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Axver, known to some as André (b. January 1987), is a Wikipedian who thinks it is mildly humorous or at least somewhat amusing on a personal level to write his user page as if it were a proper Wikipedia article.
Axver's activity level on Wikipedia is currently relatively low due to his personal life becoming quite busy. However, he has quite a passion for writing about trains and is still regularly checking Wikipedia. He is also currently working on User:Axver/NZRMoS, a manual of style for articles on rail transport in New Zealand. Constructive comments and feedback are welcome.
[edit] Brief history
Not much is known of Axver's personal history as he is not in the public spotlight. He grew up in Raumati Beach, New Zealand, and spent much of his youth "playing trains" at Raumati Marine Gardens because he was cool like that. He recently moved from Brisbane, Australia, a place he better knew by the name "Hell" due both to its heat and lack of culture, to the lovely city of Melbourne, home to an awesome tram network. His passionate support of the All Blacks, Black Caps, Wellington Hurricanes, and other New Zealand sporting teams is well-known to family and friends.
[edit] Interests
Axver grew up a keen railfan, especially of the New Zealand national rail network. Appalled by the poor coverage of New Zealand's railways, Axver has taken it upon himself to greatly expand Wikipedia's coverage. His ultimate goal is to write articles on every single railway line and locomotive class to have existed in New Zealand that does not yet have an article. He firmly believes in the importance of this as a historical record, as the railways were critical to the initial development of New Zealand and remain an important part of the nation's infrastructure.
Axver also enjoys model railways and when time, money, and space permit, he aims to build one, probably in HO scale but possibly in NZ120 instead to save space. His current ambition is to build a layout based on a New Zealand prototype, based in the Wairarapa and including fictitious branches to enhance the operation potential.
Axver is quite fond of music, especially the rock band U2, progressive rock bands such as Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree, and Pure Reason Revolution, death metal bands like Opeth and Orphaned Land, and Dunedin Sound groups including The Chills, Straitjacket Fits, and Able Tasmans. He possesses an encyclopaedic memory of U2's setlists and has sought to enhance Wikipedia's depth of information about individual U2 songs.
Axver has coined the term "generork" (geek - nerd - dork) to refer to himself. He is easily fascinated by just about anything academic, especially historical, political, and theological topics. He enjoys debating, devours any book he can find, and loves British comedy, especially Fawlty Towers, Monty Python, and Blackadder. He believes that the scene in the Fawlty Towers episode Gourmet Night where Basil Fawlty bashes his car with a tree branch is the best comedic scene ever made for television or film.
[edit] Articles
Axver's Wikipedia contributions mainly relate to coverage of New Zealand's railway heritage. Below is a list of the articles he has created, followed by articles to which he has made a significant contribution.
[edit] Railway lines by region
[edit] Northland
Dargaville Branch, Donnelly's Crossing Section, Kumeu-Riverhead Section, North Auckland Line, Okaihau Branch, Onerahi Branch, Opua Branch
[edit] Manawatu and Central North Island
Foxton Branch, Sanson Tramway, Raetihi Branch, Taonui Branch
[edit] Wellington/Wairarapa
Melling Branch, Te Aro Extension
[edit] General South Island
Main North Line, Main South Line, Stillwater - Westport Line
[edit] Westland
Blackball Branch, Rapahoe Branch, Ross Branch
[edit] Canterbury
Eyreton Branch, Fairlie Branch, Little River Branch, Methven Branch, Oxford Branch (New Zealand), Mount Somers Branch, Southbridge Branch, Waiau Branch, Waimate Branch, Whitecliffs Branch
[edit] Otago
Catlins River Branch, Dunback and Makareao Branches Fernhill Branch, Kaitangata Line, Kurow Branch, Moeraki Branch, Ngapara and Tokarahi Branches, Outram Branch, Port Chalmers Branch, Roxburgh Branch, Shag Point Branch, Tapanui Branch, Walton Park Branch
[edit] Southland
Bluff Branch, Hedgehope Branch, Kingston Branch (New Zealand), Mossburn Branch, Tokanui Branch, Tuatapere Branch, Waikaia Branch, Waikaka Branch, Waimea Plains Railway, Wairio Branch, Wyndham Branch
[edit] Significant proposals
[edit] Locomotive classes of New Zealand
[edit] Battery-electric engines
NZR E class (1922), NZR EB class
[edit] Diesel-electric engines
NZR DA class, NZR DB class, NZR DF class (1954), NZR DF class (1979)
[edit] Railcars
NZR A 88 Buckhurst petrol carriage, NZR RM class, NZR RM class (Clayton), NZR RM class (Edison battery-electric), NZR RM class (Leyland diesel), NZR RM class (Leyland petrol), NZR RM class (MacEwan-Pratt), NZR RM class (Model T Ford), NZR RM class (Sentinel-Cammell), NZR RM class (Standard), NZR RM class (Vulcan)
[edit] Steam engines
NZR A class (1873), NZR A class (1906), NZR Aa class NZR Ab class, NZR B class (1874), NZR B class (1899), NZR Ba class, NZR Bb class, NZR Bc class, NZR C class (1873), NZR C class (1930), NZR D class (1874), NZR E class (1872), NZR E class (1906), NZR F class, NZR J class (1874), NZR K class (1877), NZR K class (1932), NZR N class, NZR Na class, NZR Nc class, NZR O class, NZR Oa class, NZR Ob class, NZR Oc class, NZR P class (1876), NZR P class (1885), NZR Q class (1901), NZR T class, NZR Wb class, NZR Wd class, NZR X class
[edit] Preservation societies
Feilding and District Steam Rail Society, Goldfields Railway, Ocean Beach Railway, Pahiatua Railcar Society, Plains Vintage Railway, Pleasant Point Museum and Railway, Project Steam, Silver Stream Railway, Steam Incorporated, SteamRail Wanganui, Wellington and Manawatu Railway Trust
[edit] Express trains
Bay Express, Culverden Express, Daylight Limited, Geyserland Express, Kaimai Express, Kingston Flyer (train), Napier Express, New Plymouth Express, New Plymouth Night Express, Night Limited, Northland Express, Picton Express, Rotorua Express, Scenic Daylight, Silver Star (train), Southerner (train), South Island Limited, Taneatua Express, Taranaki Flyer, Waikato Connection, Wairarapa Mail
[edit] Other articles
[edit] Music related
[edit] Transport related
A. L. Beattie, Clayton Equipment Company, Little River Rail Trail, Paraparaumu Airport
[edit] Towns and geographic features in New Zealand
Abut Head, Akatarawa Valley, Albury, New Zealand, Aotea Lagoon, Awakeri, Balfour, New Zealand, Birchwood, New Zealand, Browns, New Zealand, Cass, New Zealand, Charwell River Clarksville, New Zealand, Cloustonville, Coalgate, New Zealand, Crooked River, New Zealand, Culverden, Duntroon, New Zealand, Edendale, New Zealand, Eyreton, Frankton, Waikato, Gladstone, New Zealand, Glencoe, New Zealand, Glentunnel, Greendale, New Zealand, Grove Bush, Hakataramea, Harihari, Harper River, Hawarden, New Zealand, Hedgehope, New Zealand (in association with Hedgehope), Hinatua River, Hundalee, Inchbonnie, Kaiwharawhara, Kaiwharawhara Stream, Kennington, New Zealand, Kirwee, Korimako Stream, Lake Ianthe, Lake Lyndon, Lake Mahinapua, Lake Poerua, Leader River, Longbush, Longbush, Southland, Longbush, Wairarapa, Maerewhenua River, Mangatainoka River, Maungakotukutuku, Maungakotukutuku Stream, Medbury, Moeraki, Mokau, Mossburn, Mount Adams, New Zealand, Mount Lyndon, Mount Somers, Myross Bush, Ngahere, Ngapara, Ngatiawa River, Nightcaps, Okaihau, Oparara River, Otaihanga, Parnassus, New Zealand, Paroa, Pauatahanui, Peka Peka, Pekatahi, Perth River, Pleasant Point, Poerua River, Porters Pass, New Zealand, Ponatahi, Pukekura, Pukeuri, Rakahouka, Rangiahua, Raumati Marine Gardens, Reikorangi, Reikorangi Stream, Riverhead, New Zealand, Roslyn Bush, Rotherham, New Zealand, Ruatapu, New Zealand, Saltwater Lagoon, Sanson, New Zealand, Sheffield and Waddington, New Zealand, Springhills, Stillwater, New Zealand (and subsequently Stillwater, Auckland and Stillwater, West Coast), Tahora, Taneatua, Tauweru, Tauweru River, Te Horo, Te Kuha, Te Teko, Te Tipua, Te Whiti, New Zealand, Tokarahi, Tophouse, Waikari, Waitahuna, Waitane, Weka Park, Weka Pass, West Eyreton, Wharanui, Whataroa, Whataroa River, Wharemauku Stream, Whitecliffs, Wilberforce River, Winscombe, New Zealand, Woodlands, New Zealand
[edit] Significant expansions
Branch line, Desire (song), Endeavour (train), Hutt Valley Line, Kingston Flyer, Locomotives of New Zealand, NZR RM class (Wairarapa), Paraparaumu Line, South Island Main Trunk Railway
Axver would also consider his contributions to 4-6-2 and 4-8-2 to be significant, especially the latter, as it previously claimed the 4-8-2 wheel arrangement was invented in the United States when it really originated in New Zealand some three years earlier.
[edit] Templates
Axver created the {{NZR Heritage}} and {{NZR Lines}} and {{NZR Passenger}} templates and greatly expanded {{NZR Locomotives}}.
[edit] Prior work
As, Axver performed a significant number of edits on pages about U2 songs, mainly adding setlist data. At an even earlier date, Axver made his first Wikipedia contribution as when he added the "U-2 in popular culture" section to the Lockheed U-2 article.
[edit] Deletion
Contrary to popular belief, Axver does not merely create an absurd number of articles on very generorky railway topics and thoroughly tiny, overlooked, insignificant towns. He also got an article about the fictitious village "Greendale, Kapiti" deleted. However, while Axver hopes to make many more articles on places and railway-related topics that have been overlooked, he does not hope to find any more articles to nominate for deletion. He tends to be an inclusionist and is often hesitant in casting a vote for deletion.
[edit] Axver's To-Do List
Axver seeks to accomplish a lot on Wikipedia and to help guide his work and establish a clear direction, he has created a to-do list of articles he wishes to write, or in a few cases, significantly expand.
[edit] Railway lines
[edit] General North Island
Significantly expand North Island Main Trunk Railway and Wellington and Manawatu Railway
[edit] Auckland/Waikato
Cambridge Branch, Glen Afton Branch, Glen Massey Branch, Waiuku and Mission Bush Branches, significantly expand Onehunga Branch
[edit] Bay Of Plenty
Kinleith Branch, Mount Maunganui Branch, Murupara Branch, Rotorua Branch, Taneatua Branch, Thames Branch, significantly expand East Coast Main Trunk Railway
[edit] Taranaki/Wanganui/King Country
Castlecliff and Wanganui Branches, Marton - New Plymouth Line, Mount Egmont Branch, Opunake Branch, Waitara Branch, significantly expand Stratford - Okahukura Line
[edit] Hawkes Bay/Gisborne
Ahuriri Branch, Moutohora Branch, Ngatapa Branch, Palmerston North - Gisborne Line
[edit] Wellington/Wairarapa
Greytown Branch, Hutt Park Railway, Melling Branch, significantly expand Hutt Valley Line, Johnsonville Branch, and Wairarapa Line
[edit] General South Island
Significantly expand Midland Line.
[edit] Nelson
Dun Mountain Railway, Nelson Section
[edit] Westland
Cape Foulwind Railway, Conns Creek Branch, Rewanui Branch, Seddonville Branch
[edit] Canterbury
Lyttelton Branch
[edit] Otago
Ocean Beach Branch, significantly expand Otago Central Railway
[edit] Locomotive classes
Every class without an article on this list.
[edit] Long distance passenger trains
I would ultimately like to have articles on all the express/limited passenger trains that operated in New Zealand, and the NZR Passenger template is currently incomplete. I don't have a full list of long distance passenger services, but this is my list of ones I do know that don't have articles.
- Fairlie Flyer (Sufficiently notable? Need a better source.)
- Gisborne Express
- Otago Central passenger train (Although there was no specific express, I believe the passenger service is sufficiently notable for an article.)
- South Express
- West Coast Express (train)
- Perhaps also an article on the NIMT expresses pre-Daylight and Night Limited? Or an overview of all NIMT passenger trains? Might be better suited to the NIMT article itself.
This list used to be much longer, and I feel rather satisfied that I have managed to dig up enough information to make articles on many of the historic trains. And yes, I know this section should be in third person, but I find writing in third person about myself to be so unnatural and I was only doing it as a bit of a joke for this page, so it isn't a shock that I slipped back into first person at some point and I can't be bothered to change the wording of this section.
[edit] Finally, a complaint
Axver has only one real complaint about Wikipedia, and it is that the name is not "Wikipaedia"!