英语拼写改革是一系列更改英语拼写方法的运动的总称,它的目的是通过拼写改革使英语的拼写更加简单和有规律。这些有争议的、小规模的改革运动发生在爱好者和专业语言学家中,已经有一段很长的历史了,且有少许的成功混杂其中。支持者们声称英语拼写中的许多矛盾和不规则的现象使得这门语言学习起来很难。他们相信,英语拼写的不规则使得以英语为母语的人的受教育程度低于那些以其它拼写与发音更加符合规律的语言为母语的人。自从George Bernard Shaw开始,就有人指出保持传统的拼写法对于商业及使用者的花费which can be worked out by the casual observer as cumulatively massive。英语实际上发音与拼写很不规则,这部分由于公众接受了方言,而方言中保留了很多古音。
传统主义者反对拼写改革,他们感到,简化英语拼写将会失去一些东西,this can range from numinous 'old world' sensibilities to feared concrete financial losses by opposing vested interests (notably printers and purveyors of rival solutions such as shorthand and remedial literacy solutions such as synthetic phonics. It has recently been argued, for example, that the one-time presidency of the Simplified Spelling Society of shorthand heir Sir James Pitman represents a conflict of interests). The traditionalists' hold over the means of production of printed matter, and other key vantage points, moderated by the work of persistent spelling reformers and a public open to change where perceived necessary (their perceptions arguably largely determined by a manufactured consensus) has resulted in a slow rate of progress, but the advent of the Internet and cellphone texting rather opens up the field to surfers and texters spelling with a public freedom unknown for centuries in the English-speaking world.
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