User:Kurt Jansson/questions
Dear Mr Jansson,
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yours, Computor
[编辑] About the community 關於社群
- 1. conflict resolution 衝突的解決
- Which mechanisms do exist to settle or mediate disputes or conflicts? 有甚麼機制存在以解決或調停爭端及衝突?
- 2. dealing with problematic behavior處理可能構成問題的行為
- Which kinds of problematic or destructive behavior do you often find yourself confronted with? Which actions are taken to meet these?請問有甚麼破壞性或可能帶來問題的行為是閣下經常面對的?閣下以甚麼行動來處理?
- 3. working climate and culture of discussion作業環境和討論文化
- How would you describe the working climate in your community? How do you characterize its culture of discussion? Are working tasks and roles assigned specifically, or do you handle this rather flexibly?閣下如何描述貴社群的作業環境?其討論文化又有甚麼特性?與作業有關的的任務和崗位是專門、明確指派的,抑或彈性處理的?
- 4. self-assessment of the community社群的自我評測
- How do you assess yourself as a community? Where do you spot strengths and weaknesses, also in comparison to other Wikipedia communities? Are there communities on which you orientate yourselves? (This question refers to the community itself, not the created articles; see item 8.)閣下(或諸位,下同)對自己作為一社群有甚麼看法?閣下在自身何處及與其他維基百科社群的比較中,發現了甚麼優點和缺點?閣下有另外自行定位(或自發組織)的社群嗎?(此問題是關於社群的,而非所建之條目。請見問題八)
[编辑] About the created product 關於產品
- 5. definition as an encyclopedia / role models百科全書的定義與範例
- What do you demand from the texts of your encyclopedia? How do you conceive your encyclopedic product: More as a pragmatic knowledge and information database or rather as standing in the tradition of classical encyclopedias? Are there reference works from past and present which serve as role models? 閣下對所編的百科全書裡面的文字有甚麼要求?對於所編的百科全書產品,閣下是如何構思的:是一個實用主義的知識性、信息性資料庫,還是捍衛古典百科全書的傳統?有使用甚麼以往及現行的參考作品作為範例嗎?
- 6. article quality條目的質量
- How important is the quality of the articles for you? Which actions do you take in your community to raise the level of quality and improve the articles? (Examples could be the election of featured and good articles, writing contests and time or theme oriented quality initiatives.) Which exclusion criteria are there to enforce low level demands about article quality?對閣下來說條目的質量有多重要?閣下會在社群內有甚麼行動以提升質量、改善條目?(例如優良及特色條目選舉、寫作比賽、時間或主題性質量提升計劃)有甚麼排除準則(即刪除標準)去確保條目質量的最低要求?
- 7. neutrality中立性
- How important is the idea of a Neutral Point of View (NPOV) when new articles are created? How do you describe the concept of a Neutral Point of View?建立新條目的時候,「中立的觀點」(NPOV)這個思想有多重要?閣下如何描述「中立的觀點」此一概念?
- 8. assessment of the product產品評估
- How do you judge the general condition of your encyclopedia? Where do you see strengths and weaknesses?閣下如何評定所編的百科全書的總體情況?閣下在甚麼地方發現優點和弱點?