点 - 各國版本 - 魔法世界 相關文章 |