米歇尔·朱维特(Michel Jouvet, 1925年11月16日生于法国东部的弗朗什孔泰),著名睡眠专家、“法国睡眠研究之父”。
米歇尔·朱维特目前是里昂大学荣誉教授。他曾经1955年在加州长滩的Pr Magoun实验室工作一年。然后在里昂大学医学院进行神经生理的实验研究。
[编辑] Cat dreams
In 1959 Michel Jouvet conducted several experements on cats regarding muscle atonia (paralysis) during REM sleep. Jouvet demonstrated that the generation of REM sleep depends on an intact pontine tegmentum and that REM atonia is due to an inhibition of motor centres in the medulla oblongata. Cats with lesions around the locus pericoeruleus have less restricted muscle movement during REM sleep, and show a variety of complex behaviours including motor patterns suggesting that they are dreaming of attack, defence and exploration.