Administrative divisions of Primorsky Krai
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Primorsky Krai, Russia | ![]() |
Administrative center: Vladivostok | |
As of 2007:[1] | |
# of districts (районы) |
23 |
# of cities/towns (города) |
12 |
# of urban-type settlements (посёлки городского типа) |
31 |
# of rural administrations (сельские администрации) |
148 |
As of 2002:[2] | |
# of rural localities (сельские населённые пункты) |
606 |
# of uninhabited rural localities (сельские населённые пункты без населения) |
4 |
- Cities and towns under the federal government management:
- Bolshoy Kamen (Большой Камень)
- with 1 rural administration under the town's jurisdiction.
- Fokino (Фокино)
- Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction and federal government management:
- Dunay (Дунай)
- Putyatin (Путятин)
- Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction and federal government management:
- Bolshoy Kamen (Большой Камень)
- Cities and towns under the krai's jurisdiction:
- Vladivostok (Владивосток) (administrative center)
- city districts:
- Leninsky (Ленинский)
- Pervomaysky (Первомайский)
- Pervorechensky (Первореченский)
- Sovetsky (Советский)
- Frunzensky (Фрунзенский)
- with 1 rural administration under the city district's jurisdiction.
- city districts:
- Arsenyev (Арсеньев)
- Artyom (Артём)
- with 1 rural administration under the town's jurisdiction.
- Dalnegorsk (Дальнегорск)
- with 1 rural administration under the town's jurisdiction.
- Dalnerechensk (Дальнереченск)
- with 1 rural administration under the town's jurisdiction.
- Lesozavodsk (Лесозаводск)
- Nakhodka (Находка)
- Partizansk (Партизанск)
- with 4 rural administrations under the town's jurisdiction.
- Spassk-Dalny (Спасск-Дальний)
- Ussuriysk (Уссурийск)
- Vladivostok (Владивосток) (administrative center)
- Districts:
- Anuchinsky (Анучинский)
- Chernigovsky (Черниговский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Rettikhovka (Реттиховка)
- Sibirtsevo (Сибирцево)
- with 10 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Chuguyevsky (Чугуевский)
- with 14 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Dalnerechensky (Дальнереченский)
- Kavalerovsky (Кавалеровский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Gornorechensky (Горнореченский)
- Kavalerovo (Кавалерово)
- Khrustalny (Хрустальный)
- Rudny (Рудный)
- Vysokogorsk (Высокогорск)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Khankaysky (Ханкайский)
- with 11 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Khasansky (Хасанский)
- Khorolsky (Хорольский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Yaroslavsky (Ярославский)
- with 9 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Kirovsky (Кировский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Gorny (Горный)
- Gornye Klyuchi resort settlement (Горные Ключи)
- Kirovsky (Кировский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Krasnoarmeysky (Красноармейский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Vostok (Восток)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Lazovsky (Лазовский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Preobrazheniye (Преображение)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Mikhaylovsky (Михайловский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Novoshakhtinsky (Новошахтинский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Nadezhdinsky (Надеждинский)
- Oktyabrsky (Октябрьский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Lipovtsy (Липовцы)
- with 7 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Olginsky (Ольгинский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Olga (Ольга)
- with 7 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Partizansky (Партизанский)
- with 9 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Pogranichny (Пограничный)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Pogranichny (Пограничный)
- with 6 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Pozharsky (Пожарский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Luchegorsk (Лучегорск)
- with 9 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Shkotovsky (Шкотовский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Shkotovo (Шкотово)
- Smolyaninovo (Смоляниново)
- with 8 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Spassky (Спасский)
- with 19 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Terneysky (Тернейский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Plastun (Пластун)
- Svetlaya (Светлая)
- Terney (Терней)
- with 7 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Ussuriysky (Уссурийский)
- with 9 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Yakovlevsky (Яковлевский)
- with 8 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
[edit] References
- ^ Russian Classification of Objects of Administrative Division of January 1, 1997 as amended by the Amendments #1/1997 through #102/2006. Code 05 ("Общероссийский классификатор объектов административно-территориального деления", введённый 1 января 1997 г. в редакции изменения № 102/2006. Код 05)
- ^ Results of the 2002 Russian Population Census—Territory, number of districts, inhabited localities, and rural administrations of the Russian Federation by federal subject