User talk:Tomos
Regarding the vandalbot:
If you need any help on clean-up, please let me know at either ja:利用者‐会話:Tomosor meta:User talk:Tomos.
My browser can handle chinese characters correctly, and it is not difficult for me to recognize different letters as different. I can quickly learn terms: 用户 means user, 删除 means deletion, 帮助 help, 编辑 edit 摘要 summary, etc.
But I cannot communicate in chinese because what I understand is just characters, not languge. :(
So if you give me some simple instructions, I might be able to help.
I can make announcement at japanese wikipedia when more people are needed. Yesterday, I reported about the ongoing vandalism on Japanese Wikipedia's Embassy page ja:Wikipedia:大使館, and I will make another report today so that people have basic understanding of the situation.
Tomos 22:17 2004年5月20日 (UTC)