[edit] Previous Residence Places
Places i lived before :
Strasbourg, Alsace, my hometown
Mulhouse, Alsace, one year : a very ugly town
Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, 6 months
Paris suburb, since March 2004
[edit] Contributions Statistics in Live on Wikipedia
[edit] Interest
Real-time strategy computer games such as Warcraft, Dune (computer game) (Dune II and Emperor: Battle for Dune)
Historiography of the Far-East(Korea, Japan, China, Mongolia and Maritime Province of Russia) mainly :
My Korean Wikipage
[edit] Goguryeo a Korean kingdom ? The "Silk Road Philosophy"
My Silk Road Philosophy consists in finding analogy by comparing several civilization between them like the Chinese did. Following the opening of the Silk Road in the 2nd century BC, the Chinese liked to think of the Roman Empire as a civilized pendant to the Chinese Empire. The Romans occupied one extreme position on the trade route, with the Chinese located on the other, hence the "mirror" name.
Daqin (大秦) = Roman Empire
Tiaozi = Mesopotamia
Anxi (安溪) = Parthia, an advanced urban civilization
Daxia (大夏) = Bactria, an advanced urban civilization
Dayuan (大宛) = Fergana, an advanced urban civilization
Conclusion : According to me, Goguryeo and Balhae :
- could be really considered as :
- a Korean-Manchu kingdom for Goguryeo
- and the first Manchu kingdom for Balhae (Mohe/Balhae/振/진/Zhèn=>Jurchen/nǚzhēn/女眞/여진/Jīn/金=>Manchu/滿洲/後金 Hòu Jīn/Qing/清) but both of them belong to Korean History.
- were NOT a Chinese kingdom but belong to Manchuria's History, therefore i'm completely AGAINST Chinese North East Project (東北工程) policies concerning Goguryeo and Balhae.
[edit] Achievements
[edit] Barnstar
FireFox hereby award you this Minor Barnstar for all your brilliant minor edits!
From : FireFox 13:36, 2 October 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Template Boxes
Template:Altaic languages Template:Buyeo languages
Tour de cartes, tour de magie?
Un spectateur choisit une carte dans un jeu de 27 cartes. On distribue le jeu en 3 piles, cartes tournées vers le haut (figurines apparentes). On demande au spectateur de montrer la pile contenant la carte choisie. Les piles sont ensuite rassemblées (sans mélanger les cartes) et le jeu distribué une fois de plus en 3 piles (toujours figurines apparentes). A nouveau le spectateur indique la pile contenant la carte choisie. On répète la même opération une troisième et dernière fois. Le specteur peut rassembler lui-même à chaque fois les piles et dans un ordre quelconque. Le partage en 3 piles est effectué à chaque fois en tournant le jeu vers le bas, et les cartes distribuées en les tournant vers le haut. Le magicien est alors capable
- de donner la position exacte de la carte choisie à partir du dessus du paquet,
- d'amener la carte choisie dans une position imposée à l'avance par le spectateur. A vous d'être le magicien!
Remarques pour les encadrants. On peut ensuite faire varier le nombre de cartes...
Sources : SUJETS POUR MATH EN JEANS 2000-2001, proposés par Caroline JAPHET pour les lycées Camille Sée (Paris) et (Cluse, Haute Savoie) http://www.mjc-andre.org/pages/amej/labo/echos01/01japhet/01japhet.html
[edit] Userboxes
About me |
This user is of Korean ancestry. |
This user is a modern follower of the Hwarang's five commandments. |
This user's favourite subject is History.
This user plays Risk. |
This user really really likes a lot of red pepper. |
This user enjoys tofu. |
Wikipedian |
This user strives to maintain a policy of neutrality on controversial issues. |
5 |
This user page has been vandalized 5 times. |
There are no statements of belief or opinion on this page. I'm here as an encyclopedist. |
G |
This user uses Google as a primary search engine. |
This user uses Wikipedia as a primary point of reference. |
1,7K+ |
This user has over 1,700 edits. |
This user believes that a user's edit count does not necessarily reflect on the value of their contributions to Wikipedia. |
?  |
This user wants to become an administrator, but doesn't have the courage to nominate himself. |
? |
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This is not an encyclopedia article. If you find this page on any site other than Wikipedia, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated and that the user this page belongs to may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikipedia itself. The original page is located at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Whlee.