学习迁移是由桑戴克和Woodworth (1901)所引进的理论。他们探究个体 would 迁移 一个概念的学习如何对另一个概念的学习 that shared 类似特征。Their theory implied that 学习迁移 depends on the 学习任务 and 迁移任务 being identical,又称为'共同要素'。学习迁移与 问题解决之间有密切的关联,因为学习迁移通常发生于先前知识应用于解决新情境下的问题(Ormrod, 2004)。
[编辑] 迁移的类型
Perkins 和 Salomon (1992)详细描述了学习迁移的不同类型,描述了这些概念,以及正向迁移与负向迁移之间、近迁移与远迁移之间的区别。下表介绍不同类型的迁移,改编自Schunk (2004, p. 220).
类型 | 特征 |
近迁移 | 情境发生交迭,原始概念与迁移概念相类似 |
远迁移 | 情境很少产生交迭,原始概念与迁移概念不相类似 |
正向迁移 | What is learned in one context enhances learning in a different setting (+) |
负向迁移 | What is learned in one context hinders or delays learning in a different setting (+) |
垂直迁移(纵向迁移) | Knowledge of a previous topic is essential to acquire new knowledge (++) |
水平迁移(横向迁移) | Knowledge of a previous topic is not essential but helpful to learn a new topic (++) |
Literal | Intact knowledge transfers to new task |
Figural | Use some aspect of general knowledge to think or learn about a problem |
Low Road | Transfer of well-established skills in almost automatic fashion |
High Road | Transfer involves abstraction so conscious formulations of connections between contexts |
High Road /Forward Reaching | Abstracting situations from a learning context to a potential transfer context |
High Road / Backward Reaching | Abstracting in the transfer context features of a previous situation where new skills and knowledge were learned |
(+) from Cree and Macaulay, (2000). (++) from Ormrod (2004).
学习迁移 - 在一个地方所学的技能、知识与态度对另一个学习的影响,它可以加快学习的速度。 (Aird 2007)
[编辑] 参见
- Gavriel Salomon
[编辑] 参考
- Cree, V., & Macaulay, (2000). 专业教育与职业教育中的学习迁移. Routledge.
- Ormrod, J. E. (2004). 人类学习 (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Pearson.
- Perkins, D. N., & Salomon, G. (1992). 学习迁移. 国际教育百科全书 (2nd ed.). Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press.
- Schunk, D. (2004). 学习理论:一种教育观点 (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Pearson.