From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] About Me
I like dinosaurs, carniverous plants, guppies and techno music. That's me in a nutshell.
[edit] Contributions
[edit] Pages I've Contributed to
Ammonite Ancyloceratina Aralosaurus Arrhinoceratops Baculites Bothriospondylus Brachyceratops Conchoraptor Dacentrurus Dactylioceras Datousaurus Didymoceras Dromiceiomimus Dryosaurus Erlikosaurus Euhoplites Euskelosaurus Game design Goniatite Hamites Heterodontosaurus Leptoceratops Leptoceratops Lufengosaurus Maiasaura Massospondylus Microvenator Papoose (rapper) Perisphinctes Phylloceratina RPG Maker (PlayStation) RPG Maker 2 (PlayStation) RPG Maker 2000 RPG Maker 2003 RPG Maker 3 (PlayStation) RPG Maker XP RPG Maker Scaphites Stephanoceras Struthiomimus Yunnanosaurus
[edit] Pages I've Created
[edit] Ammonite Stubs of Death
Utaturiceras Ussuria Urakawites Uhligites Uhligella Unquatornoceras Uhligia Unipeltoceras Uraloceras Umbetoceras Uptonia Umiates Yokoyamaceras Yakounia Yabeiceras Yakutoglaphyrites Yezoites Yinoceras
Abbasites Abichites Abrytasites Acanthaecites Acanthinites Acanthoceras Acanthoceratites Acanthodiscus Acanthohoplites Acantholytoceras Acanthopleuroceras Acanthoplites Acanthoscaphites Acompsoceras Aconeceras Acrimeroceras Acrioceras Acrochordiceras Acuariceras Acuticostites Acutimitoceras Adkinsia Adkinsites Adrianites Aegasteroceras Aegoceras Aegocrioceras Aegolytoceras Aenigmatoceras Agassiceras Agastrioceras Agathiceras Ainoceras Aioloceras Aktubites Alanites Alaoceras Albanites Alcidellus Aldanites Alfeldites Algericeras Algerites Alligaticeras Alloceratites Alloclionites Allocrioceras Alloptychites Almites Almohadites Alocolytoceras← Alpinites← Alsatites← Altudoceras← Alurites← Amaltheus← Amarassites← Amauroceras← Ammonellipsites← Ammonitoceras← Ammonoceratites← Amoebites← Amoeboceras← Amphipoanoceras← Amphistephanites← Ampthillia← Anacleoniceras← Anadesmoceras← Anaflemingites← Anagaudryceras← Anagymnites← Anagymnotoceras← Anahamulina← Anahoplites← Anaklinoceras← Analytoceras← Ananorites← Anapachydiscus← Anascaphites← Anasibirites← Anasirenites← Anatibetites← Anatomites← Anatropites← Anatsabites← Anavirgatites← Anaxenaspis← Anclyoceras← Ancolioceras← Andersonites← Anderssonoceras← Andesites← Andiceras← Androgynoceras← Aneuretoceras← Anfaceras← Angranoceras← Angulaticeras← Anisarcestes← Anisoceras← Ankinatsytes← Annuloceras← Anolcites← Anotoceras← Anthracoceras← Anthracoceratites← Anthracoceratoides← Aphanites← Apleuroceras← Aplococeras← Apoderoceras← Apsorroceras← Aquilonites← Araneites← Araxoceras← Arcanoceras← Arcestes← Arcthoplites← Arcticoceras← Arctocephalites← Arctoceras← Arctogymnites← Arctohungarites← Arctomeekoceras← Arctomercaticeras← Arctoprionites← Arctoptychites← Arctosirenites← Arctotirolites← Arestoceras← Argentiniceras← Argolites← Argonauticeras← Argosirenites← Aricoceras← Arieticeras← Arietites← Arietoceltites← Arisphinctes← Aristoceras← Aristoceratoides← Aristoptychites← Arkanites← Armatites← Arnioceltites← Arnioceras← Arniotites← Arpadites← Arthaberites← Asaphoceras← Asapholytoceras← Asklepioceras← Aspenites← Asphinctites← Aspidoceras← Aspidostephanus← Aspinoceras← Asteroceras← Asthenoceras← Astiericeras← Astieridiscus← Astreptoceras← Asturoceras← Ataxioceras← Atsabites← Audaxlytoceras← Aulacosphinctes← Aulacosphinctoides← Aulacostephanus← Aulasimoceras← Aulatornoceras← Austiniceras← Australiceras← Austroceratites← Aveyroniceras← Axinolobus← Axonoceras← Bacchites← Baculina← Badiotites← Balatonites← Balearites← Balkanites← Balticeras Balvia Baronnites Barrandeites Barremites← Barroisiceras← Baschkirites← Bashkortoceras← Baskaniiceras← Basleoceras← Bauchioceras← Bayleites← Beaniceras← Beatites← Beleutoceras← Benacoceras← Beneckeia← Benueites← Berbericeras← Berniceras← Berriasella← Berrosiceras← Betyokites← Beudanticeras← Beudantiella← Bevahites← Beyrichites← Beyrichoceras← Beyrichoceratoides← Bhimaites← Bifericeras← Bigotites← Bihenduloceras← Bilinguites← Billcobbanoceras← Biltnerites← Binatisphinctes← Dobrogeites← Docidoceras← Dombarigloria← Dombarites← Donetzoceras← Fournierella Frankites Frechiella Frechites Frenguelliceras Fresvillia Frogdenites Fuciniceras Gleboceras Glebosoceras Gleviceras Glochiceras Glottoptychinites Glyphidites Griesbachites Kabylites Kamerunoceras Kammerkaroceras Kamptokephalites Karagandoceras Karamaiceras Karamaites Karangatites Karapadites Xenoceltites Xenocephalites Xenodiscus Xenodrepanites Xenostephanus Xipheroceras Xiphogymnites Yakutoceras Zadelsdorfia Zaraiskites Zealandites Zemistephanus Zenoites Zephyroceras Zigzagiceras Ziyunites Zonovia Zuercherella Zugodactylites Zugokosmoceras Zuluiceras Zuluscaphites Zurcherella Zurcheria
[edit] Future Plans
[edit] Pages to Create
[edit] Ho noes!! Userboxes!
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[edit] General
This user is a kid at heart. They may have grown older but they'll never grow up. |
兔 |
This user was born in the year of the Rabbit. |
Wiki |
This user has a wiki. |
Template:User blogat |
This user uses Wikipedia as a primary point of reference. |
This user does not smoke. |
This user does not smoke. |
row 2, cell 3 |
row 1, cell 3 |
[edit] Interests and Hobbies
This user enjoys reading anything. |
This user is interested in Fossils. |
row 2, cell 1 |
row 2, cell 2 |
row 2, cell 3 |
row 1, cell 3 |
[edit] Computers and Technology
This user has an iPod. |
G |
This user uses Google as a primary search engine. |
row 1, cell 3 |
row 1, cell 3 |
row 2, cell 1 |
row 2, cell 2 |
row 2, cell 3 |
row 1, cell 3 |
[edit] Tastes
H2O |
This user drinks water regularly. |
row 2, cell 3 |
row 1, cell 3 |
row 2, cell 1 |
row 2, cell 2 |
row 2, cell 3 |
row 1, cell 3 |
row 2, cell 1 |
row 2, cell 2 |
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row 1, cell 3 |
This user likes any type of pizza so long as it comes in pairs along with a little Roman guy exclaiming "Pizza! Pizza!". |
This user loves to eat pizza. |
This user enjoys muffins. |
This user enjoys his/her egg with the sunny side up. |
[edit] Unsorted Garbage
Many don't fit me and will be deleted
This user loves cake. |
M&M's |
This user eats M & M's. |
This user likes pie. |
Rap |
This user enjoys rap music. |
iTunes |
This user contributes while using
This user has an iPod. |
This user does not smoke. |
This user is interested in the Medieval period. |
G |
This user uses Google as a primary search engine. |
Y! |
This user uses Yahoo! Mail as a primary email service.
XP |
This user uses Windows XP. |
This user contributes using a PC. |
This user has left the planet Earth 0 times. |

2 |
This user has set foot in 2 countries of the world. |
This user enjoys film. |
H2O |
This user drinks water regularly. |
This user drinks tea. |
This user enjoys reading anything. |
This user does not smoke. |
This user is of multiple ancestries. |
This user loved Steve Irwin and will never forget him and his incredible feats |
This user likes all types of music. |
This user knows that all good Wilde stories end in tragedy.
This user is interested in beauty. |
This is a Wikipedia user page.
This is not an encyclopedia article. If you find this page on any site other than Wikipedia, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated and that the user this page belongs to may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikipedia itself. The original page is located at
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- 1 |
0 |
+ 1 |
+ 2 |
+ 3 |
+ 4 |
+ 5 |
+ 6 |
+ 7 |
+ 8 |
+ 9 |
+10 |
Runaway |
met? |
This user prefers metric units, but, having grown up in the U.S., cannot relate to them. |
This user prefers using userboxes to fill up his/her user page instead of actually writing something useful. |
ubx-4 |
This user is an expert userbox user. |
ads |
This user stands against advertisements on Wikipedia. |
AfD |
This user has had pages put up for deletion. Most of the time, they were deleted. |
This user strives to maintain a policy of neutrality on controversial issues. |
- REDIRECT User:Llama man/Userboxes/DS