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The As-Sahab Foundation for Islamic Media Publication (Arabic: السحاب) (meaning "The Cloud" in Arabic and sometimes written "Assahab") is the media production house of Al-Qaeda, used as propaganda for the organization.
The organization uses modern technology to produce its video statements to the world. Earlier productions were above amateur level and created using semi-professional hardware and possibly entry level professional software with a median level of expertise. However, the overall production level was well below what is considered the professional broadcast standard in Western countries. In addition to being released in Arabic, some published videos come with English or other language subtitles.
More recently, the release of the "5 years after tribute" The Manhattan Raid demonstrated a standard comparing favorably with the production quality obtained by major networks (such as CNN) some 10 years ago. Video and audio are (depending on the source material, much of which is decades old) usually crisp, and subtitles are by and large free of grammatical and spelling errors and sometimes explain Islam-specific concepts. It is unknown whether this indicates a general increase in capability or a tapping of additional resources to produce what seems to be a kind of "special release" video.