基督堂教會(Iglesia ni Cristo),是一個獨立的基督教組織, 發起於1914年7月27日的菲律賓,教會的創始人是費利克斯•馬納洛(Felix Manalo)。教會公開宣稱他們是由耶穌所建立的原始教會。他們不接受三位一體的教條,包括耶穌的神祇。
[编辑] 背景知識
Iglesia ni Cristo 的历史背景可以追根到20世纪初,characterised by 各种乡村的反殖民主義運動, often with religious undertones, in the 菲律賓. 在这时候,美国的宣教工作是暴露菲律賓文化於許多天主教以外的宗教选择。
Felix Manalo在儿童时期深受宗教影响 and joined many religious organizations as a young adult, leaving each after finding teachings which he felt contradicted those in 圣经.Template:Inote 他声称上帝差遣他传扬福音并 reestablish the first church founded by 耶稣。Template:Inote
1914年7月27日在馬尼拉的聖塔安那,Iglesia ni Cristo 开始有極少數追隨者; 馬納洛被立为頂頭部長。馬納洛就在他的地方區域之內繁殖了他的信息, Iglesia ni Cristo 成长迅速,並且其别宗教的成員也轉換过来。当成员增加以后,他委派其他人傳播教会的教义,並且它最終傳遍及菲律賓和其它國家. 1963年时,費利克斯•馬納洛逝世后, 他儿子 Erano Manalo 接收了責任和作為现今的行政部長。
雖然信徒人数的估計有点差别, 但是 Iglesia ni Cristo 可能已经成為了菲律賓第二大的独立基督教派。菲律宾政府的官方网站 lists its membership as 2.3% (similar to that of the Philippine Independent Church) of the predominantly Catholic人口。尽管大体上被认为是'基督徒',牛津简明基督教史mentions that the church has 有时 been called 准基督徒。
今天,他们已经增長到三千會眾,分布在84个國家和地区。特别是在夏威夷和加州,因为那里有不少来自菲律宾的移民以及菲律宾人后裔。尽管该教会没有确切的人数统计,但使徒估計他们的全世界會員範圍是從 300万到1000万。
[编辑] 批評
Iglesia ni Cristo 有受到其他基督教教派的批評,主要是由于他們教條的分歧和關於《聖經》信仰不同的解釋。
Catholic Answers has also rejected the INC's doctrines of apostasy within 天主教 and does not consider the verses used to support the doctrine of the Iglesia ni Cristo being prophesied nor the apostacy of 天主教 are used in the right context. It contends that other verses are difficult to reconcile with the views of the Iglesia ni Cristo。Iglesia ni Cristo claims through biblical prophesies, that it was elected to be "the first nation of God," as the Israelites were, and that God chose them to serve him
The INC is criticised for holding the belief that it has the sole authority from God to interpret and preach the Bible, while other religions do not. They also reject the INC's doctrine that one can only be saved if one is a member of that church