醫學名詞:ㄅ (B)
ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄈ ㄉ ㄊ ㄋ ㄌ ㄍ ㄎ ㄏ ㄐ ㄑ ㄒ ㄓ ㄔ ㄕ ㄖ ㄗ ㄘ ㄙ ㄚ ㄛ ㄜ ㄝ ㄞ ㄟ ㄠ ㄡ ㄢ ㄣ ㄤ ㄥ ㄦ ㄧ ㄨ ㄩ
A Ai An Ang Ao B C Ch D E En Eng Ei Er Ë F G H J K L M N O Ou P Q R S Sh T W X Yi Yu Z Zh
![]() |
醫學 |
醫學警告 |
基礎科學 |
解剖學 - 生理學 |
胚胎學 - 組織學 |
遺傳學 - 醫學倫理 |
生物學 - 微生物學 |
生物化學 - 免疫學 |
營養學 - 流行病學 |
醫學數學 - 醫學史 |
医学信息学 - 药理学 |
病理學 |
病理學 |
症狀 - 症候群 |
健康 - 病表一覽 |
醫學領域 |
家庭医生 - 專科醫生 |
外科醫生 - 護理人員 |
傳統醫學 |
中醫學 - 阿育吠陀 |
順勢療法 - 草藥學 |
代替醫療 |
醫療 |
藥物治療 - 藥理學 |
其他醫學科目 |
心理學 - 法醫學 |
關於 |
維基醫學工程 |
其他 |
生物與醫學詞彙譯名表 |
醫學名詞列表 |
中文 | 英文 |
八趾畸形 | ■ Octodactylism ■ Morand's foot |
巴豆中毒 = 巴豆油中毒 = 巴豆毒素中毒 | ■ Croton oil poisoning ■ Crotonism |
玻璃狀體破裂 | ■ Laceration of vitreous ■ Vitreous body rupture |
玻璃狀體脫離 | ■ Detachment of vitreous humor |
剝脫性狼瘡 | ■ Exfoliative lupus |
剝離骨折 = 軟骨脫離性肱骨端骨折(en) | ■ Cleavage fracture |
勃起性淋病 = 陰莖屈曲尿道炎 = 花柳性勃起陰莖(en) | ■ Chordee |
柏油疹 | ■ Tar rash |
鋍毒佝僂病 | ■ Beryllium rickets ■ Glucinum rickets |
薄角膜 | ■ Smallness of cornea |
薄血管翳 | ■ Slight pannus |
跛足 = 跛足畸形 | ■ Clut-foot ■ Cyllopodial monster |
播散性毛囊狼瘡 = 痤瘡性狼瘡 = 狼瘡痤瘡 = 毛細管擴張性痤瘡 = 粟粒狼瘡 | ■ Disseminative follicular lupus ■ Acneiform lupus ■ Miliary lupus ■ Lupus-like acne ■ Teleangiected acne |
播散性肺結核 | ■ Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis |
播散性狼瘡 = 稀疏狼瘡 | ■ Disseminated lupus ■ Discrete lupus |
播散性顏面粟粒狼瘡 | ■ Facial disseminative miliary lupus |
白斑梅毒疹 = 梅毒白斑病 | ■ Vitiligoid syphilide ■ Syphilitic leukoderma |
白麻風 = 白斑麻風 | ■ White leprosy ■ Leprous vitiligo |
白黴菌病 | ■ Mucormycotic disease |
白頭翁中毒 | ■ Anemone poisoning ■ Anemonism |
白蘭地酒中毒 | ■ Brandy poisoning |
白痢 = 黏液痢 | ■ White dysentery ■ Mycodysentery |
白蛉子熱(en) | ■ Sandfly fever ■ Pappataci fever ■ Phlebotomus fever ■ Three-day fever |
白海綿腫 | ■ White spongioma ■ White fungous growth |
白喉 = 埃及病 | ■ Diphthery ■ Syriac ulcer |
白屈菜中毒 = 白屈菜鹼中毒 | ■ Celandine poisoning ■ Chelidonine poisoning |
白血病脾增大 | ■ Leukemic splenomegaly |
白血病淋巴瘤 | ■ Leukemic lymphadenoma |
白血病淋巴腺腫 | ■ Leukemic adenia |
白血病胸腺增殖 | ■ Leucemic hyperplasia of thymus |
白血病肉瘤 = 白色肉瘤 | ■ Leukocytic sarcoma ■ Leukemic sarcoma ■ Colorless sarcoma |
白血病肉瘤病 | ■ Multiple leukocytic sarcomas |
白血球胚細胞瘤 | ■ Leukoblastic tumor |
白血球瘤 | ■ Leukocytic tumor |
白癬 | ■ White ringworm |
白腫 | ■ White swelling |
白瑞香中毒 | ■ Mezereine poisoning ■ Poisoning by daphne mezereum ■ Daphnism |
白色足菌病 | ■ White mycetoma |
百日咳 = 天哮嗆 = 哮咳 = 痙咳 = 窒息咳 = 獸音咳(en) | ■ Whooping-cough ■ Hooping-cough ■ Chin-cough ■ Kink-host |
百葉窗工(肺)病 | ■ Shuttle-maker's disease |
敗血性鼠疫 = 鼠疫桿菌血症(en) | ■ Septicemic plague ■ Pesticemia ■ Lemenia |
背部寄生肢 = 背肢畸胎 | ■ Notomelic monster |
背索胚細胞瘤 | ■ Chordal celled tumor |
背索瘤 | ■ Chordal tumor ■ Tumor of notochord |
背索上皮瘤 | ■ Chordomatous epithelioma |
背索癌 | ■ Chordal cancer |
北美回歸熱 = Novy氏螺旋體病 | ■ American relapsing fever |
被加病因 = 遺傳病因 | ■ Hereditary cause |
鋇中毒(en) | ■ Barium poisoning |
包皮黴菌病 | ■ Proputial mycosis ■ Gangrenous balanitis |
包皮腫瘤 | ■ Preputial tumor |
包皮石 | ■ Preputial calculus ■ Preputial concretion ■ Postholith ■ Acrobystiolith |
包皮癌 | ■ Preputial cancer ■ Cancer of prepuce |
包膜絛蟲病 | ■ Hymenolepis disease |
包囊性脂瘤 | ■ Capsular lipoma |
包囊性腫瘤 | ■ Encysted tumor |
包囊蟲毒血症 | ■ Hydatid toxemia |
包含囊腫 | ■ Inclusion cyst |
包蟲病 = 蝟囊幼蟲病 | ■ Echinococcal disease |
包蟲囊(en) | ■ Hydatid cyst ■ Echinococcal cyst |
包蟲囊病 = 蝟囊幼蟲病(en) | ■ Hydatid disease ■ Echinococcus-cyst disease ■ Infestation with echinococcus |
包蟲腫 | ■ Hydatid tumor |
胞子絲菌病 | ■ Sporotrichial disease |
胞子絲菌腫 | ■ Sporotrichial tumor |
胞衣病 = 胎盤病 | ■ Mazopathy ■ Disease of placenta ■ Placentopathy |
報春花中毒 | ■ Primrose poisoning ■ Primula poisoning |
暴發性白喉 = 最重症白喉 | ■ Fulminating diphthery ■ Fulminant diphthery |
暴發性斑傷寒(en) | ■ Fulminant typhus |
暴發性病 | ■ Sudden attack ■ Sideration ■ Paroxysmal disease |
暴發性破傷風 | ■ Fulminant tetanus |
暴發性流行感冒 | ■ Noci-influence |
暴發性霍亂 = 乾霍亂 = 癟螺痧 | ■ Siderating cholera ■ Dry cholera |
暴發性猩紅熱 | ■ Fulminating scarlet fever ■ Fulminant scarlatina |
暴發性傷寒 | ■ Foudroyant typhoid fever |
暴發性鼠疫 | ■ Fulminating plague ■ Siderating plague |
爆炸骨折 | ■ Explosion fracture |
爆炸氣中毒 | ■ Exploding-gas poisoning |
爆炸創 | ■ Explosion wound |
斑蝥中毒 | ■ Cantharidal poisoning ■ Cantharidism |
斑點麻風 | ■ Macular leprosy |
斑點梅毒疹 = 梅毒斑 = 梅毒風疹 = 梅毒紅斑 | ■ Macular syphilide ■ Syphilitic roseola ■ Erythematous syphilide |
斑點狼瘡 | ■ Macular lupus |
斑禿 = 斑形脫髮 = 落髮性頭皮病 = 斑禿癬 = 脫髮癬 = 頭白癜 | ■ Pelade ■ Gruby's disease ■ Diffluens area ■ Celsus area ■ Celsian area ■ Jonston's arc ■ Cazenave's vitiligo ■ Jonston's alopecia |
斑丘疹梅毒疹 | ■ Maculopapular syphilide |
斑形禿髮癬 | ■ Macular ringworm of scalp ■ Macular trichophytia |
斑疹 | ■ Macular eruption |
斑疹傷寒 = 斑傷寒 = 瘀血點熱 | ■ Typhus ■ Typhus fever ■ Hungarian disease ■ Mexican typhus ■ Tabardillo (Mexico) ■ Hildenbrand's disease ■ Petechial fever ■ Maxcy's disease ■ Exanthematous typhus |
斑螈毒素中毒 | ■ Salamanderine poisoning |
瘢痕 | ■ Scar ■ Cicatrice ■ Scar mark |
瘢痕破裂 | ■ Rupture of a scar ■ Cicatricial rupture |
瘢痕胼胝 | ■ Cicatricial callosity |
瘢痕瘤(en) | ■ Keloid |
瘢痕瘤素因 | ■ Keloid disposition |
瘢痕結節 | ■ Cicatricial nodule |
瘢痕線 | ■ Cicatricial line ■ Cicatricial streake |
瘢痕形成 = 結瘢(en) | ■ Cicatrization ■ Scarring |
瘢痕性會陰破裂 | ■ Cicatricial perineal rupture |
瘢痕性翼狀胬肉 = 假翼狀胬肉 | ■ Cicatricial pterygium ■ False pterygium |
瘢痕質 | ■ Cicatricial substance |
瘢痕沙眼 | ■ Cicatricial trachoma |
瘢痕束 | ■ Cicatricial band |
瘢痕肉瘤 | ■ Cicatrizing sarcoma ■ Cicatricial sarcoma |
瘢痕組織 | ■ Cicatricial tissue |
瘢痕疣樣腫瘤 | ■ Warty cicatricial tumor |
瘢痕癌 | ■ Cicatrizing cancer |
瘢痕緣 | ■ Margin of scar |
板煙斗癌 | ■ Claypipe cancer |
半邊脫髮 | ■ Unilateral baldness |
半邊肢不全(畸形) | ■ Hemiectromely |
半邊榮養障礙 | ■ Hemidystrophy |
半面肥大 | ■ Facial hemihypertrophy ■ Unilateral facial hypertrophy |
半頭(畸形) | ■ Hemicephaly |
半頭畸胎 = 半顱畸胎 | ■ Hemicephalic monster |
半腦畸胎 | ■ Hemiencephalic monster |
半畸胎 | ■ Hermitery ■ Hemimonstrosity |
半畸形 = 官能無害性畸形 | ■ Demimonstrosity |
半間日瘧 = 日發間日混合瘧 | ■ Semitertian malaria |
半軀幹畸胎 | ■ Hemisomatic monster |
半肢(畸形) | ■ Hemimelic monstrosity |
半肢畸胎 | ■ Hemimelic monster |
半舌肥大 | ■ Unilateral lingual hypertrophy |
半身肥大 | ■ Hemihypertrophy ■ Unilateral hypertrophy |
半身風濕 = 偏側風濕 | ■ Unilateral rheumatism |
半雙子宮(畸形) = 不全雙子宮 | ■ Imcomplete double uterus |
半芽胞菌病 | ■ Hemispore disease |
半無頭畸胎 | ■ Hemiacephalic monster ■ Unilateral acephalus |
半無腦(畸形) | ■ Hemianencephaly ■ Hemianencephalic monstrosity |
半無腦畸胎 | ■ Hemiancephalic monster |
半無心寄生胎 = 半無心畸胎 = 類無心畸胎 | ■ Hemiacardiac monster |
伴發病 = 兼發病(en) | ■ Associated disease ■ Complication |
瓣狀創傷 = 瓣狀傷口 | ■ Flap-wound |
奔馬性肺癆 = 急性乾酪性肺結核 = 紅顏肺癆 | ■ Galloping phthisis ■ Florid phthisis ■ Galloping consumption |
本質性黃瘤 | ■ Essential xanthoma ■ Primary xanthoma |
本質性結石 | ■ Essential calculus |
苯氯乙酮中毒 | ■ Chloracetophenone poisoning |
苯中毒 | ■ Benzol poisoning ■ Benzene poisoning |
苯胺中毒 | ■ Aniline poisoning ■ Anilism |
苯胺癌 | ■ Anilin cancer ■ Dye workers' cancer |
膀胱白喉 | ■ Cystic diphthery |
膀胱閉鎖 | ■ Vesical atresia ■ Atretocysty |
膀胱壁肥厚 | ■ Vesical thickening |
膀胱病 | ■ Disease of bladdor ■ Urocystopathy ■ Cystopathy |
膀胱破裂 | ■ Rupture of (urinary) bladder ■ Tear of bladder ■ Vesical rupture |
膀胱皮樣囊瘤 | ■ Vesical dermoid |
膀胱梅毒 | ■ Cystic syphilis |
膀胱肥大 | ■ Hypertrophy of bladder ■ Vesical hypertrophy |
膀胱肥厚 = 膀胱粘膜肥厚 | ■ Vesical pachydermia |
膀胱放線菌病 | ■ Vesical actinomycosis |
膀胱內毛髮存在症 = 排有毛尿 | ■ Pilimiction |
膀胱內異物 | ■ Foreign body in bladder |
膀胱瘻鎖肛 | ■ Vesceral anal atresia |
膀胱乾燥 | ■ Vesical dryness |
膀胱肛門 | ■ Vesical anus |
膀胱海綿腫 | ■ Vesical spongioma |
膀胱肌瘤 | ■ Vesical myoma ■ Myoma of bladder |
膀胱結核 | ■ Cystic tuberculosis |
膀胱結石 = 膀胱石 | ■ Vesical calculus ■ Cystic calculus ■ Chytolith ■ Physalith |
膀胱前列腺石 | ■ Vesicoprostatic calculus |
膀胱息肉 | ■ Vesical polypus |
膀胱纖維黏液瘤 | ■ Vesical fibromyxoma |
膀胱纖維瘤 | ■ Vesical fibroma ■ Fibroma of bladder |
膀胱腺瘤 | ■ Adenoma of bladder |
膀胱住血裂體蛭病 | ■ Cystic bilharziasis |
膀胱腫瘤 | ■ Vesical tumor ■ Tumor of urinary bladder |
膀胱穿破 | ■ Vesical perforation ■ Perforation of bladder |
膀胱創傷 | ■ Wound of bladder |
膀胱石病 | ■ Cystic lithiasis |
膀胱砂 | ■ Vesical gravel |
膀胱上皮瘤 | ■ Vesical epithelioma |
膀胱肉瘤 | ■ Sarcoma of bladder |
膀胱乳頭狀瘤 | ■ Vesical papilloma ■ Papilloma of bladder |
膀胱子宮內膜錯位 | ■ Vesical adenomyosis |
膀胱酸結石 | ■ Cystin calculus ■ Cystin stone ■ Cystic-oxide calculus |
膀胱損傷 | ■ Vesical injury ■ Injury to urinary bladder |
膀胱癌 | ■ Cancer of urinary bladder |
膀胱硬癌 | ■ Vesical scirrhus |
膀胱原腎結核 | ■ Cystogenic renal tuberculosis |
鼻白喉 | ■ Nasal diphthery |
鼻病 | ■ Affection of nose ■ Nasal affection ■ Rhinopathy |
鼻部紅顆粒層增殖 = 鼻紅粒病 | ■ Red nasal granulosis |
鼻部腺瘤 | ■ Nasal adenoma |
鼻麻風 | ■ Nasal leprosy |
鼻梅毒 | ■ Nasal syphilis |
鼻黴菌病 | ■ Nasal mycosis |
鼻肥大 | ■ Nasal hypertrophy ■ Hypertrophy of nose |
鼻副竇麻風 | ■ Leprosy of accessory sinuses ■ Leprosy of paranasal sinus |
鼻副竇損傷 | ■ Injury to nasal sinuses |
鼻丹毒 | ■ Nasal erysipelas |
鼻淚管石 | ■ Rhinodacryolith |
鼻狼瘡 | ■ Nasal lupus |
鼻骨瘤 | ■ Nasal osteoma |
鼻科學(en) | ■ Rhinology ■ Rhiniatry |
鼻孔囊性纖維瘤 | ■ Cystic fibroma of nares |
鼻喉科學 | ■ Rhinolaryngology ■ Laryngorhinology |
鼻後孔閉鎖(en) | ■ Choanal atresia |
鼻後孔息肉 | ■ Choanal polypus |
鼻畸形 | ■ Nasal malformation |
鼻結核 | ■ Nasal tuberculosis |
鼻疽 = 鼻部鼻疽 | ■ Nasal glanders |
鼻疽結節 | ■ Nodule of glanders ■ Tubercle of glanders |
鼻竅閉鎖 | ■ Nasal atresia ■ Atresia of nose |
鼻腔乾燥 | ■ Nostril dryness ■ Nasal xerosis |
鼻腔異物 | ■ Foreign body in nose |
鼻蛆病 | ■ Nasal myiasis ■ Peenash |
鼻麴菌病 | ■ Nasal aspergillosis |
鼻息肉 | ■ Nasal polypus ■ Hofmann's polypus |
鼻血管瘤 | ■ Nasal angioma |
鼻嗅性古柯鹼中毒 | ■ Snuff cocainism |
鼻纖維瘤 | ■ Nasal fibroma |
鼻脂瘤 | ■ Nasal lipoma |
鼻贅疣 | ■ Nodular swelling of nose |
鼻中隔息肉 | ■ Nasoseptal polypus |
鼻中隔穿破 | ■ Septum-perforation |
鼻腫瘤 | ■ Nasal tumor |
鼻創傷 | ■ Wound of nose ■ Nasal wound |
鼻石(en) | ■ Nasal calculus ■ Rhinolith ■ Rhinolite ■ Nasal stone |
鼻神經膠瘤 | ■ Nasal glioma |
鼻肉瘤 | ■ Nasal sarcoma |
鼻乳頭狀瘤 | ■ Nasal papilloma ■ Hoffmann's papilloma |
鼻軟骨瘤 | ■ Nasal chondroma |
鼻損傷 | ■ Nasal injury ■ Injury of nose ■ Injury in nose |
鼻芽胞蟲病 | ■ Rhinosporidium disease |
鼻咽部Leishman氏蟲病 | ■ Nasopharyngeal leishmaniasis ■ Nasooral leishmaniasis ■ Breda's disease ■ Uta ■ Forest yaws ■ Bosch yaws ■ Bouba ■ Oronasal leishmaniasis |
鼻咽腔氣腫瘤 | ■ Nasopharyngeal aerocele |
鼻咽腔石 | ■ Rhinopharyngolith ■ Nasopharyngeal calculus |
鼻咽息肉 | ■ Nasopharyngeal polypus |
鼻咽纖維瘤 | ■ Nasopharyngeal fibroma |
鼻咽腫瘤 | ■ Nasopharyngeal tumor |
鼻癌 | ■ Nasal carcinoma ■ Cancer of nose |
鼻銀質沉着病 | ■ Nasal argyria |
比較病理學 | ■ Comparative pathology |
畢澄茄中毒 | ■ Poisoning by cubebs |
閉鎖畸形 | ■ Atresic teratism ■ Atresic teratosis |
閉鎖畸形 | ■ Atretic monstrosity |
閉鎖性病 | ■ Obstructive disease |
閉鎖性肺結核 | ■ Closed pulmonary tuberculosis |
閉鎖性氣胸 | ■ Closed pneumothorax |
閉鎖性腎結核 | ■ Closed renal tuberculosis |
鉍中毒 | ■ Bismuth poisoning |
壁蝨咬傷 | ■ Tick-bite |
臂不全畸胎 | ■ Perobrachial monster |
臂風濕 | ■ Brachial rheumatism |
臂小(畸形) | ■ Microbrachy ■ Smallness of arms |
臂小畸胎 | ■ Microbrachial fetus |
臂腫瘤 | ■ Brachial tumor |
臂損傷 | ■ Brachial injury ■ Injury of arm |
瘭疽樣下疳 | ■ Panaris chancre |
表皮病 | ■ Epidermopathy ■ Affection of epidermic |
表皮發育不全 | ■ Epidermic dysplasia ■ Epidermic ateliosis |
表皮肥厚 | ■ Epidermic thickening |
表皮脫落(en) | ■ Excoriation |
表皮囊球菌病 | ■ Epedermic cryptococcosis |
表皮癬菌病 = 表皮癬 | ■ Cutaneous trichophytosis ■ Epidermic trichophylosis |
表皮腫瘤 | ■ Epidermic tumor |
表皮樣囊腫(en) | ■ Epidermoid cyst |
表皮樣癌 | ■ Epidermoid carcinoma |
表面病 | ■ Superficial affection |
表面皮癌 | ■ Superficial cancer ■ Surface cancer |
表面性石灰沉着 = 石灰結痂 | ■ Calcareous incrustation |
表面沉着 = 結痂(en) | ■ Surface deposition ■ Incrustation |
編笠蕈中毒 = 編笠菌中毒 | ■ Morchell poisoning |
邊緣丹毒 | ■ Marginal erysipelas |
邊緣狼瘡 = Hilliard氏狼瘡 | ■ Hilliard's lupus ■ Marginating lupus |
鞭毛蟲病 | ■ Flagellate disease |
鞭毛蟲痢疾 | ■ Flagellate dysentery |
鞭創 = 抽創 | ■ Wound by cut ■ Wound by stroke |
鞭蟲病 | ■ Whipworm disease ■ Trichocephalic disease |
扁平皮癌 | ■ Flat cutaneous cancer |
扁平狼瘡 | ■ Plane lupus ■ Flat lupus |
扁平骨瘤 | ■ Flat osteoma ■ Dressler's bone |
扁平黃瘤 = 斑黃瘤 | ■ Flat xanthoma |
扁平痣 | ■ Flat nevus ■ Flat mole |
扁平上皮癌 | ■ Plat-epithelial cancer |
扁平疣 | ■ Flat wart |
扁桃體半芽胞菌病 | ■ Tonsillar hemisporosis |
扁桃體病 | ■ Amygalopathy ■ Affection of tonsil ■ Tonsillopathy |
扁桃體黴菌病 | ■ Tonsillar mycosis |
扁桃體肥大 | ■ Hypertrophy of tonsil ■ Tonsillar hypertrophy |
扁桃體卵黴菌病 | ■ Tonsillar oidiomycosis |
扁桃體下疳 | ■ Tonsillar chancre |
扁桃體腫瘤 | ■ Tumor of tonsil ■ Tonsillar tumor |
扁桃體串珠菌病 | ■ Tonsillar moniliasis |
扁桃體石(en) | ■ Tonsillar calculus ■ Tonsillolith ■ Tonsillith ■ Amygdalolith ■ Tonsolith |
扁桃體鼠疫 | ■ Tonsillar plague ■ Tonsillar pest |
扁桃體增殖 | ■ Tonsillar hyperplasia |
扁桃體炎性傷寒 | ■ Tonsillotyphoid |
扁桃體炎疹 = 扁桃體截除後疹 | ■ Tonsillitic rash ■ Tonsillotomy rash ■ Tonsillitide |
扁桃體癌 | ■ Tonsillar cancer |
扁頭濕疣 = 梅毒濕疣 = 濕爛性丘疹 | ■ Flat condyloma ■ Syphilitic condyloma ■ Mucous plaques ■ Mucous patch ■ Mucous papule |
扁蝨病 | ■ Tick disease |
扁蠕蟲病 | ■ Flat-worm disease |
便祕性腸白喉 | ■ Diphtheritic enteritis ■ Stercoral diphthery |
變白色癬 = 變白色髮癬菌病 | ■ Albigenic ringworm |
變痘樣猩紅熱 = 粟粒狀猩紅熱 | ■ Vavioloid scarlet fever ■ Miliary scarlatina |
變態反應性皮病 | ■ Allergic skin-disease |
變形尿石 | ■ Metamorphotic urolith |
變形畸形 = 形態異常性畸形 | ■ Malformation by perversion ■ Heteromorphous teratism |
變形性矮小 | ■ Deformed dwarf |
變形蟲病 = 內變形蟲病(en) | ■ Amebiasis ■ Entamebiasis ■ Amebiosis ■ Endamebiasis |
變形蟲病徵 | ■ Amebiasm ■ Amebism ■ Amoebism |
變形蟲尿 | ■ Ameburia |
變形蟲樣神經膠瘤 | ■ Ameboid glioma |
變性白喉類猩紅熱 | ■ Metadiphtheritic scarlet fever |
變性結核病 | ■ Degenerative tuberculosis |
變性性囊腫 | ■ Degeneration cyst ■ Evolution cyst |
變性性血管翳 | ■ Degenerative pannus |
變性性損害 | ■ Degenerative lesion |
變質瘤 = 截除後惡化瘤 | ■ Transition tumor |
變色小芽胞菌病 = 色癬菌病 = 變色糠疹 = 斑點黴菌病 = 褐黃斑 = 糠粃樣皮黴菌病 | ■ Eichstedt's disease ■ Versicolor microsporosis |
變位畸形 = 部位異常性畸形 | ■ Ectopic teratism ■ Ectopic teratosis |
濱藜中毒 | ■ Atriplex poisoning ■ Atriplicism |
髕前囊水囊腫 = 髕前囊炎 = 髕前囊積水 = 婢膝病 | ■ House-maid's knee ■ Prepatellar hygroma |
髕韌帶破裂 | ■ Rupture of patellar ligament |
丙種副傷寒 = 副傷寒C | ■ Paratyphoid C |
丙二醯縮脲中毒 | ■ Barbital poisoning ■ Veronal poisoning |
併頭單對稱頭胸聯胎 | ■ Monosymmetric deradelphous cephalothoracopagus |
併頭聯胎 = 單頸聯胎 | ■ Deradelphous monster ■ Derodidymic monster |
併腦(畸形) | ■ Cyclencephaly |
併腦畸胎 | ■ Cyclencephalic monster |
併睪丸(畸形) | ■ Synorchidism ■ Fusion of testis |
併頸單對稱面胸聯胎 | ■ Monosymmetric deradelphous prosopothoracopagus |
併肢(畸形) | ■ Adhesion of limbs ■ Web-feet |
併肢畸胎 = 人魚形畸胎 | ■ Sirenoform monster ■ Symmelic monster ■ Siren-limb ■ Monster with fused legs |
併指(趾)(畸形)(en) | ■ Syndactyly ■ Webbed finger ■ Syndactylism ■ Aschistodactylism ■ Symphalangism ■ Palmature ■ Zygodactyly |
併指(趾)畸胎 | ■ Syndactylic monster |
併指端(畸形) | ■ Webbed finger-tips |
併脣(畸形) = 口脣黏連 | ■ Fusion of lips ■ Synchily |
併腎(畸形) = 融合腎 | ■ Confluent kidney ■ Fused kidney ■ Solitary kidney |
併足無頭畸胎 | ■ Sympodial acephalus |
併足無心寄生胎 | ■ Sympodial acardius |
併耳(畸形) | ■ Cycloty ■ Fusion of ears |
併耳單對稱頭胸聯胎 | ■ Monosymmetric synotic cephalothoracopagus |
併耳畸胎 | ■ Cyclotic monster |
併眼(畸形) = 獨眼(畸形) | ■ Cyclopic monstrosity ■ Synopsy ■ Synophthalmy |
併眼單對稱頭胸聯胎 | ■ Monosymmetric cyclopic cephalothoracopagus |
併眼畸胎 = 獨眼畸胎 | ■ Cyclopic monster |
併眼無眼球(畸形) | ■ Cyclopic anophthalmia |
病 = 疾病 | ■ Disease ■ Sickness ■ Sickening ■ Ailment ■ Disorder ■ Illness ■ Distemper ■ Suffering ■ Malady |
病 = 疾患 | ■ Disease |
病本論 | ■ Science of morbific cause |
病變 | ■ Morbid change ■ Pathological depravation ■ Pathological change |
病媒學 | ■ Phorology |
病毒血 | ■ Virusemia |
病毒性病 | ■ Virus disease |
病理命名法 | ■ Pathonomy |
病理肥大 | ■ Pathological hypertrophy |
病理解剖學(en) | ■ Pathoanatomy ■ Pathologie anatomy ■ Morbid anatomy |
病理性肺氣腫 | ■ Pathological emphysema |
病理性骨折 = 自發性骨折 = 假性骨折 | ■ Pathological fracture ■ Spontaneous fracture ■ Pseudofracture |
病理性截斷 | ■ Pathological amputation |
病理性巨大發育 | ■ Pathological giantism |
病理學 | ■ Pathology ■ Pathebiology ■ Pathematology |
病理學名詞 | ■ Pathological names |
病理學通論 = 病理學總論 | ■ General pathology |
病理學各論 | ■ Special pathology |
病理素因 | ■ Pathological disposition |
病律論 | ■ Pathonomy |
病情論(en) | ■ Pathography ■ Nosography ■ Description of disease |
病之要義 | ■ Essence of disease |
病徵學(en) | ■ Pathognomy |
病齒 | ■ Bad condition of teeth |
病灶傳染 | ■ Focal infection |
病案研究 | ■ Casuistics |
病演 = 病之演變 = 病之展進 | ■ Disease-process |
病因 = 病原 | ■ Cause of disease ■ Causation of disease |
病因所關(en) | ■ Causal nexus ■ Causality |
病原學(en) | ■ Aetiology ■ Etiology ■ Nosetiology ■ Nosazontology |
哺乳動物結核病 | ■ Mammalian tuberculosis |
捕蠅蕈中毒 = 捕蠅蕈素中毒 | ■ Muscarine poisoning |
補充雙胎 | ■ Supplementary twins |
不定型病 | ■ Amorphous disease |
不同形雙胎 = 非對稱雙胎 = 寄生性絨毛膜血管聯胎 | ■ Inequal twins |
不同雙面畸胎 | ■ Heterotypic diprosopus |
不同雙頭畸胎 | ■ Heterotypic dicephalus |
不連骨折 | ■ Ununited fracture ■ Loose fracture |
不規則瘧 | ■ Irregular malaria |
不規則創傷 = 不規則傷口 | ■ Irregular wound |
不均衡矮小 = 局部矮小 | ■ Partial dwarf ■ Non-proportional nanism |
不全併指(畸形) | ■ Ectrosyndactyly ■ Incomplete syndactyly |
不全對稱雙畸胎 = 旁側雙畸胎 = 平行雙畸胎 | ■ Imperfect double monster |
不全裂瞳孔(畸形) = 假裂虹膜 | ■ Spurious coloboma |
不全裂脊柱(畸形) = 脊柱不全裂 | ■ Partial rhachischisis |
不全顱無頭畸胎 | ■ Paracephalic acephalus |
不全隔子宮(畸形) = 半分隔子宮 | ■ Subseptated uterus |
不全寄生胎 = 大小體聯胎 | ■ Heteradelphy |
不全軀幹畸胎 | ■ Perocormous monster |
不全性腳氣 | ■ Rudimentary beriberi |
不全再生 | ■ Incomplete regeneration |
不成形寄生胎 = 無體形畸胎 | ■ Formless monster ■ Shapeless monster |
不完全骨折 | ■ Incomplete fracture ■ Pratial fracture |
不孕論 | ■ Theory of sterility |
部份多毛 | ■ Partial hypertrichosis |
部份畸胎 = 局部畸胎 | ■ Partial malformation |
部份受傷 | ■ Partial lesion |
部份幼稚型 | ■ Partial infantilism |
部份無顱(畸形) | ■ Meroacranial monstrosity ■ Meroacrany |
部份無瞼(畸形) | ■ Partial ablephary |