Bash (Weeds episode)
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“Bash” | |
Weeds episode | |
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Episode no. | Season 2 Episode 9 |
Guest stars | See article |
Written by | Rinne Groff |
Directed by | Christopher Misiano |
Production no. | 209 |
Original airdate | October 9, 2006 (Showtime) |
Season 2 episodes | |
List of Weeds episodes |
"Bash" is the 19th episode of the Showtime series Weeds. It is the 9th episode of the second season and aired on October 9, 2006. The opening theme "Little Boxes" was performed by Tim DeLaughter of the The Polyphonic Spree for this episode.
[edit] Plot
Peter sits outside of Heylia's house with a partner, and over 10 other DEA agents. He calls the raid over his radio saying "Let's do it." The agents ascend on the residence and break down the front door yelling "Get on the floor. Nobody fucking move. Nobody move." Upon entry to the living room, seven gun-wielding agents are met with 6 men and six women in white burkas worshiping Allah in a ceremony led by Joseph. Peter asks "What the hell is going on?" Joseph calmly explains to Peter that the persons present in the house are worshipping in their Muslim faith, and that the raid by DEA agents is inappropriate. Peter asks for Heylia James, who immediately stands up as one of the parishioners in the worship ceremony. She is dressed in a white burka, and says nothing. Joseph explains that in his religion, women are not addressed directly and asks Peter to refrain from such a practice. Peter instructs his fellow agents to "search the place." One of the agents mocks Peter by saying "Nice bust, Scottson."
After the raid, Peter appears at Nancy's house and confronts her asking whether she told Heylia of the raid in advance, or had Conrad do it. Peter is infuriated, and explains that in order to "keep the heat off of" Nancy, he has to "put it on someone else." Nancy argues that she gave him the Armenians. Peter yells that he gave her the Armenians. The conversation comes to a stand still, and Peter exclaims that something has to be done because their arrangement isn't working. He explains that one of them "has to quit her job." Nancy asks "Why me?" Peter suggests that "drug dealer is not a career." Nancy demands to know why she makes more money than him. Peter expresses his intent to marry Nancy "for real." They are going to have to get married officially if the agreement is to remain operable. He wants her to officially file the marriage certificate, tell her kids, and be his wife. Peter shows his disdain for what Nancy has done, and Nancy suggests that he leave her house. Peter asks her to "have a nice fucking day." As Peter marches back to his car and speeds off, Shane sees for the first time, that he is wearing a DEA uniform jacket.
Back as Heylia's, Joseph expresses that "the enemy of my enemy, is my friend" after Heylia thanks him for his help. He then tells Heylia that it is a shame she isn't fully converting, because she looks great in white. Heylia explains that there are too many rules, and that it wouldn't work out for her. She uses the word "ain't", and Joseph becomes upset explaining to her that it is a "slave word." Heylia states that she "ain't no slave so [she] can says what [she] wants." After Joseph leaves, Vaneeta ridicules what an informative pamphlet left by Joseph states as his beliefs. Heylia is saddened.
Back at the grow house, Conrad has a safe installed under the center "island" cabinets of the kitchen. Conrad tells Nancy that the safe is to hold only "ready product for sale," no personal items or cash. He then asks that Nancy keep the safe a secret, and suggests that only he and she are to know the combination. Nancy suggests that the combination be set to "6,2,6,2,9". Conrad asks what the significance of that number sequence is. Nancy responds that it spells "Nancy" if spelled on a telephone. Conrad expresses his disappointment in Nancy's selection of numbers, and tells her not to pick a birthday either.
At school, Gretchen approaches Shane, and asks if he likes her. Shane is tongue-tied, but stammers "yes." She asks if he wants her as his girlfriend. He again mutters "yes." She explains that she won't kiss him until she has her braces taken off, and that may be a year from now. Shane mutters "OK." Later, at home, Shane exclaims to Andy and Nancy that he "totally [kicks] ass." Nancy asks what kicking ass entails. Shane explains that he has obtained his first girlfriend, but that's not all. The whole class voted, and he's going to be the class speaker for his graduation. Nancy and Andy congratulate Shane. After he's left, Nancy expresses fear that he'll be laughed at. Andy assures her that by speaking against Celia, and supporting his opinions on drugs, the Class has accepted him. Nancy informs Andy that Shane doesn't know what she does for a living. Andy responds "keep clinging to that raft."
Celia views Isabelle's new Huskeroos Commercial for the first time. After it has ended, Dean races in and asks how she liked it. Celia responds "At least they got her hair right. If this goes national, how much money are we talking? A new dishwasher? A new House?" Doug begins to explain that "It's Isabelle's money. It's law in California clearly states..." Celia impatiently agrees and suggests that they throw a little of the money into a college fund for Isabelle, and then use the remainder of the money for themselves. Dean explains that all money will have to be taxed, and that Doug will have to be paid, and that his management fee will need to be paid. Celia, still reluctant has no other choice than to agree, but asks that Doug "loan" her a few thousand dollars. Doug asks "What for?" Celia explains that she needs a new wardrobe because after her "cancer purge," she's "in the public eye" and has "nothing to wear." Dean scolds Celia for attempting to take "Isabelle's hard earned money and blowing it on 'glad rags'" for her "star-turn on Agrestic access TV. Celia argues that Dean was able to afford a motorcycle. Dean responds that he will "think about it," and then tells her "NO."
At Celia's city council meeting, Celia announces a vote on a motion by Agrestic Resident Walter Stringer to request a variance from zoning regulation 11.6 to build what he presents as a "front yard setback." Doug yells out "Try 11.2." He explains that the proper regulation Walter is trying to sneak around is regulation 11.2, and that the he's not building a family room, but a giant garage for his boat instead. "No family room has concrete floors and a door that is operated by remote." Doug continues. Doug then urges Celia to look over the plans. Walter yells at Doug exclaiming "you're not in charge here any more." Celia calls the council to order with her gavel, and then calls a vote. She is the only city council member who votes for the motion. The motion is denied. Walter yells "Fuck you, Wilson!" Doug yells back "Go play with your dingy." Celia asks that the lights be turned down. Doug explains that the lights are needed for the public access television cameras to record the meeting in decent quality. Celia becomes infuriated, and informs everyone that she doesn't need them to like her. Doug calls a vote: "All those who don't like Celia, say 'aye'." The crowd unanimously says "aye." Doug explains that the public has spoken. After the council meeting, Doug approaches Celia at her car. Celia attacks Doug, hitting him with her purse and fists. She begins to yell out "They hate me. They fucking hate me." She then laments over whether she should have run for the job at all. She expresses that all she wanted was a light at the intersection she had her wreck. Doug explains that he would have granted her motion to install the light, but that Celia was being a "know-it-all, bitch face" and that he "couldn't resist fucking with [her]." He then explains that she took from him the only aspect of his life that he loved. Then Doug suggests that Celia bring Vodka to the meetings to lighten the mood.
Back at her house, Nancy plays video games while discussing the possibility of holding festivities in honor of her late ex-husband Judah. Silas wishes to have a party of sorts, and Andy agrees. Nancy wishes to do something, but keep the festivities small. They agree to "do something, but not the full on, all day celebration." Silas protests, so Andy comes up with a compromise. "Let's just keep it to what Judah loved" Andy explains. He begins to list his dead brother's favorite things: Chicken parmesan, Willy Wonka ("The original, not the lame Johnny Depp piece of shit."), Pinata, and lap dance. Nancy asks Andy to buy all the necessary provisions for "Judah-Fest." Andy agrees to do it, but demands to be compensated for his time. Nancy Sighs "So that's how it's going to be." Andy then explains that he will soon no longer be indebted to Nancy. Nancy then explains to Andy that he can help out with "the big harvest in a couple of weeks," and that she will put him on the payroll. Andy accepts her offer, and goes to the store with Silas and Shane.
At Doug's office, Celia and Doug enjoy Vodka and lemon martinis while discussing who is doing what within the city of Agrestic. Doug tells Celia about people abusing public funds, extorting the city, and then mentions a vacation to Hawaii he took with his wife. First they discuss Elane Robert's brother who owns "Green Grass Landscaping". When Elane was elected into office, she awarded the city contract to maintain all parks and medians to him. Doug explains that the brother overcharges like Halliburton. They then discuss Tom Vander who owns all of the town's school buses. Doug tells Celia that Tom bought all of the buses from the town, and now rents them back for double what he paid. Doug then discusses his last vacation to Hawaii. After the conversation ends, Celia and Doug discuss whether to leave the office together, or leave separately. Celia asks "Should we go out together?" Doug replies "Huh?" Then they look into each others eyes, and passionately kiss one another. Doug tells Celia that he has condoms in his desk. Celia asks if he has herpes, warts, or anything along those lines. Doug answers "I'm clean. You?" Celia reveals that she has had her tubes tied, and exclaims "Fuck the condoms." Celia then lies down on Doug's desk, and they have sex. Half way through having sex, Doug asks whether the whole thing is a setup to gain control of Isabelle's money. Celia asks if it is Doug's way of getting back at Dean. They each disregard their concerns, and continue to fornicate.
During "Judah-Fest", Nancy, Shane, Andy, Silas, and Lupita watch Willy Wonka, and eat chicken parmesan. The doorbell rings, it's Peter. He wants to talk, and promises not to yell. Nancy refuses to let him in, and expresses that it is a bad time. Shane calls for Nancy. Nancy explains that she is having a birthday celebration, and then closes the door. Inside, she explains to Silas and Shane that she needs to help Peter out with something, and asks that they give her a minute to do so. Silas protests. Shane lets the cat out of thew bag to Silas and Andy that he is a DEA agent. Andy and Silas can't believe it. Shane explains that he saw Peter wearing a DEA uniform jacket when he was getting into his car, and that he "looked really mad." Shane then asks if Peter is Nancy's boyfriend. When Nancy goes back into the house, she finds Lupita alone, eating chicken Parmesan. Nancy asks what happened. Lupita explains that Shane told Silas that Peter is in the DEA, and Silas told Shane that Peter is Nancy's boyfriend, and that Nancy doesn't care about Judah any more. Shane then smashed the cake, and Silas went outside to "Fuck up the stucco with his basketball." "Andy went upstairs to get 'nortched'" Lupita says that she eats "from stress." Upset, Nancy goes outside to talk with Silas. Silas expresses his opinion of the danger Nancy is putting herself in by dating a DEA agent. Nancy assures Silas that it is a "business arrangement." Silas argues that Peter will inevitably dump Nancy, and then arrest her. Nancy explains that she and Peter are married. Nancy then explains that she still loves Judah. Silas only becomes more angry, and leaves. Angry herself, Nancy beats up the pinata with a baseball bat.
[edit] Guest Stars
- Ron Canada as Joseph
- Allie Grant as Isabelle Hodes
- Indigo (actress) as Vaneeta
- Christopher Allen Nelson as Mattias
- Eden Sher as Gretchen
- Renee Victor as Lupita
- Andy Milder as Dean Hodes
- Martin Donovan as Peter (Special Guest Star)
[edit] Trivia
- The safe installed in the grow house has 3 inch thick walls, a 5 inch thick door, and has "6 sided protection against concentrated attacks with mechanical and electrical tools." The combination has 5 numbers which are set in a left, right, left, right, left sequence, each number has full turns in between, and after the correct combinations have been entered, the safe will "click", and then open."
- The Huskeroos commercial's dialogue consists of "Huskeroo, Huskeroo. You are beautiful in all the things you do. And your brand is Huskeroo. Huskeroo lets you be you, Huskeroo lets you be you!" At the end of the commercial Isabelle's says "They're just roomier!"
- Doug suggests that Celia bring Grey Goose vodka to the next city council meeting.
- When vacationing in Hawaii, Doug stays at the Four Seasons Hotel in Maui. His wife likes the $14 each Macadamia nut pancakes there.
- Provisions for Judah's birthday include Almond Joy, Fruity Dyno-bites, Mountain Dew, a piñata, and chicken parmesan among other things.
- Almond Joys fill the piñata selected to celebrate Judah's birthday.
- At the end of the episode, the Almond Joy "Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut" jingle plays. Other music from in this episode includes "Day On You" by Tom Verlaine.