Talk:Al Bundy
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if al bundy were writing this article he would want it to start with the crowning achievement of his life. anybody who thinks otherwise has obviously never scored four touchdowns in a single game
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[edit] Übersexual
I'm no expert on Married w/Children or its characters, but can Al Bundy really be considered an Übersexual as the introductory paragraph of the article states? I'm inclined to say no; I think this is a sarcastic vandalism that was perhaps well-intentioned when it slipped though the cracks in this edit - Draeco 00:23, 20 April 2006 (UTC)
I don't have an account, but I do know that it is a somewhat prevalent theory that Al Bundy was a closet homosexual. He often said that Peg had turned him off of women, and never really flirted with other women unless Peg was around (thus, he probably did it to make her jealous)
[edit] Quotations
The sections on quotations and verbal exchanges appear to have taken on lives of their own. Anyone else think those sections need to be trimmed down? Joyous! | Talk 22:40, 10 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] When did the show start, when did it end?
can someone please give details about the show, just curious
[edit] Al Bundy -- Hard working??
"A prime example of an antihero, Bundy symbolizes the dissatisfying existence of an average low-paid working class American male; no matter the circumstances or however hard he tries, he never comes out on top."
Did this person actually see the show? Al is a slacker in every way at work. He's not the slightest bit intellectually curious. He's an all around loser. If anything this show is a facsimile of the mentality of the perpetually poor in a country that provides so many opportunities for advancement. Al and family laugh at Bud for being a "loser" who studies and does his homework. Peggy is even lazier with housework as Al is at the shoe store. Al is anything but average. He's a minimum wage earning loser who supports an entire family, somehow not losing his house (which is kept pretty clean considering no one does any housework). If Al had any ambition, intelligence, or even had better luck he wouldn't be the shoesalesman that he was.
I'm going to delete this entry -- Really ... this show was just a silly comedy. Al wasn't any hero. He was a loser who we all were supposed to laugh at. Many a time he screwed other people over when an opportunity arose for him to get his way. If anyone deserves that nagging shrew of a wife, those ungrateful kids, and that shitty job ... it's Al Bundy.
Y'know he is a hero in such that way. He may be defined as a "loser" to you, but he is an an American hero to many people because he represents the everyman: like so many Americans, he's a man with a crappy job he hates, a family that disrespects him, and nothing that goes right for him. At the end of "He Thought He Could", Al's speech gives a better insight on him and why he's a hero. Plus, it doesn't say up there he works hard; it says he tries hard.--UltimatePyro 06:25, 31 October 2006 (UTC)
Yes, Al Bundy is "every man", indeed. He's a guy who did try hard, but always knew things just wouldn't go his way. In one episode, he was playing poker and Jefferson was cheating on the deal. Al gave away something like a full house and ended up with four Aces. He gave them away because his life experience told him that any bit of good is just a harbinger of much bad. Finally, he won with the Aces, and girded himself up to pronounce, finally "I am a winner". No sooner had he said that then cops busted through the door to ask who owned all the exotic stolen cars in the driveway. Well, of course it was Al, who just moments before won them with those four Aces. And off he goes to jail. That's the story of Al's life. But he doesn't run amuck with a meat cleaver. He is a hero.
[edit] Since when he hates the French ?
"He hates fat women, his job, the prospect of having sex with his wife, his feminist neighbor Marcy D'Arcy, and the French." I watch the eleven season, and never see that he hates French, like he hates his life or Marcy.
He may not hate the French as much as Marcy, but he definately hates the French. Here's a link to prove it: --UltimatePyro 21:15, 28 November 2006 (UTC)