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Yhlai的用戶框 |
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这个用户不吸烟 |
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很像新人 |
该用户雖已加入維基百科一段時間,但仍覺得自己像新人一樣。 |
[编辑] 個人簡介
Name:Angus Lai
[编辑] 嗜好
[编辑] 閱讀書籍
- Beating the Street : the best-selling author of One up on Wall Street shows you how to pick winning - Peter Lynch with John Rothchild, 1993, 1994 (Chi ver)
- Learn to earn : a beginner's guide to the basics of investing and business - Peter Lynch & John Rothchild, 1995
- One up on Wall Street : how to use what you already know to make money in the market - Peter Lynch with John Rothchild, 2000
- Invest To Last: 10 Timeless Principles (Chi ver) - Tony Measor (finished)
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Chi ver) - Robert.T.Kiyosaki (finished)
- Rich Dad's Guide To Investing (Part 1) (Chi ver) - Robert.T.Kiyosaki (finished)
- Rich Dad's Guide To Investing (Part 2) (Chi ver) - Robert.T.Kiyosaki
- The World is Flat - Thomas L. Friedman (Chi ver)
- The Laws of Simplicity (Design, Technology, Business, Life) - John Maeda
- The Long Tail - Chris Anderson
- 洛克斐勒:留給兒子的38封信 - John Rockefeller
- Re-imagine (Chi ver) - Tom Peters
- Knowledge Management - Irma Becerra-Fernandez, Avelino Gonzalez and Rajiv Sabherwal, 2004
- The five people you meet in heaven - Mitch Albom
- How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life (Chi ver) - Alan Lakein (finished)
- How to win friends and influence people (人性的弱點) (Chi ver) - Dale Carnegie
- Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece (Chi ver) - Gustav Schwab (finished)
- 李天命的思考藝術 - 李天命
- 孫子兵法 - 孫武 (finished)
- 買桔者言 - 張五常
- 厚黑學 - 李宗吾
- 腦力發電 - 郝廣才
- PHP Certification (study guide) - Zend Technologies
- The Zend PHP Certification Practice Test Book - Zend Technologies
[编辑] 將閱讀的條目
[编辑] 網上活動
最近進行緊一個project,遲D會opensource佢,放在sourceforge.net 密切留意~
A newbie of wikipedia
Talk to me: Click Here
Angus 08:03 2006年3月17日 (UTC)
[编辑] 對2006中文維基年會香港工作小組各伙伴的說話
由於Skype都唔少白撞add我,希望各位維基人add我前說明返你都係維基人,唔該。 -- Angus Lai 04:25 2006年4月18日 (UTC)