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安娜堡 - Wikipedia



安娜堡Ann Arbor,又譯作安阿伯安納保)是美国 密歇根州的一個城市。安娜堡是該州的Washtenaw County的郡政府所在地。根據2000年的人口普查,該市人口為114,024人。 Ann Arbor Charter Township is adjacent to the city on the north and east sides. Ann Arbor is the home of the main campus of the prestigious University of Michigan. 有許多人用暱稱來稱呼安納堡,像是 ("A平方"), 還有一些比較不常見的,例如:樹城(Tree Town) 或 (usually tongue-in-cheek) 安納保人民共和國(The People's Republic of Ann Arbor).


[编辑] 地理

根據美國人口普查所得﹐ 該城市面積為71.7平方公里。70平方公里是陸地﹐ 1.7平方公里是海水。海水佔總面積的2.42%, 是為休伦(Huron)河。

[编辑] 人口

在2000年人口普查時﹐該城市共有人口114﹐024人﹐ 45﹐693個住宅, 和21﹐704個家庭。 人口密度是1﹐629.9/km² (4,221.1/mi²)。共有47﹐218個房屋﹐ 平均密度是675.0/km² (1,748.0/mi²)。人種結構是74.68%白人, 8.83%黑人, 0.29%印第安人, 11.90%亞洲人, 0.04%太平洋島人, 1.21%其他種族, 和 3.05%混血人種。 總人口中的3.34%是西班牙語系的人。

在那45﹐693個住宅當中有23%是有年齡在18歲以下的孩子的家庭﹐ 37.8%是已婚的家庭﹐ 7.5%是只有女性而沒有丈夫的家庭﹐ 52.5%是非家庭。35.5%是單身的住宅,6.6%是65歲或以上的單身人的住宅。平均住宅人口是2.22人﹐ 而平均家庭人口是2.90人。

人口年齡結構是16.8%在18歲以下﹐ 26.8%在18至24歲之間﹐31.2%在25至44歲之間﹐ 17.3%在45至64歲之間, 7.9%在65歲或以上。中位數是28歲。 女性和男性的比例是100:97.7。 18歲或以上的女性和男性比例是100:96.4。

該市的住宅收入中位數是$46,299。 而家庭的收入中位數是$71,293。 男性的收入中位數是$48,880, 女性是$36,561。 人均收入是$26,419。 16.6%的人口和4.6%的家庭生活在貧窮線以下。7.3%的18歲以下人口和 5.1% 的65歲或以上人口是生活在貧窮線以下。

[编辑] 歷史

18241月,来自东部各州的人共同建立了安娜堡,其中包括John Allen (Virginia)和Elisha Rumsey (New York),他们的妻子名字都叫Anna(后者的妻子名字在各种参考材料种,有认为是Ann Rumsey或者是Ana Rumsey, ), 所以这两个人决定根据自己的妻子命名所建立的城镇为"Annarbour"(将之前使用的名字——Allensville和Anapolis,都弃置不用)。 他们用$800购买了联邦政府的 for the stands of burr oak 640英亩土地(2.6 km²)。Allen的磨坊的发出的“Kaw-goosh-kaw-nick“声音,让当地印第安人以此命名这个地区。1827年,Rumsey去世;Allen最终成为这个小镇的邮局局长、报纸发行人、镇长和活跃分子。

Several mills, a tannery, and a general store flourished in the settlement. The general store (or tavern, depending on which source you accept) was painted bright red and the corner on which it was established (Huron and Main) became known as Bloody Corners. In 1836, Ann Arbor lost a bid to be established as the state capital.

然而, 1837年,安娜堡赢得了密歇根大学新校址的投标,因为它免费提供了40英亩(160,000平方米)给该校。1839年,密歇根中央铁路到达这里,使得安娜堡成为该地区一个主要的交通枢纽。

Ann Arbor became the seat of Washtenaw County in 1827, was incorporated in 1833, and was chartered in 1851, which was also the year that John Allen died. The town became home first to large numbers of German immigrants (particularly from the state of Württemberg) and escapees from the Great Irish Famine, though Canadians accounted for the largest percentage of immigrants to the town during most of the 1800s.

During World War I, Germans became targets of animosity because of their alleged sympathy for the German state, and four professors in the University's German department were dismissed because of what were alleged by the regents to be an "excess" of faculty in the department. During World War II, Ford Motor Company's nearby Willow Run plant turned out B-24 Liberator bombers and the population of Ann Arbor exploded with an influx of miltary personnel, war workers, and their families.

In 1960, Ann Arbor was the site of major speeches by both major presidential candidates, John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. Kennedy outlined his proposal for what would become the Peace Corps on the front steps of the Michigan Union on October 14, 1960. On May 22, 1964, Lyndon B. Johnson unveiled his Great Society initiative during a University of Michigan commencement address.

During the 1960s, Ann Arbor became a locus for both the American civil rights movement and the anti-Vietnam War movement. It was the site of the first major meetings of Students for a Democratic Society in 1960. After a number of protests and an extensive public campaign, the city passed its first fair housing ordinance in 1963.

In June 1969, students and protesters took over portions of South University Avenue over the course of three days of protests and rioting. However, the police, drawn from many surrounding communities, and many with their names and badges covered up, took back the streets with the use of tear gas, police dogs and the threat of firearms. Between 1972 and 1976, the city council went through a period in which members of the Human Rights Party got elected and fought for several measures that at the time seemed radical, including an ordinance reducing penalties for possession of marijuana and a rent control ordinance. In 1973, Kathy Kozachenko was elected to the Ann Arbor city council and became the first openly gay candidate to run successfully for elected office in the United States.

Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Ann Arbor was home to many influential rock bands, such as the MC5, Iggy Pop, Brownsville Station, Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band, Mitch Ryder, and The Rationals. Madonna was a dance major at the University of Michigan in the late seventies.

Four years after leaving the White House, Gerald R. Ford – a former student and college football player at Michigan – opened his Presidential Library in Ann Arbor. (His Museum is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan).

The economy of Ann Arbor underwent a gradual shift from manufacturing base to a service and technology base over the course of the 20th century, a shift which accelerated in the 1970s and 1980s. As of 1999, Ann Arbor was home to 25 research centers and libraries. Four years after leaving the White House, Gerald R. Ford opened his Presidential Library in Ann Arbor.

Marking the most recent American elections, on 2 November 2004, Ann Arbor has reasserted itself as a bastion for left-leaning sentiment in the state of Michigan, and indeed the country: A proposition to legalize medical marijuana had been passed by a margin approaching 75% to 25%, and possession of marijuana for personal use has been essentially decriminalized for some three decades, punishable only by a $50 fine and no criminal record (although the somewhat harsher state law applies to possession on university property).

[编辑] 大學及學院

Image:DSCN4776 annarbormhouse e.jpg

世界著名的密歇根大學(University of Michigan)在1817年建校時便在安娜堡建立本部園地,佔地共2,600英畝。除了密歇根大學之外,這裡還有其他著名大學及學院:

  • Washtenaw Community College
  • Concordia_University, Ann_Arbor
  • Cleary University
  • Ave Maria School of Law
  • Eastern Michigan University in neighboring Ypsilanti

[编辑] 安娜堡的公立學校學區

The Ann Arbor Public School District consists of 21 elementary schools, five middle schools, and three high schools (two traditional, one alternative). Due to overcrowding problems within the two main high schools, a third major high school is planned. There are currently 16,724 students enrolled in AAPS schools, including the elementary, middle, high, and alternative schools. The District's superintendent is Dr. George Fornero. Students in the district partake in the Michigan Educational Assessment Program, as well other standardized tests.

[编辑] 經濟

[编辑] 商業及工業

  • Pfizer在安娜堡市東北面設立一所製藥業研究院,其前身先後由Parke-Davis及Warner Lambert營運。
  • Domino's Pizza的總部設在安娜堡。
  • Borders Books的旗艦店也是第一家店面於1971年於在安娜堡的Liberty Street上開幕。由brothers Tom Borders and Louis Borders經營,現時安娜堡總店仍然為該店的基地。
  • ProQuest,包括UMI
  • Arbortext, a provider of XML-based publishing software
  • Harris&Baseview, a provider of newspaper publishing software and ASP services
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory
  • Toyota Technical Center
  • Ann Arbor Terminals, during the 1980s, the manufacturer of the famous video display terminal the Ann Arbor Ambassador, [1]
  • Cottage Inn Pizza opened in Ann Arbor in 1948 and is still headquartered in the city

[编辑] 文化

  • 藍調及爵士音樂季Blue and jazz festival Usually held sometime in mid-September at Gallup Park it showcases some of the best blues and jazz musicians from around the nation.
  • 藝術季(Art Fair): Held in the 3rd week of July from Wednesday to Saturday. There are actually five separate juried fairs and many other artists and retail booths anywhere they can rent some space. There is a traditional townie slogan "It's not art, it's not fair" that is common around town at Art Fair time; spoken, on t-shirts and occasionally stencil art.
  • Hash Bash: First Saturday of April. These days the event is a collection of speeches, street vending, civil disobedience centered around the goal of reform of local, state, and federal marijuana laws. The first Hash Bash was held in 1971 to protest the 10-year prison sentence given to John Sinclair in 1970 for possession of two marijuana joints.
  • Summer Festival: A three-and-a-half week event typically held from mid-June through early July at the Power Center and atop the adjacent parking structure (host to the free "Top of the Park" events). Each night offers internationally-known entertainers inside the Power Center, Mendelssohn Theatre or Hill Auditorium, while Top of the Park showcases local, regional, and occasionally national talent starting at 7pm nightly, and movies at 10pm Sunday through Thursday. A variety of local food vendors offer limited menus while the non-profit festival organization offers soft drinks, beer and wine for sale to support the costs of offering free admission.
  • Naked Mile: There has been a tradition of students running naked through the streets once a year at the end of the University of Michigan winter semester, but the police and the university are cracking down on it [2]. As a result participants have been forced to adapt, but they did not discontinue the event completely: in 2002 they have been wearing underwear. In 2003 there were only five to seven runners and all were arrested. In 2004, the event was held a day earlier with alternative route and thereby, dodging arrests. There were 13 naked runners and one naked bicyclist. They were angry about what they consider draconian suppression of the Naked Mile.
  • Ann Arbor Folk Festival: Many of the world's best folk musicians have played at the Folk Festival, an annual benefit concert for the Ark (Ann Arbor's folk and acoustic music venue). It is held late in January.
  • 購物車賽車大賽Cart race: Held sometime late August, the race is not "official". Information is spread by word of mouth and stencil art. Participants have brought everything from decorated shopping carts to two-man bicycles that incorporate shopping cart elements into the design.
  • 安娜堡電影節: The oldest continually operated annual experimental film festival in North America, this event attracts entries from moving image artists worldwide and screens more than 100 films before audiences at the Michigan Theater during six days in March.
  • Taste Of Ann Arbor: A one day event held during the first week of June in the heart of downtown Ann Arbor. Local restaurants open concession stands to the public. Local bands, schools, and performers hold free shows and concerts. The event is sponsered by the Downtown Development Authority, Ann Arbor Jaycees, WEMU 89.1, and the Michigan Theater.
  • Dexter Ann Arbor Run. A running race from Dexter Michigan to downtown Ann Arbor along the scenic Huron River.

[编辑] 關於安納保的文學作品

Ann Arbor (or its surrounding region) is the setting (or the presumed setting) for a number of novels and short story collections, including:

  • Justin McCarthy, Dear Lady Disdain (1875)
  • Karl Edwin Harriman, Ann Arbor Tales (1902)
  • Lloyd Cassel Douglas, Magnificent Obsession (1929)
  • David Osborn, Open Season (1974)
  • Marge Piercy, Braided Lives (1982)
  • Nancy Willard, Things Invisible to See (1985)
  • Jerry Prescott, Deadly Sweet in Ann Arbor (1996)
  • Susan Holtzer, Bleeding Maize and Blue (1997)
  • Charles Baxter, Feast of Love (2000)

[编辑] 姊妹城市

[编辑] 外部連結

[编辑] 資料來源

  • Andrews, Clarence. (1992). Michigan in Literature. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
  • Encyclopedia of Michigan. (1999). St. Clair Shores, MI: Somerset Publishers.
  • Marwil, Jonathan. (1990). A History of Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Michigan Gazetteer. (1991). Wilmington, DE: American Historical Publications.
  • Schmittroth, Linda (Ed.). (1994). Cities of the United States (4th ed.). Detroit: Gale Group.

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