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龍捲風戰鬥轟炸機 - Wikipedia




Panavia Tornado
類型 Multi-role combat aircraft
生產公司 Panavia Aircraft GmbH
首次飛行 14 August 1974
服役 1979
使用狀態 Active service
主要用戶 Royal Air Force
Aeronautica Militare
生產數量 992
衍生機型 Tornado IDS
Tornado ADV
Tornado ECR

zh-hk:旋風;zh-tw:龍捲風;zh-cn:旋风戰鬥機是一种由英国、德国和意大利联合开发的双引擎战斗机族。 主要依功能分成三種型號:IDS(阻絕打擊)、ADV(防空攔截)、ECR(電戰/偵查)


Developed and built by Panavia, a trination consortium consisting of British Aerospace (then the British Aircraft Corporation), MBB of Germany, and Alenia Aeronautica of Italy, the Tornado first flew on August 14 1974, and saw action with the RAF and AMI (Italian Air Force) in Operation Granby / Gulf War. International co-operation continued after its entry into service within the Tri-National Tornado Training Establishment, a tri-nation training and evaluation unit operating from RAF Cottesmore in Rutland in the English Midlands. Including all variants, 992 aircraft were built for the three partner nations and Saudi Arabia. Though still in service, plans are currently underway to replace the aircraft.


[编辑] Development

Tornado GR.4 taking off at the Farnborough Air Show, 2006.
Tornado GR.4 taking off at the Farnborough Air Show, 2006.
RAF Tornado ZA463.
RAF Tornado ZA463.

During the 1960s, aeronautical designers looked to variable geometry designs to gain the maneuverability and efficient cruise of straight wings with the speed of swept-wing designs. Great Britain and France initiated the AFVG (Anglo French Variable Geometry) project in 1965, which ended with French withdrawal in 1967. In 1968, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Italy, and Canada, facing the retirement of the F-104, formed a working group to examine replacements, initially called the Multi Role Aircraft (MRA), and later called the Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MRCA). Britain joined the MRCA group in 1968, and a memorandum of agreement was drafted between Britain, Germany, and Italy.

The program was intended to produce a single-seat replacement for the F-104G, and a 2-seat strike craft for Britain and Germany. Canada and Belgium pulled out in 1969. The four remaining partner nations - United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands, formed Panavia Aircraft GmbH on 26 March, 1969, though the Netherlands would pull out in 1970. The United Kingdom and Germany each had a 42.5% stake, with the remaining 15% going to Italy. The scope of work for production was also agreed upon - the front fuselage and tail assemby in England, the center fuselage in Germany, and the wings in Italy. A separate multinational company, Turbo Union, was formed in June 1970 to develop and build the RB199 engines for the aircraft, with ownership similarly split 40% Rolls-Royce, 40% MTU, and 20% FIAT.

At the conclusion of the project definition phase in May 1970, the concepts were reduced to two designs; a single seat Panavia 100 which Germany initially preferred, and the twin seat Panavia 200 which the RAF preferrend and which would become the Tornado. At this point, the aircraft was intended solely for the low-level strike mission. The RAF decided it needed an air defence fighter, and initiated the F2 variant. Though seriously flawed, its shortcomings were quickly corrected for the F3.

[编辑] Wingsweep

The Tornado was originally designed as a low-level supersonic ground attack bomber, capable of taking off and landing in short distances. This requires good high-speed and low-speed flying characteristics. In general, an aircraft which is designed to fly at high speeds usually has poor low-speed characteristics. In order to achieve the desired high-speed performance, an aircraft has a highly swept or ‘delta’ wing platform. However, these wing designs are very inefficient at low speeds where unswept wing planforms are required. In order for an aircraft to be operated efficiently at both high and low speeds, variable wing sweep is a desirable feature; this was incorporated into the Tornado design.

RAF Tornado F3
RAF Tornado F3

When the wings are swept back, the Tornado GR4 increases its high-speed low-level capability by reducing drag. When sweeping, the wings partially slide into the fuselage, reducing the exposed wing area. This gives the aircraft a low gust response in turbulent low-level winds. This not only makes flight much more comfortable for the aircrew but makes the aircraft a more stable platform from which to aim and deliver unguided weapons at low level.

The aircraft was designed to be land-based and operate from large airfields that were considered to be vulnerable to aerial attack. Therefore, during the development of the aircraft, short field landing capability was considered essential in order to enable the aircraft to operate from short strips on potentially damaged runways and taxiways. With the wings swept fully forwards the Tornado GR4 generates greater lift because of the increased exposed wing area and the utility of full-span flaps and slats. This gives greater lift at lower speeds, reducing the minimum landing speed required and therefore giving shorter landing distances.

In general, when the pilot wants to fly at low speed, they sweep the wings forward (through a selection lever in the cockpit) to maximise lift, and when flying faster they sweep the wings further back. The Tornado GR4 flies at one of 3 levels of wing sweep: 25, 45 and 67 degrees of sweep. There is a corresponding speed range that is appropriate for each level of wing sweep; these change with the configuration of stores on the aircraft, as they directly affect the lift and drag characteristics.

[编辑] Variants

主条目:Panavia Tornado variants

There are three primary variants, the Interdictor/Strike (IDS), the Air Defence Variant (ADV), and the Electronic Combat/Reconnasiance (ECR), with 80% commonality between the airframes.

[编辑] Service history

Template:Globalize/UK The Tornado GR.4 made its operational debut in patrols during Operation Southern Watch. The aircraft flew from Ali Al Salem in Kuwait, and patrolled a large part of southern Iraq. Several times bombs were dropped when the aircraft were fired upon by Iraqi ground defences.

Its full wartime debut came in Operation Telic, the British part of the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The aircraft, according to all indications in the public domain, performed well. The campaign in Iraq marked a number of firsts for the aircraft. No. 617 Squadron debuted the Storm Shadow Missile, and enhanced Paveway smart bombs were used in an anti-runway capacity.

[编辑] Royal Saudi Air Force

On September 25, 1985, UK and Saudi Arabia signed the Al Yamamah I contract including, amongst other things, the sale of 48 IDS and 24 ADV model Tornados. The first flight of a RSAF Tornado IDS was on March 26, 1986, and the first Saudi ADV was delivered on February 9, 1989.

In September 2006 it was reported that the Saudi government signed a contract worth 2.5 billion pounds ($4.7 billion) with BAE Systems to upgrade possibly 80 aircraft in the Saudi Air Force fleet which it wants to keep until 2020.

[编辑] Timeline

A RAF Tornado GR.4 releases flares on a combat mission over Iraq, 2004
A RAF Tornado GR.4 releases flares on a combat mission over Iraq, 2004
  • 1971
    • September - Intention to Proceed (ITP) signed by the three governments.
    • 27 September - First test run of RB199 engine.
  • 1974
    • 14 August - First flight of prototype P01 from Manching, Germany.
    • 30 October - First flight of prototype P02 from Warton Aerodrome, UK.
  • 1975
    • 5 December - First flight of P05 from Turin, Italy.
  • 1976
    • 29 July - Contract signed for Batch 1 aircraft.
  • 1979
    • 5 June - First Tornado IDS delivered to RAF.
    • 6 June - First IDS handed over to Luftwaffe.
    • 9 August - First Tornado Air Defence Variant (ADV) prototype rolls off Warton production line.
  • 1981
    • 29 January - Tri-national Tornado Training Establishment (TTTE) officially opened at RAF Cottesmore.
    • 25 September - First Italian IDS delivered.
  • 1984
    • May - UK Ministry of Defence issues requirement for first Tornado upgrade project.
    • 5 November - First delivery of interim Tornado F2 standard to RAF.
  • 1985
    • 11 July - First flight of RAF reconnaissance version, GR1A.
  • 1991
    • 16 January - Italian and 60 British IDSs participate in Operation Granby, the first stage of the liberation of Kuwait. The ALARM missile and TIALD pod were rushed into service for RAF IDSs. Several aircraft were lost during low-level strike missions (e.g. using the JP233 runway-denial weapon) which were particularly vulnerable to anti-aircraft artillery fire and shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles.
  • 1992
    • F.3s replace the Phantom in the Falklands Island defence role.
  • 1993
    • March - British Tornado Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU) project relaunched - with reduced capabilities from a 1989 upgrade plan.
    • April - RAF F.3s begin involvement in Operation Deny Flight in Bosnia.
    • 29 May - First flight of GR.4 upgrade development aircraft.
    • June - Al Yamamah II contract signed - 48 additional IDSs for Saudi Arabia.
  • 1994
    • 14 February - First deliveries of RAF GR.1B maritime strike version.
    • 29 July - UK signs contract for MLU of GR1/GR1A/GR1Bs to GR.4/GR.4A standard.
  • 1995
    • July - First of 24 RAF F.3s delivered on lease to Aeronautica Militare Italiana.
  • 1996
    • 5 March - UK MoD announced F.3 "Capability Sustainment Programme" (CSP), to allow carriage of ASRAAM and AMRAAM air-to-air missiles.
  • 1997
    • 4 April - First flight of upgraded GR.4, followed by first delivery on 31 October
  • 1998
    • First CSP upgraded F.3s enter service.
    • 28 April - GR.4 enters front line service
    • 24 September - Final Tornado leaves production line, a RSAF IDS from Warton.
  • 1999
    • 24 March-10 June- British, German and Italian IDSs participate in Operation Allied Force, NATO's air campaign against Serbia. British and Italian F3s also involved.
    • GR.4 deliveries completed.
    • Flight testing and aircraft integration of Storm Shadow begins.
  • 2003
    • March-April - During the Iraq War RAF Tornado GR.4's and GR.4A's played a prominent role, employing the Storm Shadow missile in combat for the first time.
    • 23 March one RAF Tornado GR4 was lost to friendly fire when it was engaged and shot down by a U.S. Patriot missile battery. Both crew members were killed. RAF F.3s of the Leuchars Fighter Wing carry out CAPs over Iraq until stood down mid April.
  • 2004
    • RAF GR.4's and GR.4A's continue to form part of UK contribution to stability operations in Iraq.
    • RAF F.3s carry out Quick Reaction Alert in Lithuania as part of NATO's contribution to the country's air defences.

[编辑] Specifications (Tornado IDS GR.4)

Three-view profile of Lutfwaffe Tornado.Copyright by Giovanni Paulli.
Three-view profile of Lutfwaffe Tornado.
Copyright by Giovanni Paulli.


  • 載員: 2
  • 長度: 16.72 m (54 ft 10 in)
  • 翼展: 13.91 m at 25° wing sweep, 8.60 m at 67° wing sweep (45.6 ft / 28.2 ft)
  • 高度: 5.95 m (19.5 ft)
  • 翼面積: 26.6 m² (286 ft²)
  • 空重: 13,890 kg (31,620lb)
  • 最大起飛重量: 28,000 kg (61,700 lb)
  • 發動機: 2× Turbo-Union RB199-34R Mk 103 afterburning turbofans, 43.8 kN dry, 76.8 kN afterburning (9,850 lbf / 17,270 lbf) each


  • 最高速度: Mach 2.34, 2,417.6 km/h (1,511 mph)
  • 航程: 1,390 km typical combat, 3,890 km ferry with four external drop tanks (870 mi / 2,420 mi)
  • 升限: 15,240 m (50,000 ft)
  • 爬升率: 76.7 m/s (15,100 ft/min)
  • 推重比: 0.14


  • 1x 27 mm Mauser BK-27 cannon with 180 rounds
  • Three fuselage pylons and four swiveling underwing pylons for a maximum of 9000 kg (19,800 lb) of weapons, fuel, and ECM pods, inner wing pylons have shoulder rails for two AIM-9 Sidewinder or ASRAAM self-defence missiles. A wide variety of air-to-ground weapons can be carried including Wasp ASM, Kormoran anti-ship missiles, BAe Sea Eagle anti-ship missiles, AGM-65 Maverick ASM, BAe ALARM anti-radiation missile, LAU-51A and LR-25 rocket pods, napalm bombs, retarded bombs, BL755 cluster bombs, and Paveway series laser-guided bombs, MW-1 munitions dispenser, JP233 munitions dispenser, Storm Shadow, Brimstone, Taurus missile, can be equipped to carry B61 nuclear bombs.
  • RAPTOR Reconnaissance pod, TIALD laser designator

For an explanation of the units and abbreviations in this list, please see Wikipedia:WikiProject Aircraft/Units key.

[编辑] Tornado ADV F.3

The ADV is in most respects similar to the IDS. It is longer in length (18.7 m) and uses the Turbo-Union RB199-34R Mk 104, has an empty weight of 14,500 kg, and has different weapons stores. Staggered, semi-recessed attachments fit four BAE Systems Skyflash or AMRAAM missiles. There are three fuselage pylons and four swiveling underwing pylons for a maximum of 9,000 kg (19,800 lb) of weapons, fuel, and ECM pods; inner wing pylons have shoulder rails for two AIM-9 Sidewinder or ASRAAM self-defence missiles. The inner wing pylons can carry 4 AIM-9 Sidewinder or ASRAAM on dual rails.

[编辑] 使用單位

[编辑] 德國海軍

  • 海軍第二飛行聯隊 - 艾格貝克(2005年解編)

[编辑] 德國空軍

[编辑] 英國空軍 龍捲風 GR.4




[编辑] 英國空軍 龍捲風 GR.4A


[编辑] 英國空軍 龍捲風 F.3

每中隊16機(1435 分遣隊除外)




[编辑] External links

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