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The English suffix -cracy means a form of government or a state having such government. It is derived from the ancient Greek kratein, meaning "to rule". Typically, the suffix is encountered in distinguishing between the following different forms of government:
- acracy — literally "the negation of rule."
- adhocracy — decentralized rule.
- aristocracy — literally "rule by the best"; in modern usage, rule by the upper class/by those with a birth-right to rule.
- autocracy — (ultimate, despotic) rule by a single individual - literally "self-rule", "rule by oneself". The distinction between a monarchy and an autocracy is that the latter is one in which power overshadows bloodline or a divine right to rule. Note: Many dictatorships are autocracies, but it is not true to say that a dictatorship is automatically an autocracy.
- democracy — literally "rule by the people"; usually "rule by elected/nominated representatives of the people".
- ecclesiocracy — "rule in the name of God".
- geniocracy — "rule by geniuses"
- hierocracy — rule by priests or religious ministers.
- Idiocracy, a comedy film
- krytocracy — rule by the judiciary (compare with kritarchy).
- meritocracy — rule upon the basis of ability (merit).
- petrocracy- rule of petroleum.
- plutocracy — rule by the affluent class.
- theocracy — "rule by God".
Other words with this suffix include:
- bureaucracy
- corporatocracy
- gerontocracy
- hierocracy
- kakistocracy
- kleptocracy
- mobocracy
- ochlocracy
- oligocracy
- stratocracy
- technocracy
- thalassocracy
- timocracy
- xerocracy