[编辑] 国家列表
Emerging markets
Developed markets
列出一个十分准确的新兴市场国家列表并不太容易。SI Emerging Markets,经济学人或者是某些市场指数(如Morgan Stanley Capital International)可以作为投资指南。这些数据是比较中立和广泛接受的。不过市场指数的中立性可能存在以下两个问题:1. 数据的历史。比如韩国,台湾(中华民国),以色列和捷克。 2. 简单化。 It is difficult to make an exact list of emerging (or developed) markets; the best guides tend to be investment information sources like ISI Emerging Markets and The Economist or market index makers (such as Morgan Stanley Capital International). These sources are neutral and well-informed, but the nature of investment information sources leads to two potential problems. One is an element of historicity; markets may be maintained in an index for continuity, even if the countries have since developed past the emerging market phase. Possible examples of this are South Korea, Taiwan, Israel, and Czech Republic. A second is the simplification inherent in making an index; small countries, or countries with limited market liquidity are often not considered, with their larger neighbours considered an appropriate stand-in. Some potential smaller emerging markets not listed below include: in Europe: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Slovakia; in the Americas: Costa Rica, Panama , Uruguay, and Venezuela; in Asia: Kazakhstan and Vietnam; and in Africa: Nigeria. As of July 2006, the Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Indexincluded:
The list tracked by The Economist is the same, except with 香港,
新加坡 and
沙特阿拉伯 included (MSCI classifies the first two as Developed Markets) -- and
约旦 omitted.