List of political scientists
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This is a list of notable political scientists. See also political science.
Subseries of Politics |
[edit] Notable political scientists
[edit] A
- David Abernethy- Comparative Politics, Africa Specialist at Stanford University; author of "The Dynamics of Global Dominance"
- Christopher H. Achen - Political methodologist at Princeton University, first president of the Society for Political Methodology.
- John Aldrich - Political parties expert at Duke University, author of Why Parties?
- Graham Allison - "Essence of decision" author; early bureaucratic politics model proponent; former Dean of Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
- Gabriel A. Almond - Originator of culturist movement in Comparative Politics
- R. Douglas Arnold - Congress scholar, author of The Logic of Congressional Action
- Robert Axelrod - Notable game theorist, wrote extensively on the "Prisoner's Dilemma"
[edit] B
- Stephen Barber - Noted for his work on political strategy and political economy. Author of Political Strategy. Also a respected member of the highly-acclaimed G3 (tour).
- Benjamin Barber - proponent of participatory democracy and local governance.
- Larry Bartels - Democracy and voting expert at Princeton University
- Nathaniel Beck - Political methodologist, international relations scholar
- Duncan Black - Responsible for unearthing the work of many early political scientists, including Charles Dodgson.
- Hans T. Blokland - Author of Freedom and Culture in Western Society (Routledge 1997) and Modernization and its political consequences (YaleUP 2006).
- Jean Blondel - Comparative politics (University of Siena) and emeritus at European University Institute
- Catherine Boone - Comparative politics, Africa (University of Texas at Austin)
- Jean-Charles de Borda - 18th century mathematician who devised the Borda count.
- Steven Brams - Expert on voting systems.
- Ahron Bregman - Expert on the Arab-Israeli conflict
- John Brehm - Public opinion and political psychology expert.
- Ian Bremmer - Political risk specialist.
- Stephen Bronner
- Stephen Brooks - International relations scholar
- Bruce Bueno de Mesquita - Pioneering game theorist with applications to international relations, seminal book "The War Trap".
- Walter Dean Burnham - Expert in the field of realigning elections, emeritus at University of Texas at Austin
[edit] C
- Edward Hallett Carr - Noted international relations theorist.
- James Ceaser - Major scholar of American politics (University of Virginia)
- J. Tyson Chatagnier - Political methodologist, game theorist and International Relations scholar.
- Partha Chatterjee, Indian postcolonial critic, political and social scientist
- John Coakley - specialist in ethnic conflict and Irish politics
- David Collier, - comparativist, Latin Americanist, Methodologist
- Ruth Berins Collier, - comparativist, Latin Americanist, specialist on labor politics and democratization
- Josep M. Colomer - Institutionalist, comparativist, and game theorist scholar.
- Marquis de Condorcet - 18th century mathematician and philosopher who contributed the often used Condorcet criterion and devised the concept of a Condorcet method.
- John Coneybeare - International organizations theorist.
- Satyabrata Rai Chowdhuri - International Relations, Indology at Institute of Commonwealth Studies
- Philip Converse - Public opinion scholar, author of "The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics."
- Clyde Coombs - Voting systems expert, designed "Coombs' method"
- Colm Costigan - Renowned Irish Politician of the 1970s, professor at University of Dublin
- Gary Cox - Noted scholar of comparative and American politics.
- Philip Cowley - Author of "Revolts and Rebellions".
- Joseph C.W. Chan - Political philosopher specialized in liberal perfectionism and contemporary confucianism.
[edit] D
- Robert A. Dahl - Noted American politics specialist, author of On Democracy (Yale University Press)
- Daniel Deudney - Writer and associate professor at Johns Hopkins University; author of Bounding Power: Republican Security Theory from the Polis to the Global Village
- Larry Diamond - Comparative democratization specialist
- John DiIulio- American politics expert at the University of Pennsylvania; first director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Groups
- Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (also known as Lewis Carroll) - Famous author of Alice in Wonderland who was also a noted professor of mathematics at the University of Oxford. He devised Dodgson's Method of voting system.
- Anthony Downs - Elections expert.
- Maurice Duverger - French lawyer and sociologist responsible for Duverger's law.
- Michael Doyle - International Relations theorist, author of "Empires".
- John Dunn - Political theorist at the University of Cambridge.
- Rand Dyck - Canadian politics expert and professor at Laurentian University.
- Thomas R. Dye - Elite theory vs. Pluralism; author of The Irony of Democracy and Who's Running America?
[edit] E
- David Easton - Originator of systemic theory
- Harry Eckstein - Noted comparative politics expert in culture and democracy.
- Jon Elster - Norwegian social and political theorist authored works in the philosophy of social science and rational choice theory and a notable proponent of Analytical Marxism.
- Gøsta Esping-Andersen - the welfare state
[edit] F
- Peter D. Feaver - International security expert.
- David Fellman - Constitutional scholar
- Richard Fenno - Congress scholar, author of Home Style: House Members in their Districts
- Samuel Finer - Academic and author on political science and history of government.
- Martha Finnemore - International organizations and ethics scholar.
- Peter Fishburn - Operations analysis and probability theory expert.
- Keith Fitzgerald - Immigration politics expert.
- Ernst Fraenkel
- Francis Fukuyama - International political theory and biopolitics.
[edit] G
- Anthony Giddens - Noted political sociologist originator of the Third Way.
- Anthony Gill - Comparativist, religion and politics specialist. Author of Rendering Unto Caesar (University of Chicago Press)
- Robert Gilpin - International political economics specialist.
- Joanne Gowa - International political economy expert (democratic peace theory).
- Adolf Grabowsky- German political scientist
- Joseph Grieco - International relations theorist; Duke University professor.
- Amy Gutmann - political theory expert; (2004-present) President of the University of Pennsylvania
[edit] H
- Harry Harding - China specialist.
- Thomas Hare - Devised Single Transferable Vote (also known as Hare's method).
- Anjo Harryvan - European Integration specialist
- Michael Hart - British twentieth century politics specialist.
- Marc Hetherington - Author of "Why Trust Matters" and offered new participation paradigm.
- Christopher J. Hill - International Relations scholar, Professor and Director of the Cambridge Centre of International Studies.
- Roger Hilsman - JFK Aid, Columbia University Professor, and prolific author.
- Thomas Holbrook - Public Opion and Elections Research, author Do Campaigns Matter?
- Donald Horowitz - Pioneered political science models for assessing ethnic conflict.
- Patrick Hunout - International Political Theory
- Samuel P. Huntington - Author of "Clash of Civilizations" and a noted comparativist.
[edit] I
- Kancha Ilaiah - Dalit scholar and social scientist
[edit] J
- Gary Jacobsohn - Comparative constitutional theory
- Gary C. Jacobson - Congressional politics expert
- Robert Jervis - International security specialist.
- Chalmers Johnson - Comparative theorist.
- Loch K. Johnson - United States intelligence Expert.
- Bertrand de Jouvenel - French political scientist. Co-founder of Mont Pelerin Society
- Jalil A khan-poliical theorist on terorism and independence.
[edit] K
- Robert Kagan
- Peter Katzenstein
- Dennis Kavanagh
- Michael Keating - Specialist in nationalism, European integration and regionalism
- Robert O. Keohane - Interdependence theory author.
- V.O. Key, Jr. - Elections, parties and public opinion scholar.
- Henry Kissinger - Former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to President Richard M. Nixon.
- Herbert Kitschelt - author on new radical right parties
- Stephen D. Krasner - International regimes author, Director of Policy Planning under Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
- Keith Krehbiel - Congress scholar and formal theorist
- Oskar Krejčí - Theory of international relations, elections and political psychology, former advisor to two Czechoslovak premieres
- Will Kymlicka - Originated the theoretical foundations of multiculturalism.
[edit] L
- David A. Lake - International Relations Theorist
- Richard Ned Lebow - Noted constructivist, Cold War expert, author of "Tragic Vision of Politics".
- Michael Leifer - International Relations, South Asian Studies, London School of Economics
- Arend Lijphart - Originator of consociationalism.
- Dan Lipinski - US House of Representatives (IL-D, 3rd)
- Juan Linz - Democracy specialist
- Seymour Martin Lipset - Renowned political theorist on democracy and development and parties.
- Ramon Llull - Discoverer of Condorcet Criterion and Borda Count
- Theodore Lowi - Major scholar of American politics at Cornell
- Ian Lustick - State territioriality ethnic conflict and computer modelling in political science; University of Pennsylvania
- Rodrigo Losada Lora - political behavior from a sociopsychological framework. Works on Colombia's political participation. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana,Bogotá, Colombia
[edit] M
- Niccolo Machiavelli - considered to be the originator of historically based political science. Author of The Prince
- Harvey C. Mansfield - Political philosophy (Harvard University)
- Donald Manzullo - Congressional Representative of Illinois' 16th District.
- Jose M. Maravall - Political economist.
- Pierre Martin - French parties and elections scholar.
- Vladimir Martynenko - Russian political scientist, specialist in economic sociology, investigation of socio-structural meaning of monetary relations, the critical analysis of Marxism and the vulgarization of liberal theories.
- David R. Mayhew - US legislative behavior and political parties expert.
- Mathew McCubbins - Formal theorist. U.S. Congress and bureaucracy specialist.
- Michael McFaul - Russia specialist.
- John McGarry - Ethnic conflict specialist
- John Mearsheimer - Noted international relations theorist and national security expert.
- Uday Mehta - Political theorist and author of Liberalism and Empire
- Thierry Meyssan - Political theorist of anti-imperialism
- Samuel Merrill III - Voting behavior and party competition.
- George Michael - specialist in right-wing extremism.
- Peter Middlebrook - political economist specialising in transition economies.
- Terry Moe - American politics specialist and game theorist.
- Hans Morgenthau - Noted realist, international relations specialist.
- James Morrow - International relations expert and game theorist.
- David Miller - Political Philosopher specialized in theories of social justice
- John Mueller - Woody Hayes Chair of National Security Studies at The Ohio State University
[edit] N
- Douglass North - Nobel laureate
- Anne Norton - political theorist at University of Pennsylvania
- Philip Norton - Acclaimed British politics expert
- Joseph Nye - "Soft power" international security specialist; Kennedy School Dean.
[edit] O
- Claus Offe
- Brendan O'Leary - Ethnic conflict specialist
- Mancur Olson - International political economy specialist. Expert on collective action problems.
- A.F.K. Organski - Developed power transition theory in his 1958 book "World Politics".
[edit] P
- Thomas Pangle - Political theorist at University of Texas at Austin
- Leo Panitch - Marxist political economist (York University)
- Nelson W. Polsby - American politics scholar.
- Karl Popper - Theorist who invented the Open Society
- Samuel L. Popkin - Early expert on rational choice theory.
- Adam Przeworski - Democratic transitions theorist, author of Democracy and Development. Member of the September Group.
- Robert Putnam - Social capital theorist, author of Bowling Alone.
[edit] R
- Condoleezza Rice - Former National Security Adviser now Secretary of State
- Floyd M. Riddick - Parliamentarian of the United States Senate from 1964 to 1974, and developer of Riddick's Senate procedure.
- William H. Riker - 20th century political scientist who applied game theory to political science.
- Douglas Rivers - Political econometrician, quantitative methods expert.
- David Rohde - Congress scholar
- Stein Rokkan - Expert on political parties and movements, founder of the Institute for Comparative Politics.
- Richard Rosecrance - International relations and political economy expert.
- Clinton Rossiter - American government and constitutional history theorist.
- John Ruggie - International relations theorist, social constructivist.
- John Rawls - Political philosopher.
- William D. Richardson - Political philosopher.
[edit] S
- David Samuels - Comparativist scholar of Brazilian politics and political institutions.
- Giovanni Sartori - Comparativist, expert on constitutional theory and party systems; author of Parties and Party Systems.
- Michael Savage
- E.E. Schattschneider - Early political parties expert, author of Party Government and The Semisovereign People: A Realist's View of Democracy in America
- James C. Scott - Political economist, expert on Southeast Asia.
- Frank Schimmelfennig - noted scholar on European Integration, (ETH Zurich)
- Theda Skocpol - Comparative sociologist, former president of American Political Science Association, (Harvard University)
- Stephen Skowronek - Presidency and American political development scholar (Yale University)
- Matthew Soberg Shugart - Scholar of constitutional design and electoral systems.
- Jean Edward Smith - political economist, biographer, international relations, constitutional law.
- Rogers Smith - Pulitzer Prize finalist, American politics expert at the University of Pennsylvania
- Herbert Simon - Nobel Prize winning professor at Carnegie Mellon. A founder of artificial intelligence research, he received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Chicago
- Zeev Sternhell - Theorist, political historian of political ideology.
- James A. Stimson - Americanist, former editor of Political Analysis.
- John G. Stoessinger - International relations theorist, author of "The Might of Nations: World Politics in our Time".
- Herbert Storing - American politics expert.
- Leo Strauss - History of political philosophy scholar.
[edit] T
- Rein Taagepera - Comparativist, expert on electoral systems and history of government.
- Dennis Thompson - Political theorist at Harvard University
- David B. Truman
- Jeffrey K. Tulis author of The Rhetorical Presidency
- J. Ann Tickner feminist international relations theorist and current president of the International Studies Association(ISA).
- George Tsebelis - Game theorist notable for his general theory of Veto players and for describing the Robinson Crusoe fallacy.
[edit] U
[edit] V
- Sidney Verba
- Eric Voegelin - Major work, "Order and History" in five volumes, he rejected the notion that political science should become a positivistic social science.
[edit] W
- Helen Wallace - International relations specialist.
- Stephen Walt - International relations specialist.
- Kenneth N. Waltz - A dean of the realist international relations school
- Kenneth F. Warren - Administrative Law, Organizational Theory and Behavior at Saint Louis University
- Shirley Anne Warshaw - Professor at Gettysburg College and expert on presidential decision-making
- Alexander Wendt - Social constructivism proponent
- Aaron Wildavsky - Author of "Risk and Culture"
- James Q. Wilson - Former President of the American Political Science Association
- Woodrow Wilson - Former Professor of Politics at Princeton University and former U.S. President
- Alan Wolfe - Professor of political science at Boston College, chairs "Religion and Democracy in the United States" task force
- William Wohlforth - International relations scholar
- B. Dan Wood - Prominent political methodologist and American politics scholar at Texas A&M University
- Susan L. Woodward
[edit] X
[edit] Y
- Crawford Young - Noted comparativist, Africa scholar.
[edit] Z
- John Zaller - Author of "The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion," at UCLA.
[edit] Presidents of the American Political Science Association
- Frank J. Goodnow, 1904-1905
- Albert Shaw, 1905-1906
- Frederick N. Judson, 1906-1907
- James Bryce, 1907-1908
- A. Lawerence Lowell, 1908-1909
- Woodrow Wilson, 1909-1910
- Simeon E. Baldwin, 1910-1911
- Albert Bushnell Hart, 1911-1912
- W.W. Willoughby, 1912-1913
- John Bassett Moore, 1913-1914
- Ernst Freund, 1914-1915
- Jesse Macy, 1915-1916
- Munroe Smith, 1916-1917
- Henry Jones Ford, 1917-1918
- Paul S. Reinsch, 1918-1919
- Leo S. Rowe, 1919-1920
- William A. Dunning, 1920-1921
- Harry A. Garfield, 1921-1922
- James W. Garner, 1923-1924
- Charles E. Merriam, 1924-1923
- Charles A. Beard, 1925-1924
- William Bennett Munro, 1926-1925
- Jesse S. Reeves, 1927-1926
- John A. Fairlie, 1928-1927
- Benjamin F. Shambaugh, 1929-1928
- Edward S. Corwin, 1930-1929
- William F. Willoughby, 1931-1932
- Isidor Loeb, 1932-1933
- Walter J. Shepard, 1933-1934
- Francis W. Coker, 1934-1935
- Arthur N. Holcombe, 1935-1936
- Thomas Reed Powell, 1936-1937
- Clarence A. Dykstra, 1937-1938
- Charles Grove Haines, 1938-1939
- Robert C. Brooks, 1939-1940
- Frederic A. Ogg, 1940-1941
- William Anderson, 1941-1942
- Robert E. Cushman, 1942-1943
- Leonard D. White, 1943-1944
- John Gaus, 1944-1945
- Walter F. Dodd, 1945-1946
- Arthur W. MacMahon, 1946-1947
- Henry R. Spencer, 1947-1948
- Quincy Wright, 1948-1949
- James K. Pollock, 1949-1950
- Peter H. Odegard, 1950-1951
- Luther Gulick, 1951-1952
- Pendleton Herring, 1952-1953
- Ralph J. Bunche, 1953-1954
- Charles McKinley, 1954-1955
- Harold D. Lasswell, 1955-1956
- E.E. Schattschneider, 1956-1957
- V.O. Key, Jr., 1957-1958
- R. Taylor Cole, 1958-1959
- Carl B. Swisher, 1959-1960
- Emmette S. Redford, 1960-1961
- Charles S. Hyneman, 1961-1962
- Carl J. Friedrich, 1962-1963
- C. Herman Pritchett, 1963-1964
- David B. Truman, 1964-1965
- Gabriel A. Almond, 1965-1966
- Robert A. Dahl, 1966-1967
- Merle Fainsod, 1967-1968
- David Easton, 1968-1969
- Karl W. Deutsch, 1969-1970
- Robert E. Lane, 1979-1971
- Heinz Eulau, 1971-1972
- Robert E. Ward, 1972-1973
- Avery Leiserson, 1973-1974
- Austin Ranney, 1974-1975
- James MacGregor Burns, 1975-1976
- Samuel H. Beer, 1976-1977
- John C. Wahlke, 1977-1978
- Leon D. Epstein, 1978-1979
- Warren E. Miller, 1979-1980
- Charles E. Lindblom, 1980-1981
- Seymour Martin Lipset, 1981-1982
- William H. Riker, 1982-1983
- Philip E. Converse, 1983-1984
- Richard F. Fenno, Jr., 1984-1985
- Aaron B. Wildavsky, 1985-1986
- Samuel P. Huntington, 1986-1987
- Kenneth N. Waltz, 1987-1988
- Lucian W. Pye, 1988-1989
- Judith N. Shklar, 1989-1990
- Theodore J. Lowi, 1990-1991
- James Q. Wilson, 1991-1992
- Lucius J. Barker, 1992-1993
- Charles O. Jones, 1993-1994
- Sidney Verba, 1994-1995
- Arend Lijphart, 1995-1996
- Elinor Ostrom, 1996-1997
- M. Kent Jennings, 1997-1998
- Matthew Holden Jr., 1998-1999
- Robert O. Keohane, 1999-2000
- Robert Jervis, 2000-2001
- Robert Putnam, 2001-2002
- Theda Skocpol, 2002-2003
- Susanne Hoeber Rudolph, 2003-2004
- Margaret Levi, 2004-2005
- Ira Katznelson, 2005-2006
- Robert Axelrod, 2006-2007
[edit] Presidents of the Midwest Political Science Association
- James K. Pollock, University of Michigan, 1939
- W.H.C. Laves, University of Chicago, 1940
- Francis G. Wilson, University of Illinois, 1941
- John E. Briggs, State U. of Iowa, 1942
- Howard White, Miami University, 1943-47
- Harold Zink, DePauw University, 1948
- Llewellyn Pfankuchen, University of Wisconsin, 1949
- Harold M. Door, University of Michigan, 1950
- Charles M. Kneier, University of Illinois, 1951
- Harold M. Vinacke, University of Cincinnati, 1952
- Kirk H. Porter, State University of Iowa, 1953
- Harry W. Voltmer, DePauw University, 1954
- Asher Christensen, University of Minnesota, 1955
- Edward H. Buehrig, Indiana University, 1955 (Acting President)
- David Fellman, University of Wisconsin, 1956
- Wilfred E. Binkley, Ohio Northern University, 1957
- Clarence A. Berdahl, University of Illinois, 1958
- Jasper B. Shannon, University of Nebraska, 1959
- Amry Vandenbosch, University of Kentucky, 1960
- Lloyd M. Short, University of Minnesota, 1961
- Richard Spencer, Coe College, 1962
- E. Allen Helms, Ohio State University, 1963
- William O. Farber, University of South Dakota, 1964
- John E. Stoner, Indiana University, 1965
- Clara Penniman, University of Wisconsin, 1966
- Vernon Van Dyke, University of Iowa, 1967
- John D. Lewis, Oberlin College, 1968
- Samuel J. Eldersveld, University of Michigan, 1969
- Merle Kling, Washington University, 1970
- John Wahlke, University of Iowa, 1971
- Leon D. Epstein, University of Wisconsin, 1972
- Doris A. Graber, University of Illinois, Chicago Circle, 1973
- Frank Sorauf, University of Minnesota, 1974
- Charles Press, Michigan State University, 1975
- Norton Long, University of Missouri, St. Louis, 1976
- Samuel Krislov, University of Minnesota, 1977
- Robert Salisbury, Washington University, 1978
- John Kessel, Ohio State University, 1979
- Malcolm E. Jewell, University of Kentucky, 1980
- Samuel C. Patterson, University of Iowa, 1981
- Dina Zinnes, University of Illinois, 1982
- Jack Dennis, University of Wisconsin, 1983
- Lucius Barker, Washington University, St. Louis, 1984
- Elinor Ostrom, Indiana University, 1985
- W. Phillips Shively, University of Minnesota, 1986
- Ada Finifter, Michigan State University, 1987
- John Kingdon, University of Michigan, 1988
- William Crotty, Northwestern University, 1989
- Richard Watson, University of Missouri, Columbia, 1990
- Marjorie Randon Hershey, Indiana University, 1991
- Charles O. Jones, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1992
- Susan Welch, Penn State, 1993
- Lee Sigelman, George Washington University, 1994
- John Sprague, Washington University, 1995
- James Stimson, University of Minnesota, 1996
- Arlene Saxonhouse, University of Michigan, 1997
- Harold Spaeth, Michigan State University, 1998
- James L. Gibson, Washington University, 1999
- Milton Lodge, SUNY-Stony Brook, 2000
- Robert Huckfeldt, Indiana University, 2001
- Herbert Weisberg, The Ohio State University, 2002
- Lee Epstein, Washington University, 2003
- Virginia Gray, University of North Carolina, 2004
- John H. Aldrich, Duke University, 2005
[edit] Presidents of the Canadian Political Science Association
- Adam Shortt, (Civil Service Commission), 1913-1914
- O.D. Skelton, (Queen’s), 1929-1930
- Stephen B. Leacock, (McGill), 1934-1935
- R.H. Coats, (Toronto), 1935-1936
- W.A. Mackintosh, (Queen’s), 1936-1937
- H.A. Innis, (Toronto), 1937-1938
- J.W. Dafoe, (Winnipeg Free Press), 1938-1939
- J.C. Hemmeon, 1939-1940
- W.C. Clark, (Deputy Minister of Finance), 1940-1941
- H. Mitchell, 1941-1942
- C.A. Dawson, 1942-1943
- R.A. MacKay, (Dalhousie), 1943-1944
- K.W. Taylor, 1944-1945
- R. MacGregor Dawson, (Toronto), 1945-1946
- F.A. Knox, 1946-1947
- V.W. Bladen, (Toronto), 1947-1948
- H.F. Angus, (British Columbia), 1948-1949
- W.B. Hurd, (McMaster), 1949-1950
- C.A. Curtis, (Curtis), 1950-1951
- G.-H. Levesque, (Laval), 1951-1952
- Herbert Marshall, 1952-1953
- Alexander Brady, (Toronto), 1953-1954
- J.A. Corry, (Queen’s), 1954-1955
- J.D. Gibson, 1955-1956
- G.E. Britnell, (Sasktachewan), 1956-1957
- G.A. Elliott, (Alberta), 1957-1958
- S.D. Clark, (Toronto), 1958-1959
- Mabel Timlin, (Saskatchewan), 1959-1960
- C.A. Ashley, 1960-1961
- Eugene A. Forsey, (Canadian Labour Congress), 1961-1962
- W.J. Waines, 1962-1963
- C.B. Macpherson, (Toronto), 1963-1964
- Jean-Charles Falardeau, (Laval), 1964-1965
- Harry G. Johnson, (London School of Economics/Chicago), 1965-1966
- Anthony D. Scott, (British Columbia), 1966-1967
- H.B. Mayo, (Carleton), 1967-1968
- Donald V. Smiley, (British Columbia), 1968-1969
- Douglas V. Verney, (York), 1969-1970
- Gilles Lalande, (Montréal), 1970-1971
- J.E. Hodgetts, (Toronto), 1971-1972
- Jean Laponce, (British Columbia), 1972-1973
- John Meisel, (Queen’s), 1973-1974
- Léon Dion, (Laval), 1974-1975
- Donald C. Rowat, (Carleton), 1975-1976
- Alan C. Cairns, (British Columbia), 1976-1977
- Hugh Thorburn, (Queen’s), 1977-1978
- Kenneth D. McRae, (Carleton), 1978-1979
- Paul W. Fox, (Toronto), 1979-1980
- Walter D. Young, (Victoria), 1980-1981
- Denis Stairs, (Dalhousie), 1981-1982
- Edwin R. Black, (Queen’s), 1982-1983
- Caroline Andrew, (Ottawa), 1983-1984
- Kalevi J. Holsti, (British Columbia), 1984-1985
- Frederick C. Engelmann, (Alberta), 1985-1986
- O.P. Dwivedi, (Guelph), 1986-1987
- John C. Courtney, (Saskatchewan), 1987-1988
- David J. Elkins, (British Columbia), 1988-1989
- André-J. Bélanger, (Montréal), 1989-1990
- Peter H. Russell, (Toronto), 1990-1991
- Vincent Lemieux, (Laval), 1991-1992
- V. Seymour Wilson, (Carleton), 1992-1993
- Sylvia Bashevkin, (Toronto), 1993-1994
- David Smith, (Saskatchewan), 1994-1995
- Peter Aucoin, (Dalhousie), 1995-1996
- Jane Jenson, (Montréal), 1996-1997
- Tom Pocklington, (Alberta), 1997-1998
- Donald Savoie, (Moncton), 1998-1999
- Roger Gibbins, (Calgary), 1999-2000
- Kenneth McRoberts, (York), 2000-2001
- R. Kenneth Carty, (British Columbia), 2001-2002
- Grace Skogstad, (Toronto), 2002-2003
- Robert Young, (Western Ontario), 2003-2004
- André Blais, (Montréal), 2004-2005
[edit] Presidents of the Politics and History Section of the American Political Science Association
- Jeffrey K. Tulis, (University of Texas at Austin), 1990-1991
- Theda Skocpol, (Harvard University), 1991-1992
- Ira Katznelson, (Columbia University), 1992-93
- Walter Dean Burnham, (University of Texas at Austin), 1993-1994
- Stephen Skowronek, (Yale University), 1994-1995
- Karen Orren, (UCLA), 1995-1996
- Martin Shefter, (Cornell), 1996-97
- Margaret Weir, (University of Califonia, Berkeley) 1997-1998
- Ian Lustick, (University of Pennsylvania), 1998-1999
- James Morone, (Brown University), 1999-2000
- Anne Norton, (University of Pennsylvania), 2000-2001
- Rogers Smith, (Yale University), 2001-2002
- Eileen McDonough, (Northeastern University), 2002-2003
- Paul Pierson, (Harvard University), 2003-2004
- Elizabeth Sanders, (Cornell), 2004-2005
- Sidney Milkis, (University of Virginia), 2005-2006
- Victoria Hattam, (New School for Social Research), 2006-2007