Silicon Graphics, Inc. | |
Public (OTC: SGID) | |
加利福尼亚 (1982) |
Mountain View, CA |
Dennis McKenna, CEO Eng Lim Goh, CTO Kathy A. Lanterman, CFO, Anthony K. Robbins, SPV Philippe Miltin, VP Barry J. Weinert, VP |
The Source of Innovation and Discovery |
计算机硬件 和 软件 | |
高性能计算, 计算机视觉 和 计算机存储 | |
2100 (2006) | |
www.sgi.com |
硅谷图形公司(英语:Silicon Graphics, Inc.,简称:SGI,1981年11月—2006年3月8日)1982年开始生产图形显示终端。是由Jim Clark 和 Abbey Silverstone创建。初期,公司基于Jim Clark在几何流水线领域的工作生产加速3D图形显示的专门硬件和软件。SGI最初于1981年11月在加州创立,并在1990年1月作为Delaware corporation重建。2006年3月8日,SGI 申请破产保护。
目录 |
[编辑] SGI 产品线
[编辑] 当前的SGI产品
[编辑] MIPS-based systems
- Fuel entry-level workstation
- Tezro high-end workstation
- Origin 350 mid-range server
- Origin 3000 high-end server
[编辑] Intel Xeon-based systems
- Altix XE-series servers
[编辑] Itanium-based systems
- Prism high-end workstation
- Altix 330 mid-range server
- Altix 350 mid-range server
- Altix 3000 high-end server
- Altix 4000 high-end server
[编辑] Past SGI products
[编辑] Motorola 68k-based systems
- SGI IRIS 1000 series
- SGI IRIS 2000 series
- SGI IRIS 3000 series
[编辑] MIPS-based systems
[编辑] 工作站
- Professional IRIS series (IRIS 4D/50/60/70/80/85)
- Personal IRIS series (IRIS 4D/20/25/30/35)
- IRIS Power Series (IRIS 4D/1x0/2x0/3x0/4x0)
- IRIS Crimson (deskside workstation/server)
- IRIS Indigo series (Indigo, Indigo R4000)
- Indigo² series (Indigo², Power Indigo², Indigo² R10000)
- Indy workstation
- O2/O2+ workstation
- Octane workstation
- Octane2 workstation
- Onyx (deskside and larger workstations)
- Onyx2 (deskside and larger workstations)
- Power Onyx (deskside and larger workstations)
- Onyx R10000 (deskside and larger workstations)
- Onyx 350 (Origin 350 with graphics hardware)
- Onyx 3000 (Origin 3000 with graphics hardware)
- Onyx4 visualization system
[编辑] 服务器
- Challenge S (desktop server)
- Challenge M/Power Challenge M (desktop server)
- Challenge DM (deskside server)
- Challenge L/Power Challenge/Challenge 10000 (deskside server)
- Challenge XL/Power Challenge XL (rack server)
- Origin 200 mid-range server
- Origin 2000 high-end server
- Origin 300 mid-range server
[编辑] IA-32-based systems
- SGI 320 Visual Workstation (Windows NT)
- SGI 540 Visual Workstation (Windows NT)
- SGI 230 Workstation (Linux/Windows NT)
- SGI 330 Workstation (Linux/Windows NT)
- SGI 550 Workstation (Linux/Windows NT)
- SGI Zx10 Visual Workstation (Windows)
- SGI Zx10 VE Visual Workstation (Windows)
- SGI Zx10 Server (Windows)
- SGI 1100 server (Linux/Windows)
- SGI 1200 server (Linux/Windows)
- SGI 1400 server (Linux/Windows)
- SGI 1450 server (Linux/Windows)
- SGI Internet Server (Linux)
- SGI Internet Server for E-commerce (Linux)
- SGI Internet Server for Messaging (Linux)
[编辑] Itanium-based systems
- SGI 750 workstation
[编辑] 参见
- IRIX - SGI公司所發創的商業性UNIX作業系統。
- Columbia - 一套名為哥倫比亞的超級電腦,是美國太空總署(NASA)向美國視算科技公司(SGI)要求的訂製電腦,之所以命名為哥倫比亞實是為了紀念已故的太空梭哥倫比亞號。
- SCO and SGI - SCO公司與SGI公司在程式碼上的法令權益爭議。
- OpenGL - SGI公司發創的專業繪圖函式庫。
- XFS - SGI公司所發創的檔案系統,適合科學研究的重度運算之用,Linux作業系統也支援此種檔案系統。
[编辑] 外部链接
Official SGI Information
General Unofficial SGI Information