Arthur Leopold Busch
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Arthur Leopold Busch (1866-1956) was a British-born American naval architect and marine engineer (born on March 5, 1866) responsible for the development of America's first submarines. He was the shipyard superintendent at Navy Lt. Lewis Nixon's Crescent Shipyard located in Elizabethport, New Jersey at the turn of the last century. This shipyard is where the United States Navy's first submarine(s) were built under the direct supervision of naval architect Arthur L. Busch - begining in the late fall of 1896. He worked in unison with the relentless Irish-American inventor [John Philip Holland] to design and build the first submarine craft accepted by the United States Navy, on April 11, 1900. This particular date (of 11 April) is known to our submarine community - otherwise known as the "silent service" - as "submarine day" here in the United States - and yet the Navy was initially reluctant and skeptical as to this (new) type of crafts potential usefulness as a deterrent to hostilities in defending American interests at the time. The Navy also "requested" some unnecessary modifications in the original design of this new type of weapon - which is one of the reasons that prolonged the crafts exceptence into the "mainstream" of naval procurement proceedures. Some of the changes "demanded" by others were later found to be completely unnecessary and hydrodynamically "unsuitable" for this type of navagation - as there were others who thought that they knew better when it came to implementimg [certain] changes in [the] design to this new invention - and that which it was about to do.
This pioneering craft that ultimately revolutionized naval warfare was originally laid down in December of 1896 as the "Holland VI" but was renamed the USS Holland on April 11, 1900. The boat eventually became known as the USS HOLLAND/SS-1 the United States Navy's first commissioned submarine. Mr. Holland (had) sub-contracted with Nixon's yard during this time as he was never "in a position" to obtain his own and (he) realized "the promise" that "this" could "finally" be achieved at this very shipyard - while under Busch's direction. He was right - as there was less "interference" and "distractions" for the [two] men to have to deal with at this innovative moment in "our" history. Holland's company was then known as The Holland Torpedo Boat Company - the forunner and precursor to the American Defense Contractor now known as The Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics Corporation. It was John P. Holland's company that was founded in 1899 as The Electric Boat Company and is the cornerstone of this very company still doing business as a defense contractor for the United States government today. Electric Boat is the founding unit of General Dynamics and is this company's parent, "officially" since 7 Feburary 1899... and yet the company still referred to itself by its former name [that remainedthe same] until about 1904.
Mr. Busch was also responsible for the development - and participated in the design of a myriad of ship classes for the United States Navy and "our allies" to include: Battleships, Crusiers, Destroyers, Gunboats, and Several other types of naval vessels for the United States Navy, both experimental, and those ordered by the American government since (before) the Spanish-American conflict of 1898. Busch went on to develope the proto-type for the A-Class/ADDER-Class submarines. This submarine was named the FULTON but was never commissioned by the United States - as it had its fair share technical nuances once launched. Once launched, the craft encountered numorous difficulties for several underlying reasons in which the Navy learned some very important lessons. Nevertheless, Holland and Busch used the design of the FULTON as a template for the development of the ADDER Class boats built at Nixon's between 1900-1903 while under Mr. Busch's direct supervision and watchful sight - as he oversaw these pioneering underwater vessels while under construction at the New Jersey shipyard where this all took place.[*Little is known about these events as compared to the coverage recieved at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on 17 December 1903]. These submarines - and the original USS HOLLAND/SS-1 thus began the commencment of America's first fleet of submarines by the year 1904. Ironically, the FULTON was sold to the Russians in a somewhat controversial transaction during their war with Japan by The Electric Boat Company's new majority leadership in early 1905. America was "neutral" at the time and was "unaware" of the actions taking place while under this new group of leaders led principly by attourneys Isaac L. Rice, Elihu B. Frost, and other top shareholders of this new enterprize that now included financiers such as August Belmont, Albert Vickers, and interests [now] being held by The Rothschilds.
Busch was sent to the naval arsenal at Yokosuka, Japan during the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905 to build the Imperial Japanese Navies first submarines during this time period while working as a representive of the recently renamed Electric Boat Company. Remarkably, he returned from this long exhaustive mission to Japan in about a year's time - yet (he) ironically found himself working for others and not those he [had] assumed - as his former company (now known as Electric Boat) failed to acknowledge his pioneering role as one of their own during their (somewhat) controversial foundation. Those who arrived at this company "afterwords" had a tendency to remain reticent to the chain of events that actually transpired during the founding of this particular organization in a (sort-of) conspiracy of silence instigated by those now controling the company. This is why Busch was never respectfully acknowledged or properly credited for (any of) his intregal contributions that he made to The Electric Boat Company since the company's very foundations... contributions that ultimately led to the success of this particular enterprize - as is "now" known. "It" also led to the success of America's first fleet of submarines. Busch's work was without question overlooked here in America. And yet it is almost as if Busch never even had existed at this company at all... but he was there for the first "nine years" of this company's heritage... starting at The Crescent Shipyard located in Elizabeth, New Jersey - working for Holland's company while under the same name - known at the time as Holland Torpedo Boat Company - and then finially, working under 1st President, Isaac L. Rice, and his newly reformed Electric Boat Company while Busch was sent [on this hazardous mission] to Japan on behalf of the newly reorganized Electric Boat Company and those who were now "calling the shots". He went there to reassemble the five submarines that he originally built back in 1904 at The Fore River Ship and Engine Company located in Quincy, Massachusetts.
Electric Boat [has] somehow failed to recognize this vital role "within" their company - while Busch carried out these tremendous pioneering feats for them - as others essentially took credit for what he did during that improbable time in an age of "carnivorous capitalism"... as judges seemed to look the other way and politicians were prone to corruption. This [set of events] is also something that can be verified and confirmed as accurate and correct - thus absolutely crucial to the "legend" that led to the very foundations of this now 100 year old company. Mr. Holland was also led astray in a similar manner as this company was being formed during their unfaltering effort to convince the Navy and the government to purchase these new weaponsproducts for the very first time in history. Holland's pioneering submarine - the USS HOLLAND/SS-1 was also [somehow] scrapped insted of being preserved at the Smithsonian or elsewhere - thus American's have lost a part of our history and who we really are. Yet that's not all "we" lost. The company's records evidently do not reflect on the actual events that transpired during this important moment in their heritage and [it's likely that] there are those who would rather forget these events for obvious reasons. Fundamental records relating to Busch's involvement [at this company] also appear to have been scrapped - much like with what happened to America's first submarine... the USS HOLLAND/SS-1.
The character and creditability of those individuals who ovenran Holland's company (to form the new one) could (still) easily be placed in question... including The Electric Boat Company's first President, Isaac Leopold Rice; Elihu B. Frost - the company's CFO, and others who included Frank Taylor Cable and Lawrence York Spear. Three of the above mentioned individuals have actually had U. S. Naval ships named after them in their honor, albeit, without some degree of irony. Some of these ships are still in active service as of March 5th, 2007. The Navy has "privately" acknowledged that "that" may have been a "mistake" and that Mr. Busch would [certainly] be a legitimate candidate for a future warship named in his honor for all that he accomplished here in America's defense - while respecting these acheivements and setting these records straight in what is the best interests of the United States and that it is which we are standing for.
Further insight and research will certainly uncover more additional and controversial aspects surrounding these "illusive" events that had transpired within this company and (what it was) that took place while Busch was present - as the company is well known to have been steeped in scandals since its inception. The men mentioned above lacked this integrity that the company supposedly had "claimed to have" while not always "delivering what it promises". This information that has "recently" resurfaced will confirm what is now known about Busch and shed a little "unbiased" light on the subject in question without trying to be "offensive" to those this may somehow be - in this "Politically Corrected" day and age where there are those in the "so" called "left-winged" media [and elsewhere] who will play "second-fiddle" to integrity and what is known to be true in the most biased way. Mr. Busch's honor is long overdue and he deserves this right to have these records set straight. God Bless America.
Some 35 years later, Busch came out of retirement at the age of seventy and went to work as a shipbuilding consultant for large corporations such as Bethleham Steel [among others] during World War II - as he worked at some of the largest shipyards in the world for the greater majority of his life, leaving integrity in place of [overlooked] recognition that he really never had the time for - or even a sense of justice for that matter - as he was a humble, unassuming and modest individual (from the U.K.) yet extremely proficient in his field - while others were certainly less appreciative of these credentials and his true contributions to naval engineering - and [to] some of the companies that had employed his services back in the day. These are the people and companies who have resorted to very poor memories in the most convienient and disrespectful way... indifferent to our overall values and these American principles that must be held in higher regards
He was a draftsman-in-charge at the famous [Harland & Wolff shipyards] in Belfast, Ireland between the years 1888-1892. Harland & Wolff is where the HMS TITANIC was built in the early 1900's among several other noteworthy vessels of these (same) type of magnatudes and dimentions. In a letter dated 24 June 1909 - the true [and legitimate] founder of Electric Boat, John Philip Holland, respectfully acknowledged in his letter of recommendation to other shipbuilding magnates: "I can truly say that I have never met a more competent man (than Busch). He is an expert naval architect and shipbuilder... he is a man of the strictest integrity - a hustler and born manager of men"... and yet his true position at Electric Boat somehow remained obscured and in doubt... much like with [what happened to] Holland in a dubious kind of way. Busch lived to the age of ninety and spent nearly 90% of his life immersed in the design and development of many kinds of ships and submarines - both commercial and for defense and for our allies alike.
Although Busch played a very significant role in the development and success of America's first submarines, it was still the dream and genious of a great Irish-American [inventor] known today as "The Father of the Modern Submarine", John Philip Holland. After all, it was his idea, his invention and his persistent optimism that such a craft could indeed be built, while most just ridiculed the poor man - as they took advantage him. Holland was a brave, honest, and trusting man who wasn't afraid to take chances or admit that he was assisted in his endeavors to a great extent by the man who became his best friend till the end - while setting their "certain beliefs" behind them which was considered "outside the box" at the time - and yet they were ahead of their time in a loyal, patriotic type of way. Holland had basically stated that he couldn't have "done it" without the great contributions of the naval architect from Middlesborough, England - who also took these same chances. Anybody with any common sense could simply realize that the truth is not "always going to be" Politically Correct - and so it will be offensive to those who are.
[edit] References
- "Who Built Those Subs?", by John P. Holland's primary biographer and submarine historian, Richard Knowles Morris, PhD; published by the United States Naval Institute Press in Naval History Magazine - October 1998 (125th Anniversary) issue. Annapolis, MD.
- "John P. Holland, 1841-1914 - Inventor of the Modern Submarine", published by the University of South Carolina Press, 1998 - revised edition, originally published in 1966 under the same title and author as above.
- "The Submarine Pioneers", by Cdr. Richard Compton-Hall MBE RN, by Sutton Publishing LTD. U.K. 1999.
- "The First Submarines", published by Periscope Publishing LTD. United Kingdom, Written by Cdr. Richard Compton-Hall MBE RN 1999.
- "The Defender", The Story of General Dynamics, published by Harper-Collins 1986. Written by former Business Week reporter Roger Franklin. Good source for information on John Philip Holland's original Holland Torpedo Boat Company and other early events concerning this organization.
- "International Directory of Company Histories", under General Dynamics Corporation. St. James Press/The Gale Group Volume 40 page 204. Edited by Jay P. Pederson. Articles covering the events leading to to rise of this particular defense conglomerate and other relevant facts leading up to the present day. Updated 2001.
- "The Klaxon", official newsletter of the Nautilus Memorial Submarine Force Library and Museum, summer issue 1992. Groton, Ct.
- The New York Times, Sunday, March 11th, 1956 obituary section. Arthur L. Du Busc dies; Builder of First Craft Accepted by the United States.
[edit] External Links
- Biography on Updated and revised by Gary W. McCue, naval architect and submarine historian.
- Official US Navy Web page — U. S. Submarine Pioneers Chief of Naval Operations Submarine Warfare Division (N77)