娜扎寧·馬哈巴德·法得希(Nazanin Mahabad Fatehi,波斯語:نازنین فاتحی),一位18歲的伊朗庫德族少女. 因刺死一名據她宣稱企圖強暴自己及其15歲表妹的歹徒,而正面臨死刑判決(娜札寧當時17歲).
如果娜扎寧聲稱的過程屬實, 因為伊朗是個極端保守的回教國家, 她當時若不自衛, 她跟她的表妹日後仍將會因為發生婚外性行為而被監禁, 鞭打, 甚至被眾人用石頭打死.
目录 |
[编辑] 背景
2006年1月3日, 伊朗伊斯蘭共和國刑事法庭以謀殺罪判處娜札寧死刑. 上訴法庭將複審她的判決. 如經判刑確認的話, 處死前將需再由最高法院定讞.
根據伊朗Etemaad日報報導, 娜扎寧聲稱, 當三個歹徒開始進行騷擾時, 17歲的她及15歲的表妹(蘇瑪耶, Sumayeh)正和男朋友在德黑蘭西方Karaj的一個公園裡. 男朋友立即逃離現場, 拋下無助的兩個女孩. 歹徒將娜扎寧和她的表妹推倒在地上, 準備加以強暴. 為了保護自己, 她由口袋裡取出小刀刺傷其中一位手掌. 根據娜扎寧描述, 當時兩個女孩嘗試著要逃脫, 但被歹徒追上, 此時娜扎寧刺入了另一位的胸口, 最終因而致命.
法院初審期間, 娜扎寧本人在法庭內情緒失控, 聲淚俱下表示自己完全是出於自衛, 但因娜扎寧父親未出席聽證會, 初審陪審團最終以謀殺罪名, 判決娜扎寧處以絞刑.
人道之友組織指出, 死者是伊朗警察組織一員, 而法庭則認為娜扎寧是逃家少女, 已和家庭斷絕關係. 然而在一次電話訪問時, 娜扎寧的母親哭泣著苦苦哀求, 很明顯地十分關切女兒未來的命運. 娜扎寧的父親則聲稱, 她的女兒未受教育看不懂審判書的內容, 卻被要求在處死自己的文件上簽名.
[编辑] 國際間迴響
由於娜扎寧聲稱出於自衛行為, 評論家指出, 在其他國家她的行為極可能會無罪釋放或是只會受到短期監禁的判決. 伊朗也有關於青少年死刑的適用條例 - 男性為15歲, 而女性則為 9 歲. [1].
國際特赦組織目前也正在為娜扎寧奔走遊說. [2]. 加拿大國際特赦組織秘書長Alex Neve說: 「我想, 像這類的案件說明了伊朗有著嚴重的人權危機. 死刑, 歧視女性以及其他許多值得關切的事. 國際社會真得已經到了必須優先正視這些議題的時候了.」(I think cases like this are illustrative of the fact there is a serious human rights crisis in Iran; the death penalty, discrimination against women and a whole host of other concerns. It really is time for the international community to put those issues right at the top of the agenda."). 2006年5月19日, 在另一份公開聲明裡, 國際特赦組織再度提及對娜札寧一案的關切. [6]
伊朗裔前加拿大世界小姐(2003年), 同時也是音樂家的Nazanin Afshin-Jam, 發起了一個名為「拯救娜札寧」的行動並開始了線上連署請願, 嘗試救助和她同名的女孩性命. 這個活動截至2006年11月已經吸引了來自全球超過220,000人簽署.(最新連署人數) [3]. CNN 4/13/2006 關於NAZANIN的報導
一位移民溫哥華已經開始著手了解納札寧案子的律師Negar Azmudehr指出, 本案證明了女性在伊朗這個國家所受到的不公平待遇. Azmudeh告訴加拿大電視台(CTV, Canadian Televison)[4], 殺了娜札寧的男性可能不會被判決死刑, 『因為他的命價值比納札寧的命多兩倍』
為了聲援納札寧, 伊朗裔的霹靂舞樂團波斯王子(Persian Princes)則以她為題, 灌錄了一首歌.
[编辑] 聯合國及加拿大國會對伊朗最高法院的呼籲
On May 17 2006, Nazanin Afshin-Jam published a press release saying that Nazanin's case was scheduled to be reviewed by the Iranian Supreme Court the next week. [5]. The cover letter to the petition is directed at Mr. Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations. Following a meeting with United Nations by Nazanin Afshin-Jam, UN high commissioner Louise Arbour contacted Iranian government regarding Nazanin Fatehi's case. [7]. Miss Afshin-Jam also addressed the Canadian parliament members regrading the matter in June 5, 2006 and MP Belinda Stronach rose in the Canadian House of Commons during Question Period to ask the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter MacKay to confirm that he had received assurances from the Iranian embassy that a new trial was ordered for Nazanin Fatehi.[8][9]
[编辑] 第一次訪談娜扎寧
In her first public interview in May 2006, Nazanin Fatehi replied to a questionaire that was sent to her by Nazanin Afshin-Jam [10].
[编辑] 對娜扎寧死刑判決的減刑
According to Iranian Newspaper Hamshahri and by order of superior court of Islamic republic the death sentence of Nazanin was overturned subject to payment of dieh (blood money) to the family of the alleged rapist killed. [11]. However she was placed in solitary confinement for nearly a month. Her re-trial is set for end of August 2006.[12][13]
[编辑] 再審法庭結束 - 尚未定讞
August 30, 2006 was Nazanin Fatehi's retrial; however no verdict has been announced.
The trial was supposed to start at 10:30 AM but there was a half hour delay. The trial lasted until 12:30 PM with a short break in between. The alleged rapist's family were not present. Nazanin was present with her family and three lawyers.
We have been informed that during her 20 minute testimony she was very brave and defended herself very well. She told the Judge that she has been honest from the very beginning. She extended her arm out to the Judge and said that it was she herself that came forward and gave the knife to the police at the scene of the offence and told them that she stabbed the man in self defence to protect her honour. She directly asked the Judge what he would have done faced with three attackers. He did not have an answer.
Nazanin's mother Maryam spoke during the trial and showed her discontent with how the officials had made Nazanin sign her own death sentence a few months back. She told them that Nazanin has no education and that she could not read or understand the papers they made her sign. She was asked to leave the court, she was crying a lot during and after Nazanin's trial. Nazanin's father stood up and told the courts that he had something to say. He said that it had been announced in many newspapers that Nazanin was a run-away and that he had told the Judges to go ahead with the execution. He told the Judge that he had never made such claims and that it was important for this information to be cleared for the sake of his family. The Judge said that these claims were written in their reports. Nazanin's father requested the Judge look in the files and see who made such allegations. When they verified their file they agreed that he was right and that no such claims were made.
No judgement had been made and they announced that another court date would be set.[14][15]. According to Etemaad newspaper's report of the re-trial, Samieh Nazanin's niece also testified in her favor. [16][17]. Nazanin's re-trial is scheduled for January 10, 2007.[18]
[编辑] 再審結果
2007年一月10日再審後, 經五位法官全體一致認定, 娜扎寧並非蓄意謀殺. 幾天後, 公佈這項結果. 這次開庭延遲了兩小時, 許多來自各方面的觀察人到庭旁聽. 娜札寧的兩位辯護律師持續進行辯護. 經過多次討論, 全體法官一致斷定, 初級法院於2006年一月的判決有誤, 被告非蓄意謀殺.
[编辑] 最後裁定娜札寧交保獲釋
The incident that took place in March 2005 was recognized as an act of self-defense by the judges, however the court also ruled that disproportionate force was used by Nazanin while trying to defend herself and her 15-year old niece. Accordingly, they asked Nazanin to pay “dieh” retribution (blood money) in order to receive a pardon from the family of the deceased.
Shadi Sadr and Mr. Mostafaei, Nazanin Fatehi's lawyers, are appealing the blood money. In the meantime arrangements were made to have Nazanin released from prison on bail. The amount of bail was set at 400,000,000 Rials (apx. US$43,000). The amount of blood money retribution is expected to be approximately $35,000. [19] A trust fund was established by Nazanin Afshin-Jam to collect the necessary funds to post bail in order to free Nazanin Fatehi.
On January 31, 2007, with efforts of Nazanin Afshin-Jam and after much international preassure and nearly 350,000 signatures worldwide, Mahabad Fatehi also known as Nazanin was released on bail. The outcome of the upcoming appeal remains unknown. [20].
According to Amnesty Interntaional at least 23 other Iranian youth are awaiting death sentence for allegned crimes committed as minors under 18 years of age. [21]
[编辑] 參考
- ↑ TAKING A STAND: Nazanin Afshin-Jam, Former Miss World Canada 2003, Struggles To Save Iranian Compatriot From Execution (April 27, 2006). [1] via payvand.com
- ↑ Iran: Amnesty International calls for end to death penalty for child offenders. (January 16, 2006) [2] via amnestyusa.org
- ↑ Beautiful, Brainy and Passionate about Iran. (April 10, 2006) [3] via azarmehr.blogspot.com
- ↑ Former Miss Cda defends Iranian on death row. (April 10, 2006) [4] via CTV
- ↑ Bodog Music Recording Artist Nazanin Afshin-Jam Pleas to World Media, Kofi Annan and the UN to Save the Life of Another Nazanin in Iran. (May 17, 2006) [5]
[编辑] 外部連結
- 線上請願書
- Helpnazanin.com 拯救娜扎寧網站及案情進展
- MySpace.com page for Nazanin
- SaveNazanin myspace blog with Updates on Nazanin
- Website dedicated to Nazanin
- CNN報導
- Video Clip about Nazanin
- 娜札寧的故事 - 加拿大電視台
- Amnesty international: Iran: Amnesty International calls for end to death penalty for child offenders
- English translation of original State-run Iranian Etemaad Newspaper article
- Original Etemaad article in persian
- Islamic Republic of Iran codes of laws with espect to women
- ICAE: International Committee Against Executions
- 與娜扎寧母親Maryam Fatehi的電話訪問(波斯語)
- Whose Morality?: An Analysis of Nazanin Fatehi's first public interview on her site on myspace.com
- 就此此案與 Nazanin Afshin-Jam 的電視訪問(法語)
- 新任為娜扎寧辯護的律師Shadi Sadr網頁
- Etemaad新聞關於二審的報導(波斯語)
- 波斯王子之歌
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